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134 runs and counting. You win DE, I'll pay for Nidus


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4 hours ago, Luhcs said:

YOU PEASANTS THINK YOU KNOW THE PAIN OF RNG, ThreeHundred And Seventy-Four Excavators for limbos chasis, THREE-HUNDRED AND SEVENT- FOUR.

you...youre kidding right?

Seriously Nidus almost broke me. I think i would go nuts if i did that many runs.

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2 hours ago, Luhcs said:

i a not kidding. i have the notebooks here with all the tally marks

That honestly sounds like a bugged quest.  I got my entire limbo set done in just a few missions.  I helped friends get theirs in just a few missions.  300+ sounds like the quest isn't properly activated. 

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1 hour ago, allibound said:

That honestly sounds like a bugged quest.  I got my entire limbo set done in just a few missions.  I helped friends get theirs in just a few missions.  300+ sounds like the quest isn't properly activated. 

Ran into a similar situation on my alt account.  Spent 3 months running the stupid quest and couldn't find anyone willing to run it with me.

Do you now how angry making it is, to run simple Excavs, dying constantly, and then getting labeled "effing n00b" and then get ditched?  For 3 months?

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I'm crying everytime i see bad RNG is excused with the developers trying to make money.

If you didnt know by now Warframe is a grinding game, with a lot of RNG!

I'm not pointing fingers of you, but let's face it, we have no end game in here, farming stuff is endgame if you are not thinking about fashion frame.

With nidus i got blessed by RNJesus, but with ivara i ran spy missions all day everyday for god knows how long..

But at the end of the day it was fun to run spy missions, sure it was frustrating at time but it is a part of the game.

If everything was obtainable in just a few missions, would you still be playing the game? Chances are we would be done after around 60 hours of game time.

My point is, stop getting frustrated and blame it on DE to get money out of you. Look at it as an opportunity to have fun, make friends or whatever you find fun in MMO's

At the end of the day we play games to have fun, if it frustrate you to play it, simple find a game that is more suitable for your style :) 

Edited by Delamir
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This entire thread is pretty much the embodiment of the worst parts of rng. Add Nidus to the list of the truly bad rng drop frames. I think I'll put that placard over here by my 548 run Ivara too. I literally spent less than half the time farming junk prime parts to sell to buy Nidus rather than even getting farther than two of his pieces. Unabashed power grab and plat sink is unabashed power grab and plat sink.

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