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Broframe Breaking Up


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That picture makes me smile every time I see it. Proud Excaleonidas, standing strong against the waves of trash...but overwhelming numbers will prevail against any opponent, no matter how skilled they are.

I don't imagine they'll be doing too hot when they can't fall back on their huge numbers.

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If Broframe are the so called "greatest" im sure they will still get the number 1# spot in the next even when clan numbers are the same..........But they wont. As getting 1st for nothing more than sheer amount of clan members requires no skill at all


It's like playing a game of tennis with 1 person one side and 10 on the other side, then the ten guys boasting how they are the best when they beat him.

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Those are the requirements that we discussed in our clan forums, the system is great but we don't want to be divided.

That or we don't segment our clan, simple as that.

I respect Broframe for having a bit more class than this guy ^

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Whoa I didn't know that clans were considered such srs bzns in a co-op game. I mean what's next, calling each other scrubs and making montages with obnoxious amounts of dubstep in it? This ain't CoD, people so lighten up.

Edited by K1illerDevolay
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Whoa I didn't know that clans were considered such srs bzns in a co-op game. I mean what's next, calling each other scrubs and making montages with obnoxious amounts of dubstep in it? This ain't CoD, people so lighten up.



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Broframe best Frame.....


This is really unpleasant to me and everyone else, i know your a big Clan and won 2 Events.


You really need this?


You're just asking if you can join and a minute later you'll get an invite like any other.

Warbros actually won the Fusion MOA event,. Broframe didn't exist then. Warbros is the 4chan clan.

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