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How about an option to choose if we want to be eligible as host?


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As the tittle says, sometimes when Warframe has to do a host migration, somehow it tends to choose computers underpowered or with poor connection to host.

Yesterday i was running a raid with friends and the host suddenly drop. After that, the host was now the guy with a powerful computer but worst connection. all of us had around 2k ping. He had to crash warframe and rejoin again so we can swap host.

Same happened just now, while in the middle of the sortie. Immediately after the migration my ping was on the clouds and the player hosting said "i don't know why i'm hosting, but you guys are gonna have the worst ping ever. my PC is trash"

So, in cases where the user knows that he'll be terrible for hosting, how about having an option for it? something in Gameplay options that let's us turn off/on if we are prefered for host when a migration happens



Edited by Arandabido
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We just need an option to select host only, client only, or no preference.  Ping limit is totally worthless in my situation.  While I have a good PC, and internet with decent speeds to host with, my connection just drops out randomly for no reason (constant problem with my ISP for years, they won't fix the problem, and they are the ONLY provider in my area).  I just refuse to host anymore because I don't want to screw the rest of the squad because my ISP doesn't understand the concept of uptime, plus I swear the entire cable system in my town is held together with bubble gum and band aids.

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Same problem here. It is so annoying having to cancel mission and select it again just to make sure I am not the host. Espeshially if I have to reselect relic every time.

And if I wont do that the game with the most certanty won't migrate host from me. And when I am hosting the game starts to hitch every few seconds.

Being able opt out from games that are already in progress would be nice too. For quests and such.

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