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You Did Wrong De


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this is a topic is a message specialy for devs team, and for the comunity in second hand.


I considere the hard work you got to make this event, thank you so much BUT you did many mistakes:


1 - THE ANNOUCEMENT : Announce the amount of kills to get Snipetron Vandal pushed players to get the minimum and stop playing. if you check the historic of Region Chat, you will find many lazy or "carefree" guys who came for asking what the minimum kills they must do for getting the reward. As you can see, we was close to lose if you didnt help us a bit ; ) 

dont use useless words "busy" "less time" cause you come for more than 1h on 3 days so you can do more..


2 - THE TIMEZONE :  it was a surprise for all. for me it was 12am, for others 4am. you think people should wake up at 4am to play the event from begining ? we was unfairly advanced by people who were there earlier and who didnt have night yet. i understand you live on Canada/USA, but most players if i m not wrong are European/African/Asian. take care of us please : )

its specialy for people who can play friday and not during the week end and of course for hardcore gamers too...


3 - THE REWARD : Reward those who killed 20 like those who killed +1000. i will not speak about the amount so much he is ridiculous (20), must be something like 100 or 200 (and they had 3 days for that..). it would be nice if you gave for "lazy" killers only the snipetron bp, for 100-500 the snipetron (+slot) and for 1k and more snipetron with catalyst (+ regular bp). and for me every member with +1k kills should be rewarded even if the event succeeded or not, cause its a really hard work, spending time and energy for a carefree community. 


4 - CONTRADCTIONS : you want to rank the clans too ? no problem! but why you encourage SOLO game? it was imbalanced cause you find the same amount of drones to share for all team!! Its insense!! and you push players to play SOLO for two reason:
    - think about the clan: get more kills to raise the clan rank
    - think about myself: get more kills to be on top 100 and win THE "mod". then you push players to "STEAL" kills and having problems with others who want too to be on the top, or they prefer to play solo to avoid troubles and steal..

I hope this 4 mistakes will be fixed on the next events, and if you want you devs and the community can find a fair way to do this events where every "active" player will find his happiness. 


my best regards

Edited by DhoVakiiN
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What about NO. This event was boring as hell and doing 20 kills is boring enough.

Stop complaining, if you're doing the 1K kill and more, take it as a contribution to your clan or to the Warframe community.

Grinding only for one kind of mob is too boring for most of us.

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2 - THE TIMEZONE :  it was a surprise for all. for it was 12am, for others 4am. you think people should wake up at 4am to play the event from begining ? we was unfairly advanced by people who were there earlier and who didnt have night yet. i understand you live on Canada/USA, but most players if i m not wrong are European/African/Asian. take care of us please : )

You bring up some valid points, and not to say that there aren't a significant amount of players from EU and such but... the overwhelming bulk of their playerbase, from what I've seen, is from North America.

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why so much mimimi now...


if people too lazy to read and inform their self it's not a problem of the Devs !!

but still next time there should be more information ingame for those lazy people.


please start to think ...


1. Event was delayed for some reason ... so we had less time

2. Devs have to experiment with the goal (i guess) last event , as i heard, was finished in less than 24 hours... think of it.

3. it depends on you what you want wtf ur crying about the timezone ? go change it...

4. the rewad is fine, let them do their awesome job ... srsly just start to think and maybe you get another view...

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Gonna throw this out there... This is a NA game, that just so happens to be available to everyone


The timezone DE is at covers all of America not just the north.

The timezone complain just has to do with people in other continents.

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What about NO. This event was boring as hell and doing 20 kills is boring enough.

Stop complaining, if you're doing the 1K kill and more, take it as a contribution to your clan or to the Warframe community.

Grinding only for one kind of mob is too boring for most of us.

Damm right!!! 

But pointless 2 tell those little kidis.......hahahah if the next event is the same like this i will not play!!!

great event-..-great price great weekend.........doing the same S#&$ like always but just faster is no event!!

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this is a topic is a message specialy for devs team, and for the comunity in second hand.

2 - THE TIMEZONE :  it was a surprise for all. for it was 12am, for others 4am. you think people should wake up at 4am to play the event from begining ? we was unfairly advanced by people who were there earlier and who didnt have night yet. i understand you live on Canada/USA, but most players if i m not wrong are European/African/Asian. take care of us please : )


Not sure if this point is really valid. I mean everyone around the globe gets their fair share of 72 hours(or about so) with no exceptions. Saying that NA players get a kickstart is simply incorrect since they have to sleep as well and therefore would probably mean having about as much time to pop dem ballons as the players on the other side of the world. Just saying though, unless you're a hardcore player that plays 72 hours straight.

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About the time zone being from the U.S. I was fine but if you change the time/time zone you go by then it's midnight or 4 AM for some other group of people so they can't do much about that


Actually I believe you'll find the timezone is from Canada, seeing as DE is a canadian company. But I agree with your point.

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I agree with the OP's opening statement, but remember, this is still a beta. They are still tweaking and trying new things. If you expect a beta to work perfectly, then sit back and wait for the official release. Unfortunately, I wasn't playing when the fusion moa Operation was out (sad face...) but there were no doubt bugs associated with that as well. 


Also, I agree that this felt more like a grind than anything else. 


And to anyone complaining about timezones, and getting up at 4am to grind, this is a NA game, it would only make sense for them to use an NA timezone to dictate the time for the even. That being said, would be nice for an in-game option for timezones, or just go to the wiki and look at the countdown counter :P

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1.There was a link to the event page in the main menu, It would have told you everything you  need to know about the event


If they are lazy by god, its no one's problem to cater to them.


The information was readily available. to everybody in game.


2. Timezone, Everybody had 72 hours, Yes the way time works someone is gonna be asleep when the event starts, but those that start early have to sleep, the only think slowing you down is drive to achieve.


3. The Vandal followed the pattern of vandals before it, IE came with its own slot and potatoed. 


The Vandal was the minimal reward, The Primed Chamber was the advanced reward for the Top 100. 


4. Contradiction... Funny your point pretty much is one.


You say that the event encourages selfish play styles and yet you wanted a more tier based reward system which would encourage the type of play styles you don't like


I got my 20 kills with a  group of randoms  and would ask if they needed Drone kills, most of the time they said don't worry about it and just focus on the objective and kill them as they go. First come first serve mentality.


I didn't see much kill stealing.


I was perfectly happy with just the Vandal and helping the community goal.

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You bring up some valid points, and not to say that there aren't a significant amount of players from EU and such but... the overwhelming bulk of their playerbase, from what I've seen, is from North America.

Besides, there were three days. If you didn't start from the beginning, you didn't miss much.

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this is a topic is a message specialy for devs team, and for the comunity in second hand.


I considere the hard work you got to make this event, thank you so much BUT you did many mistakes:


1 - THE ANNOUCEMENT : Announce the amount of kills to get Snipetron Vandal. if you check the historic of Region Chat, you will find many lazy or "carefree" guys who came for asking what the minimum kills they must do for getting the reward. As you can see, we was close to lose if you didnt help us a bit ; ) 


2 - THE TIMEZONE :  it was a surprise for all. for me it was 12am, for others 4am. you think people should wake up at 4am to play the event from begining ? we was unfairly advanced by people who were there earlier and who didnt have night yet. i understand you live on Canada/USA, but most players if i m not wrong are European/African/Asian. take care of us please : )


3 - THE REWARD : Reward those who killed 20 like those who killed +1000. i will not speak about the amount so much he is ridiculous (20), must be something like 100 or 200 (and they had 3 days for that..). it would be nice if you gave for "lazy" killers only the snipetron bp, for 100-500 the snipetron (+slot) and for 1k and more snipetron with catalyst (+ regular bp). and for me every member with +1k kills should be rewarded even if the event succeeded or not, cause its a really hard work, spending time and energy for a carefree community. 


4 - CONTRADCTIONS : you want to rank the clans too ? no problem! but why you encourage SOLO game? it was imbalanced cause you find the same amount of drones to share for all team!! Its insense!! and you push players to play SOLO for two reason:

    - think about the clan: get more kills to raise the clan rank

    - think about myself: get more kills to be on top 100 and win THE "mod". then you push players to "STEAL" kills and having problems with others who want too to be on the top, or they prefer to play solo to avoid troubles and steal..

I hope this 4 mistakes will be fixed on the next events, and if you want you devs and the community can find a fair way to do this events where every "active" player will find his happiness. 


my best regards



#1 it is not a requirement for people to read the forums, and any just play the game without being connected to the game socially. Steam players would have no clue about this until they log in if they do not follow Warframe in some other manner. Also it only takes a moment to inform players of the answer they were asking. If you are anti-social or maybe have a problem with helping others than keep chat closed and don't complain.


#2 The timezone affects everyone, I live in North America and do you see me complaining that I had to work on Friday and lost all those hours to be competitive in the top 100? No I am not. Do you see people who have lives outside of this game complaining about not being able to get the top 100? I do not really see it. Yeah in a perfect world I would love to have had 72 hrs of non stop gaming to try and compete. Would love to have had that MOD but hey I was in it for the fun.


#3 The reward level was set low enough that the majority of the community, with limited time, could actually get the reward. It is a F2P game and if you set the challenge to where it could be impossible for many to achieve the backlash could bring a game down quick. Good for you for having so much time on your hands to achieve over 100+ kills. Happy to see you bragging about it by trying to hide it in your statements.


I made my totals and more, but I also made sure my active clan mates were able to achieve theirs as well, it comes down to teamwork as a clan.


#4 To some extent you are very right here the operation did encourage solo gameplay to make the achievement or run for top player award, but if you had a good clan which works/worked together than you could clear maps and make sure everyone as a team was able to achieve the base goal set.  +1 for DE giving out the Snipetron BP to everyone to participated even if they did not make the minimum required kills for the vandal.



In closing this event was very much a team exercise and I think we should take out of this how much sometimes being in random multiplayer missions turned out to have a lack of team work. It is not new as you always have players running and gunning and not waiting for others. 

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The thing is that I don't believe this whole I don't have time to do more than 20 statement most people are hiding behind.  There were plenty of missions that could be completed fairly fast Cambria being one of them, that netted me some times 50 in 1 run but usually about 20 to 30.  A run that would last maybe 20 to 30 minutes.  That is definitely minimal play time for most people that play games as even the most casual gamer will set aside an hour or 2 a day.  My friend, who played maybe 2 hours this whole weekend was able to get 60 drones.  Please stop hiding behind the whole I don't have time bull.

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The low number of kills is to reward people who only have like an hour or two to play, especially over a busy holiday weekend. It's a game, most people have real lives and can't play forever. I killed a few hundred and that took entirely more time than I wanted to.

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The low number of kills is to reward people who only have like an hour or two to play, especially over a busy holiday weekend. It's a game, most people have real lives and can't play forever. I killed a few hundred and that took entirely more time than I wanted to.

yes it was a holiday weekend, but there were plenty of people posting missions to get the most drones for your time in chats and forums.  Again, I had a friend that spent literally an hour or 2 at most and was still able to get 100 while screwing around doing other things in the game with another friend trying to help him level up.  I don't think it would of been all that hard if they asked for 100 instead of 20.  I am not saying everyone needed to not sleep and have no lives, all I am saying is this whole "we have a life I could only do 20" is a pretty lame excuse as 20 drones is basically 1 mission and I am pretty sure most of the players this weekend did more than 1 run the whole weekend.

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