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Warframe Idea: Arthur, The Blademaster


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This warframe is a parallel to Wyatt, the gun-based frame I concepted a while ago. (Which is Here:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/40531-wyatt-tanky-heavy-gunner-warframe/)


Health: 100

Shields: 90

Armor: 10

Shield regen: Below average

Power: 125


Verdict: Glass cannon - you'll see why.


Ability #1: Skyward (25 energy)

Arthur swings his weapon in a powerful uppercut strike, knocking the enemy skywards and dealing damage. Hitting space the moment the target is hit allows you to follow the target upwards. Reach (yes, the melee mod) and Stretch will extend the range it can hit. Focus and any damage mods you have on your sword increases it's damage.


Ability #2: Table hopper (50 energy)

Arthur jumps onto the first enemy in sight and stabs them. He then jumps to the next one, but must be steered midair to ensure he lands. This can repeat until a timer runs out or you land. Stretch will increase the jumping distance. Focus lets you steer better midair. Continuity extends the timer. Your melee weapon dictates the damage it does.


Ability #3: Roundtrip (75 energy)

Arthur charges his melee weapon and throws it. It then circles around him, hitting enemies as it flies around before returning. Stretch increases range. Continuity increases the duration it flies. Focus and Melee mods increase damage.


Ability #4: Final Thrust (100 energy)

Arthur summons a holographic blade, and six more appear and circle around his arm. After a brief charging period, Arthur charges forward, slashing and grinding apart every enemy who gets in the way. Continuity extends the maximum range of the attack. Stretch increases the attack's hitbox. Focus increases damage.

Video sort-of-demonstration (It functions like this):


Design: A sleeker Excalibur - His helmet has a sleek design with two backwards-flowing horns. He could also have a coat-type thing, similar to what Volt has. He also has two panels on his back that are clearly thrusters, used during Final Thrust.

Alternate helmet: Python helmet - Sacrifices power efficiency for power strength. This helmet instead has two rows of numerous fins going along the top.

Discuss it etc

Edited by MechNexus
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If this is based on King Arthur, 10 armor seems a bit low for the king of knights. otherwise i kinda like it


Except #4, it appears to be just a fancier slash dash.

Edited by Vahlak
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Well, lets think about this for a second here... Does the name "Blaze" remind you of anything?

DE is (hopefully) still considering the "THEME-CROSS-GENDER-VARIANTS" of Frames.

a Male Warframe with Fire related abilities that are different from Ember's,

a Female Warframe with Ice related abilities that are different from Frost's...

You're suggesting a Blade / Sword / Knight -related Warframe. Could easily work as the Female counterpart of Excalibur!

(Note: Just because Nyx was supposed to be a female excalibur doesn't mean she is in his same Theme)

P.S: I support the High Armor for Knights suggestion. "90 Shields" doesn't really apply to the current system anyway, I think that 100 Health and 75 Shields (Equal to Vauban, who has 40 armor), and 75 Armor would make far more sense - especially seeing as this is a Frame that is always deep inside combat.

And as for the ult, I agree that it sounds very much like Slash Dash. There's nothing wrong with blade-charging related skills, but we kind of have two already and it could be more inventive.

Edited by Feam
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I preferred to keep Arthur squishy due to his high power abilities.

Final thrust could be made unique by:

>Adding an initial AOE blast when the charge starts

>Adding on whatever damage your melee does, fitting the other three abilities

>Allowing you to steer it

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throw me like one of your gleves XD

but frame combine attacks would be cool.:D volt can give vauban more power with shock or something.and rhino can throw loki like a spear(that explains the wings on his helmet XDD) i dont know

like the avengers ;D

Edited by Nautilus2015
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