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Red Sands (Closed, IC)


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16 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

"<{ I̵ do̕ not. ̡I ońl͝y̡ ̴k̕no͜w ̷o͜ńe ̕o͠f͏ my A̧l̡l͏i͏es͝ ha̧s ͜co̕ņt̀ra͢ct̛e͝d, ͟No, ͜Ma̸dé som͜e k͞in͘d͘ ̨of ̷p҉act̛ ̷w̷ith i̕t͟..̡.͘ }>"

The Nekros looked at Clogori's ship as the message came in.
"<{ I ͠oǹly a̛sk ̀tha̶t͟ yǫu͞ d͢o so͘m͠e t̶ęst̕s,̷ if ͡y̡où ̸can. ̧I̶n͞ the͏ mean̶ ̵tim͘e͟, ̢I͘ ͝su͢ggest͡ ͘w̶e͢ ̕me̢et ̴w̧įth ̶y̷our ͢c͘o͢ntai͠nme̷nt ve͏ssel͘ ̵as s͝oo͜n ̴a̵s͜ p͟o͟s̢sib͢l͘e̵.}>"

"Yes... that's why I have that ship..."



"Alright, I'll see what I can do." Clogori responded.

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On 4/2/2017 at 0:25 AM, souldrive11 said:

"*sigh*, they so rarely give thanks for when someone saves their lives. Oh well, it's what I do..." Florence quietly thinks to herself as she walks back into her office, carrying the -blood stained bed mattress with her for sterlization.

The half dozen people who thanked her when they left the clinic this morning after the shrapnel mine debacle are the exceptions to the norm, but that's the burden she chooses to bare.

As Florence walks in her own arm throbs as a result of her linking with the patient. What the man doesn't realize is that he's not the only one who was in pain during the operation. Every incision, stitch, suction, and pumping fed back to her during the link. The same went for the the entirety of the two dozen people who crowed her clinic last night. Any sane person would have long since gone insane. Maybe she already has and is dealing with it in her strange, broken way. Still, this is the life she chooses to live, and she never once regrets it.


On 4/1/2017 at 7:10 PM, souldrive11 said:

{...we've ridden on worse things, and I'll keep your name in mind...} the mic taps out. 

On the other end of the hijacked observer, Embassa and Svytoj can make out a sharp rise in incline as the trio begin climbing up a massive sand dune before arriving at the top of a deep canyon carved into the rock.. After traveling for most of the morning, they are nearing their destination; which is good as temperatures were beginning to rise to dangerous levels without shelter across the planet. Off in the distance, the dark beginnings of a sandstorm was rising up over the horizon, still out of sight by regular eyes.

{Sweet, we're almost there, just a sheer plummet straight down to certain doom and we'll arrive at our rides~!}

{This cycle *hovers*, not *flies*, aunt Aria!" Dropping down several hundred meters is *not* in the courier job description!}

{Well then, looks like you'll be updating the description today~!} A corner of Aria's face shouts out on the observer, a wild smile plastered on her. The boisterous girl takes a few sniffs of the air.

{Besides, we should head down before we get blasted with several gazillion tons of tiny rocks~ It takes forever to get sand out of this suit~!}

{What, you mean a sandstorm? I don't see any-}

{Have a little faith, Jane~ I've got a nose for these kinds of things~}

{If you say so, though we still haven't figured out how to get down there...} the voice trails off.

{Guess that's one more thing we'll have to teach you when we have time~} Aria muses, flipping over Jane's shoulders and taking her place in the driver's seat with surprising ease for one that was covered in full body bandages and injuries the night before.

{Here's lesson one, diagonal may be longer, but it's a hekuvalot safer~}

{Wait, you're not seriously considering...} Aria revs the throttle. {Keep your eyes open lass, or you'll miss the ride~!} she finishes, before gunning the trio off the cliff edge and tossing the remote observer behind her.

{WHATAREYOUDOINGOHMYGAWDWE'REGOINGTODIE!!!!} Jane shrieks, latching on to Aria's back for dear life for the second time today.

{...we'll keep in touch...} was the last thing Mia taps out before she shoves the camera into her gear storage and holds on to the trailer's edges, the group flying down the cliff wall like one of those old archaeologist movies Aria loves to watch during down times.

On 4/1/2017 at 7:37 PM, EscortAlpha said:

Svytoj was completely dumb-struck; his mouth would have hit the floor if it wasn't for his helmet holding it in place.
{You friend's friend is completely insane...}
"You know what's worse... I think Aria's gotten even more bombastic since Pluto. Even I only go so far, and that's during combat."
{THAT said, Mia seems stable enough. I just wish she had stayed with us long enough for me to talk to her.}
"You'll get your chance." Svytoj replied. "Hopefully once they've gotten their affairs sorted, I can speed things up."
{Well from what I've seen, you only have six days left.} Embassa chimed {Perhaps you should start talking to the local.}
"You really think that's wise considering my association?"
{I really don't think you have much of a choice. Between the hierarchy and the great game, we're running out of time.}
"Understood." Svytoj said calmly.
Embassa cut the connection, leaving Svytoj on his own again.
The frost began looking about the town, hoping to find a pub, bar, somewhere people would be sharing hearsay about strangers in their town.
Th͝i͡s͟ ̴ou̵gh́ta̴ be ̸i̸nt̷éres͠t̕i̡ng.̴..́

((Alright, I think this is a decent place to start up again.))

An Excalibur walked into the small town, caked with sand. A scorn lacera hung from his waist, repainted in the same grey-blue as his armor. Going by appearance alone, it was obvious that he had been out searching in the wreckage. However, it was unlikely he had been out salvaging, as he was hauling nothing back.

He looked tense and exhausted as he walked vaguely in the direction of the bar (Soul's).


Meanwhile, a tower ship appeared in high-orbit. The Hierarchy had finally arrived; they had allowed the hunt to go on far too long without them.

Edited by bowiespoon
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4 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

An Excalibur walked into the small town, caked with sand. A scorn lacera hung from his waist, repainted in the same grey-blue as his armor. Going by appearance alone, it was obvious that he had been out searching in the wreckage. However, it was unlikely he had been out salvaging, as he was hauling nothing back.

He looked tense, tired, as he walked vaguely in the direction of the bar (Soul's).


Meanwhile, a tower ship appeared in high-orbit. The Hierarchy had finally arrived; they had allowed the hunt to go on far too long without them.

Svytoj Clutched his head a bit, A sudden head rush washing over him as he continued to look around Tombstone. He looked over his PDA, looking to see if his remote observes had picked something up.
Why̡ a̛m͢ ̨I getting this feeling of deja-vu? I never get dej͡a҉-v̵ư.̡.̛.

On 4/1/2017 at 10:32 PM, EscortAlpha said:

The man followed the Helios a few steps before concluding it wasn't worth his time.
Then he notice the flicker of the shade's ((ghost?)) cloak.
He to a knee in front of the sentinel, his face plate mere inches from the shades 'face'.
"...And what should I do with you?" the man asked, his fingers looming over the triggers of his sarpa.

((The events regarding the intruder in the fomorian seem relatively unaffected by the rewind. Should we assume the same outcome, or do you wanna try something different?))

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On 4/1/2017 at 6:19 PM, EscortAlpha said:

The intruders head whipped around. He drew both sarpa as he moved toward the direction of the scan, poised to fire on whatever was trying to scan him.

Several element showed on the Helios' Scan: Lye, various detergents and solvents, traces of void energy with higher concentrations in the forearms, signatures of bio-metal, grineer alloys, and corpus shield signatures, along with copious amounts of miscellaneous organic compounds; most likely blood stains and dead tissue that had been corroded by the detergents.

Several of Svytoj's observes had caught footage of the man stumbling around town, but nothing of what caused his injuries.
There also seemed to be a blind spot around the infirmary, as the observes lost track of the man during his journey.

Meanwhile, Svytoj was still stumbling around Tombstone looking for Sarah's void signature. He soon came to an off-color patch of sand, whatever had spilled there and been diluted by time and weather. But coming off it were faint, extremely faint, traces of void energy.
Where wasn't enough to tell if it was Sarah's right of the bat, but, somehow, it looked like there were two signatures here.
Svytoj took out several vials, and began gathering the off color sand into them. He'd have to process them later.

After collecting several vials of sand, Svytoj went about the town laying down observers and radio receivers. He kept and eye open for passers by.


1 hour ago, EscortAlpha said:

Svytoj Clutched his head a bit, A sudden head rush washing over him as he continued to look around Tombstone. He looked over his PDA, looking to see if his remote observes had picked something up.
Why̡ a̛m͢ ̨I getting this feeling of deja-vu? I never get dej͡a҉-v̵ư.̡.̛.

((The events regarding the intruder in the fomorian seem relatively unaffected by the rewind. Should we assume the same outcome, or do you wanna try something different?))

((Funny, I was actually going to make the same joke XD))

Other than a lone Excalibur entering the town, nothing out of the ordinary was taking place. Sarah's void signature was getting fainter by the second, and it was likely that she was no longer planetside. However, assuming that she was hunting down the Inquisition, it was likely they'd cross paths again


A veritable fleet of ships burst forth from the orokin tower, converging and flying towards to surface. The orokin tower itself began to lower its altitude, until it could just barely be seen in the sky.

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3 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

((The events regarding the intruder in the fomorian seem relatively unaffected by the rewind. Should we assume the same outcome, or do you wanna try something different?))

(I had something slightly different planned.)

The Shade slowly backed away, somehow looking intimidated. A Dethcube and a Helios appeared around a nearby corner, and watched the intruder closely.

(Quick! Make a DC 30 perception check!)

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On 4/2/2017 at 4:03 PM, souldrive11 said:

After a very short and hectic ride dodging spires, falling loose rocks, and sliding down near vertical drops, the trio finally makes it to the bottom of the cliff. There were times where Jane really thought she was going to become paste on the rock face, but right now she's glad she's alive.

"I *gasp* we can't we made it out of that! Do you always *gasp* leap before you look?!" Jane asks between deep breaths, still visibly shaken.

"Nah, sometimes I leap before I smell~" Aria jokes, as she leaps off the hovercycle, the engine whining after the harsh workout.

Mia gets up and out of the trailer before walking over to Jane and gives her an empathetic look and a clasp on the shoulder alongside a comforting smile. Jane can only guess that this isn't the first time Aria pulls off stunts like this, and Mia gets dragged along every time. 

"In any case, we made it just in time to avoid the sandblasting~" Aria cheerfully remarks, as she casually point upwards. Up at the top of the cliff, the sandstorm has arrived in full force, blocking out the sunlight and howling with the a deafening fury.

"I guess *gasp* that's one bullet *gasp* dodged." Jane shakily replies, flipping her backpack over and pulling out an electric lantern before turning it on. "What are we doing down here though, anyway?"

"What indeed~" Aria says mischievously, as she walks up to the the closest spot of canyon by the trio. "What could possibly be down here that we could use to ride back up~?" Aria continues, making the motions to lean one handed on the cliff, when suddenly her hand and the rest of her go right through. A hologram?! What's that doing down here, Jane wonders. Giving Jane a firm clasp, Mia lets go of her shoulder and walks calmly through the hard light. Hanging her lantern on the front of her hovercycle, Jane quickly tows it after the duo. What she found takes her breath away.

Two landing crafts and orbiters lie in the dark cavern, their hulls reflecting back the little light Jane's lantern gives off like beasts from the deep. Sparks fly off the back like fireflies as the rear thrusters continue their repair works.

"Wow..." Jane gasps under her breath; her only experiences with such high tech equipment were in textbooks and holo manuals. "Are these yours? How did you manage to get your hands on these?!"

"We got them at at a junkyard, it was two for the price of one~ Grahraha~!" Aria teases with a laugh. At this point though, Jane has no idea what's real and what's a tall tale; this whole experience is already into the realm of surrealism for her.

"C'mon, lets head in, this ol' horseshoe crab won't bite~" Aria yells, breaking Jane's line of thought as the ebony wrangler runs up and into the Scimitar's opening hanger doors. Concernedly, Jane looks at Mia for help. Mia gives her a nod, before she heads off into the Liset. Steeling herself, Jane drags the hovercycle with her and runs after Aria.

Inisde the small hanger, crates of all shapes and sizes littered the space, and up above Jane swears she can make out what appears to be another craft hanging off the ceiling. With Aria jumping around the obstacles in the dark with surprising grace, Jane quickly shuts off her hovercycle and attempts to keep up after her; running after her aunt through the rear hanger doors, around the corner and into the elevator on the right.

"Yo Sol, can we get some power in here~? We've got guests~!" Aria shouts into the seemingly empty craft when suddenly a voice crackles to life on the speakers.

"Welcome back Operator, I'm glad to see you have returned in one piece once again. Who is that with you?" The voice asks as the elevator lights power on.

"This little calamity to be is Jane, my niece~!" Aria replies, pride clearly dripping in her voice. "Treat her well, or I'll roast you over an open fire~"

"Duly noted Operator. welcome aboard, Jane." Sol answers with a level headed voice, as the elevator doors close and the box quickly rises up to the main floor. Jane can only nod as she struggles to take in everything that was going on. Was that an honest to goodness Cephalon? Just how much money and resources do Aria and Mia have?!!! And what's this about an Operator?

The elevator doors open and the rest of the floor's lights power on, revealing a passage to the left and right. Like a little child, Aria takes Jane's hand and drags her along to the left, past several stations and up a ramp to what appears to be the cockpit. The blast shielded screens flick on to life, revealing the interior of the cave they were just in. (I'm definitely leaning towards the thinking that they're like the *windows* we see ME)

"How's the repair work~?" Aria asks, as Jane walks up around the cramped area, drinking everything in.

"Self repairs are at 98%: we are fully flight capable and the remainder can be finished mid flight."

"Awseome~! How's it on your end, love~?"

{...same. we're good to go...} Mia taps on the mic.

"Fantastic~! Lets head back to your place while the going's good~ Any more surprises today and I'm afraid your brain might explode~" Aria teases Jane, who can barely keep her googly eyes from popping out. She nods absentmindedly as she pokes what appears to be a giant axe propped against a corner.

The ramp closes and the engines thrums to life, as the hologram cliff walls disappear, revealing the outside canyon once again. Both crafts tremble slightly as they begin the descent up the canyon and into the sandstorm above.

"Shields good~?" "Affirmative, barriers are holding steady in these conditions, though I hope we don't have to stay out here long. Sand takes forever to get out of my systems."

"That's what I said~" Aria muses the two crafts slowly turn direction in sync. "Alright then, set sail for Deadwood~!" she shouts, tipping her cowboy hat over her eyes and point to the great brown yonder.

The two crafts' thrusters flare at full power and take off through the blinding natural disaster, the travelling speed magnitudes greater than anything Jane's hovercycle could do without a complete overhaul. At their current speed, they would be back at Deadwood within the hour.

(I think it still works though I did tweak the travelling time a bit, since no other ocs outside my own were around for this. As for whether the sandstorm hits Deadwood again or just stays out in the wilderness this time, I'm fine with either way.)

2 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:

(I had something slightly different planned.)

The Shade slowly backed away, somehow looking intimidated. A Dethcube and a Helios appeared around a nearby corner, and watched the intruder closely.

(Quick! Make a DC 30 perception check!)

(is 0 a critical failure and 30's crit success, or the other way around?)

Edited by souldrive11
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2 minutes ago, souldrive11 said:

(I think it still works though I did tweak the travelling time a bit, since no other ocs outside my own were around for this. As for whether the sandstorm hits Deadwood again or just stays out in the wilderness this time, I'm fine with either way.)

(is 0 a critical failure and 30's crit success, or the other way around?)

((Unless you absolutely want it, I think it can stay outside of town))

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5 minutes ago, bowiespoon said:

((Unless you absolutely want it, I think it can stay outside of town))

(fine by me. iirc it was originally used as a way to get the ocs locked up in one place and as possible cover for the now nonexistent grineer guys)

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59 minutes ago, souldrive11 said:

After a very short and hectic ride dodging spires, falling loose rocks, and sliding down near vertical drops, the trio finally makes it to the bottom of the cliff. There were times where Jane really thought she was going to become paste on the rock face, but right now she's glad she's alive.

"I *gasp* we can't we made it out of that! Do you always *gasp* leap before you look?!" Jane asks between deep breaths, still visibly shaken.

"Nah, sometimes I leap before I smell~" Aria jokes, as she leaps off the hovercycle, the engine whining after the harsh workout.

Mia gets up and out of the trailer before walking over to Jane and gives her an empathetic look and a clasp on the shoulder alongside a comforting smile. Jane can only guess that this isn't the first time Aria pulls off stunts like this, and Mia gets dragged along every time. 

"In any case, we made it just in time to avoid the sandblasting~" Aria cheerfully remarks, as she casually point upwards. Up at the top of the cliff, the sandstorm has arrived in full force, blocking out the sunlight and howling with the a deafening fury.

"I guess *gasp* that's one bullet *gasp* dodged." Jane shakily replies, flipping her backpack over and pulling out an electric lantern before turning it on. "What are we doing down here though, anyway?"

"What indeed~" Aria says mischievously, as she walks up to the the closest spot of canyon by the trio. "What could possibly be down here that we could use to ride back up~?" Aria continues, making the motions to lean one handed on the cliff, when suddenly her hand and the rest of her go right through. A hologram?! What's that doing down here, Jane wonders. Giving Jane a firm clasp, Mia lets go of her shoulder and walks calmly through the hard light. Hanging her lantern on the front of her hovercycle, Jane quickly tows it after the duo. What she found takes her breath away.

Two landing crafts and orbiters lie in the dark cavern, their hulls reflecting back the little light Jane's lantern gives off like beasts from the deep. Sparks fly off the back like fireflies as the rear thrusters continue their repair works.

"Wow..." Jane gasps under her breath; her only experiences with such high tech equipment were in textbooks and holo manuals. "Are these yours? How did you manage to get your hands on these?!"

"We got them at at a junkyard, it was two for the price of one~ Grahraha~!" Aria teases with a laugh. At this point though, Jane has no idea what's real and what's a tall tale; this whole experience is already into the realm of surrealism for her.

"C'mon, lets head in, this ol' horseshoe crab won't bite~" Aria yells, breaking Jane's line of thought as the ebony wrangler runs up and into the Scimitar's opening hanger doors. Concernedly, Jane looks at Mia for help. Mia gives her a nod, before she heads off into the Liset. Steeling herself, Jane drags the hovercycle with her and runs after Aria.

Inisde the small hanger, crates of all shapes and sizes littered the space, and up above Jane swears she can make out what appears to be another craft hanging off the ceiling. With Aria jumping around the obstacles in the dark with surprising grace, Jane quickly shuts off her hovercycle and attempts to keep up after her; running after her aunt through the rear hanger doors, around the corner and into the elevator on the right.

"Yo Sol, can we get some power in here~? We've got guests~!" Aria shouts into the seemingly empty craft when suddenly a voice crackles to life on the speakers.

"Welcome back Operator, I'm glad to see you have returned in one piece once again. Who is that with you?" The voice asks as the elevator lights power on.

"This little calamity to be is Jane, my niece~!" Jane replies, pride clearly dripping in her voice. "Treat her well, or I'll roast you over an open fire~"

"Duly noted Operator. welcome aboard, Jane." Sol answers with a level headed voice, as the elevator doors close and the box quickly rises up to the main floor. Jane can only nod as she struggles to take in everything that was going on. Was that an honest to goodness Cephalon? Just how much money and resources do Aria and Mia have?!!! And what's this about an Operator?

The elevator doors open and the rest of the floor's lights power on, revealing a passage to the left and right. Like a little child, Aria takes Jane's hand and drags her along to the left, past several stations and up a ramp to what appears to be the cockpit. The blast shielded screens flick on to life, revealing the interior of the cave they were just in. (I'm definitely leaning towards the thinking that they're like the *windows* we see ME)

"How's the repair work~?" Aria asks, as Jane walks up around the cramped area, drinking everything in.

"Self repairs are at 98%: we are fully flight capable and the remainder can be finished mid flight."

"Awseome~! How's it on your end, love~?"

{...same. we're good to go...} Mia taps on the mic.

"Fantastic~! Lets head back to your place while the going's good~ Any more surprises today and I'm afraid your brain might explode~" Aria teases Jane, who can barely keep her googly eyes from popping out. She nods absentmindedly as she pokes what appears to be a giant axe propped against a corner.

The ramp closes and the engines thrums to life, as the hologram cliff walls disappear, revealing the outside canyon once again. Both crafts tremble slightly as they begin the descent up the canyon and into the sandstorm above.

"Shields good~?" "Affirmative, barriers are holding steady in these conditions, though I hope we don't have to stay out here long. Sand takes forever to get out of my systems."

"That's what I said~" Aria muses the two crafts slowly turn direction in sync. "Alright then, set sail for Deadwood~!" she shouts, tipping her cowboy hat over her eyes and point to the great brown yonder.

The two crafts' thrusters flare at full power and take off through the blinding natural disaster, the travelling speed magnitudes greater than anything Jane's hovercycle could do without a complete overhaul. At their current speed, they would be back at Deadwood within the hour.

((You mean Aria, right?))

The Excalibur enters Lily's bar, seating himself in a corner facing the entrance. He begins to talk to... someone, but no audio can be heard. A faint hologram can be seen in front of his face, indicating that he is having a private conversation with someone. While talking, he motions for the attention of a waiter, not turning his face away from the hologram.

Edited by bowiespoon
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44 minutes ago, souldrive11 said:

(is 0 a critical failure and 30's crit success, or the other way around?)

(Well, on a D20, 1 is instant fail on a skill check, 20 is an instant success. Anything from 2-19 is your roll plus your total skill ranks.)

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9 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

((Funny, I was actually going to make the same joke XD))

Other than a lone Excalibur entering the town, nothing out of the ordinary was taking place. Sarah's void signature was getting fainter by the second, and it was likely that she was no longer planetside. However, assuming that she was hunting down the Inquisition, it was likely they'd cross paths again
A veritable fleet of ships burst forth from the orokin tower, converging and flying towards to surface. The orokin tower itself began to lower its altitude, until it could just barely be seen in the sky.

5 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

((You mean Aria, right?))

The Excalibur enters Lily's bar, seating himself in a corner facing the entrance. He begins to talk to... someone, but no audio can be heard. A faint hologram can be seen in front of his face, indicating that he is having a private conversation with someone. While talking, he motions for the attention of a waiter, not turning his face away from the hologram.

Svytoj watched the feed, the observers near the bar recording the Excalibur's entrance into the bar: No record of the individual in Svytoj's files.
Svytoj leaned against one of the building as he studied the feed, looking for any clues as to who this person was.

Do͞ ͡I̧ dare go back to Dead̸w͜o͠od̵... Svytoj thought as he stared at the
[WARNING: LANDING CRAFT INBOU---] Several of Svytoj's surveillance satellites were knocked out of orbit as the Hierarchy ships barged towards the planet.
New arrival, Massive landing party; The choice was obvious.
Y͜e͡s. I guess I do.

Svytoj recalled his archwing and prepared for takeoff.

7 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:

(I had something slightly different planned.)

The Shade slowly backed away, somehow looking intimidated. A Dethcube and a Helios appeared around a nearby corner, and watched the intruder closely.

(Quick! Make a DC 30 perception check!)

((Not sure how well rolling dice would work here.))
The intruder continued to eye the Shade for a spell, before returning his attention to his search. He dipped his hand into the Dark Fluid mixed into the sand, examining it as he twiddled the black concoction between his finger. As he stood to move further into the ship, He spotted the two other sentinels lurking in the corner.
He squinted, grumbled a bit, then proceeded down one of the halls, Sarpa still in hand.
"COME ON OUT, TINMAN. THE LONGER YOU RUN, THE MORE THIS IS GONNA HURT." The intruder stated, his words echoing through the ship.

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5 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

(Not sure how well rolling dice would work here.))

The intruder continued to eye the Shade for a spell, before returning his attention to his search. He dipped his hand into the Dark Fluid mixed into the sand, examining it as he twiddled the black concoction between his finger. As he stood to move further into the ship, He spotted the two other sentinels lurking in the corner.
He squinted, grumbled a bit, then proceeded down one of the halls, Sarpa still in hand.
"COME ON OUT, TINMAN. THE LONGER YOU RUN, THE MORE THIS IS GONNA HURT." The intruder stated, his words echoing through the ship.

The sentinels slowly moved back, watching the intruder carefully. The Dethcube was obviously prepared to attack the intruder if he went after the sentinels.

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8 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:

The sentinels slowly moved back, watching the intruder carefully. The Dethcube was obviously prepared to attack the intruder if he went after the sentinels.

The intruder continued his way into the ship, eyes darting around the ship as he looked for his quary. His finger looming over the sarpa's trigger.

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15 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:

Svytoj watched the feed, the observers near the bar recording the Excalibur's entrance into the bar: No record of the individual in Svytoj's files.
Svytoj leaned against one of the building as he studied the feed, looking for any clues as to who this person was.

Do͞ ͡I̧ dare go back to Dead̸w͜o͠od̵... Svytoj thought as he stared at the
[WARNING: LANDING CRAFT INBOU---] Several of Svytoj's surveillance satellites were knocked out of orbit as the Hierarchy ships barged towards the planet.
New arrival, Massive landing party; The choice was obvious.
Y͜e͡s. I guess I do.

Svytoj recalled his archwing and prepared for takeoff.

20 hours ago, bowiespoon said:

((You mean Aria, right?))

The Excalibur enters Lily's bar, seating himself in a corner facing the entrance. He begins to talk to... someone, but no audio can be heard. A faint hologram can be seen in front of his face, indicating that he is having a private conversation with someone. While talking, he motions for the attention of a waiter, not turning his face away from the hologram.

(colored text is my lifesaver x.x)

Walking out from behind the countertop, Lily flows over to the Excalibur's table, never losing her smile or opening her eyes even with the *very* rare guest type walking into what can barely considered a hamlet.

(can I consider it a hamlet? I mean I can't imagine Deadwood having more than 100 people running around)

Smoothly, she asks "Can I get you anything, dear~?"

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Just now, souldrive11 said:

(colored text is my lifesaver x.x)

Walking out from behind the countertop, Lily flows over to the Excalibur's table, never losing her smile or opening her eyes even with the *very* rare guest type walking into what can barely considered a hamlet.

(can I consider it a hamlet? I mean I can't imagine Deadwood having more than 100 people running around)

Smoothly, she asks "Can I get you anything, dear~?"

((Yes, you can.))

((Also, you posted this just as I finished my post. Now I have to start all over XD))

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1 hour ago, EscortAlpha said:

The intruder continued his way into the ship, eyes darting around the ship as he looked for his quary. His finger looming over the sarpa's trigger.

Suddenly, without warning, something fired a Redeemer at the back of the Intruder's head, before immediately entering melee range, slashing at his spine. A moment later, it decloaked, revealing a dark-colored Loki holding a Redeemer.

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2 minutes ago, souldrive11 said:

(colored text is my lifesaver x.x)

Walking out from behind the countertop, Lily flows over to the Excalibur's table, never losing her smile or opening her eyes even with the *very* rare guest type walking into what can barely considered a hamlet.

(can I consider it a hamlet? I mean I can't imagine Deadwood having more than 100 people running around)

Smoothly, she asks "Can I get you anything, dear~?"

The Excalibur's head didn't turn towards Lily, but he began to drum his fingers furiously in a particular pattern. After a few seconds, it became apparent that he was tapping out a message in morse code.

.. .----. .-.. .-.. / .... .- ...- . / .-- .... .- - . ...- . .-. .----. ... / .... --- - / .- -. -.. / ..-. .-. . ... .... .-.-.- / .. .----. ...- . / .... .- -.. / - --- / ... .--. . -. -.. / - .... . / .--. .- ... - / - .-- --- / .-- . . -.- ... / --- ..- - / - .... . .-. . / . .- - .. -. --. / -.. .-. .. . -.. / .- -. -.. / ... .- .-.. - . -.. / .-. .- - .. --- -. ... .-.-.- / .- -. -.-- - .... .. -. --. / - .... .- - / .. ... -. .----. - / .--- . .-. -.- -.-- / .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. / -... . / .-- --- -. -.. . .-. ..-. ..- .-.. .-.-.-


As Marcus drummed out his response to the waiter, Rose sighed into his comms.

"Two weeks scouring corpus wrecks for flight computers, only to find that they'd already been wiped of all data. Now we're back at where we started..." Marcus thought wearily, shaking his head.

"-Didn't manage to get the information we were looking for, but we're not out of leads just ye-." Rose continued, oblivious to the fact that he hadn't been listening.

"Wait," Marcus interrupted, "We have another lead? I thought that the flight records of those corpus derelicts were all we had left."

"I've been looking at the computers you sent up, and there is evidence of non-corpus programs having infiltrated their systems. Whoever cleaned out these computers was a third party, and I doubt they were deleting this information purely for the Corpus' benefit. Far more likely that they've taken the data and stockpiled it somewhere, then wiping the computer once they had what they needed." As Rose continued, her voice grew more and more excited, and a smile spread across her face.

"Now, I don't know if they want to sell it to the highest bidder, or use it for their own means, but they've done the hard work for us. Find where they're keeping that data..."

"And we'll find the cargo records we're looking for. Thanks Rose, you're the best." Marcus said, quickly drumming out another message to the waiter.

-- .- -.- . / - .... .- - / - --- / --. --- --..-- / .--. .-.. . .- ... . .-.-.-

"Just try not to get hurt out there," Rose replied. Marcus nodded, ending the call.

"Alright," he thought, "Best to try to contact any other tenno in the region, see what they know about this 'third party'."

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1 hour ago, bowiespoon said:

The Excalibur's head didn't turn towards Lily, but he began to drum his fingers furiously in a particular pattern. After a few seconds, it became apparent that he was tapping out a message in morse code.

.. .----. .-.. .-.. / .... .- ...- . / .-- .... .- - . ...- . .-. .----. ... / .... --- - / .- -. -.. / ..-. .-. . ... .... .-.-.- / .. .----. ...- . / .... .- -.. / - --- / ... .--. . -. -.. / - .... . / .--. .- ... - / - .-- --- / .-- . . -.- ... / --- ..- - / - .... . .-. . / . .- - .. -. --. / -.. .-. .. . -.. / .- -. -.. / ... .- .-.. - . -.. / .-. .- - .. --- -. ... .-.-.- / .- -. -.-- - .... .. -. --. / - .... .- - / .. ... -. .----. - / .--- . .-. -.- -.-- / .-- --- ..- .-.. -.. / -... . / .-- --- -. -.. . .-. ..-. ..- .-.. .-.-.-


As Marcus drummed out his response to the waiter, Rose sighed into his comms.

"Two weeks scouring corpus wrecks for flight computers, only to find that they'd already been wiped of all data. Now we're back at where we started..." Marcus thought wearily, shaking his head.

"-Didn't manage to get the information we were looking for, but we're not out of leads just ye-." Rose continued, oblivious to the fact that he hadn't been listening.

"Wait," Marcus interrupted, "We have another lead? I thought that the flight records of those corpus derelicts were all we had left."

"I've been looking at the computers you sent up, and there is evidence of non-corpus programs having infiltrated their systems. Whoever cleaned out these computers was a third party, and I doubt they were deleting this information purely for the Corpus' benefit. Far more likely that they've taken the data and stockpiled it somewhere, then wiping the computer once they had what they needed." As Rose continued, her voice grew more and more excited, and a smile spread across her face.

"Now, I don't know if they want to sell it to the highest bidder, or use it for their own means, but they've done the hard work for us. Find where they're keeping that data..."

"And we'll find the cargo records we're looking for. Thanks Rose, you're the best." Marcus said, quickly drumming out another message to the waiter.

-- .- -.- . / - .... .- - / - --- / --. --- --..-- / .--. .-.. . .- ... . .-.-.-

"Just try not to get hurt out there," Rose replied. Marcus nodded, ending the call.

"Alright," he thought, "Best to try to contact any other tenno in the region, see what they know about this 'third party'."

Svytoj touched down just outside the bar, sending a small cloud of red dust into the air. He proceeded into the a bar as his arxhwing disengaged, looking for the Excalibur he had seen earlier.


1 hour ago, Daakjenaar said:

Suddenly, without warning, something fired a Redeemer at the back of the Intruder's head, before immediately entering melee range, slashing at his spine. A moment later, it decloaked, revealing a dark-colored Loki holding a Redeemer.

The intruder fluttered to the other side of the hall in a flash of red light as the blade skimmed over his back. His shields had saved him, but just barely. He eyed his attacker, drawing his second sarpa as he waited for his attackers next move.

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52 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

The intruder fluttered to the other side of the hall in a flash of red light as the blade skimmed over his back. His shields had saved him, but just barely. He eyed his attacker, drawing his second sarpa as he waited for his attackers next move.

The attacker did not hesitate. Despite it looking like the Loki was still standing in front of the Intruder, his next attack was another slash and shotgun blast to the back of the head. He was obviously using decoys to his advantage.

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As the trio nears Deadwood, the crafts come to a stop near the same cavern where Mia and Aria had parked them the previous day, before the dogfight.

{...Aria, you can escort Jane back home, I'll take care of the crafts...}

"Sure thing, love~" Aria cheerfully answers, before turning to Jane. "C'mon sugercane, " she continues, before running back down the ramp and towards the elevator.

"Wait up!" Jane shouts as she runs after Aria, not wanting to accidentally press the self destruct button or get vaporized by a booby trap. A short moment later, the Scimitar's hanger doors open and Jane and Aria ride out on the hovercycle. Mia awaits them on her own Liset's hanger doors, and as soon as they swing around she pitches Aria several invisible items through the air. Aria grabs the nonexistent(?) items out of the air like a seasoned catcher, before making several holstering motions with her arms. Giving each other a confirming nod, Mia walks back into her orbiter and the two crafts fade out of sight, the engines going silent.

{...I'll meet you back inside...}

"See ya there then~!" Aria shouts, before looking at the awestruck teen. "Ready to get back home~?"

59 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

Svytoj touched down just outside the bar, sending a small cloud of red dust into the air. He proceeded into the a bar as his archwing disengaged, looking for the Excalibur he had seen earlier.

"You know it!" Jane answers with a smile, as she revs the throttle on her trusty steed and drives the two quickly around and over a rickety bridge crossing over two closer points on the canyon and into town. Jane's mind is in such a blur still trying to absorb the morning's events that she hardly notices the giant set of engines flying off into the sky, and the blue and white guy in a nice suit; the pair quickly riding into the adjacent post office.

"Coming right up, dear~" the words dripping sweetly out of the presumed owner's mouth as she glides into the supposed kitchen behind the bar. A short moment and clatter of activity later she comes out with a large brown paper bag, a hefty one too judging by the way it bobs in the girl's hands.

"One order of skate and four bean chili to go, with edible baked bowl, lid, and cutlery~ That'll be ten credits, love~"

Not missing a beat, Lily walks over to the Frost standing in her bar's doorway.

"Welcome to the Valley Lily~ Have a seat anywhere you'd like~" the black dressed familiar looking girl says as she continues past the frame and back over to behind the the countertop. Hints of spice wafts after the bartender, her body language and demeanor completely unperturbed by the two heavily dangerous figures now in her bar; far more than one should be considering that the only people that have grazed this establishment for years are the gritty salvagers and hunters that call this hole in the canyon home.

Edited by souldrive11
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4 hours ago, bowiespoon said:



2 hours ago, EscortAlpha said:



2 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

As the trio nears Deadwood, the crafts come to a stop near the same cavern where Mia and Aria had parked them the previous day, before the dogfight.

{...Aria, you can escort Jane back home, I'll take care of the crafts...}

"Sure thing, love~" Aria cheerfully answers, before turning to Jane. "C'mon sugercane, " she continues, before running back down the ramp and towards the elevator.

"Wait up!" Jane shouts as she runs after Aria, not wanting to accidentally press the self destruct button or get vaporized by a booby trap. A short moment later, the Scimitar's hanger doors open and Jane and Aria ride out on the hovercycle. Mia awaits them on her own Liset's hanger doors, and as soon as they swing around she pitches Aria several invisible items through the air. Aria grabs the nonexistent(?) items out of the air like a seasoned catcher, before making several holstering motions with her arms. Giving each other a confirming nod, Mia walks back into her orbiter and the two crafts fade out of sight, the engines going silent.

{...I'll meet you back inside...}

"See ya there then~!" Aria shouts, before looking at the awestruck teen. "Ready to get back home~?"

"You know it!" Jane answers with a smile, as she revs the throttle on her trusty steed and drives the two quickly around and over a rickety bridge crossing over two closer points on the canyon and into town. Jane's mind is in such a blur still trying to absorb the morning's events that she hardly notices the giant set of engines flying off into the sky, and the blue and white guy in a nice suit; the pair quickly riding into the adjacent post office.

"Coming right up, dear~" the words dripping sweetly out of the presumed owner's mouth as she glides into the supposed kitchen behind the bar. A short moment and clatter of activity later she comes out with a large brown paper bag, a hefty one too judging by the way it bobs in the girl's hands.

"One order of skate and four bean chili to go, with edible baked bowl, lid, and cutlery~ That'll be ten credits, love~"

Not missing a beat, Lily walks over to the Frost standing in her bar's doorway.

"Welcome to the Valley Lily~ Have a seat anywhere you'd like~" the black dressed familiar looking girl says as she continues past the frame and back over to behind the the countertop. Hints of spice wafts after the bartender, her body language and demeanor completely unperturbed by the two heavily dangerous figures now in her bar; far more than one should be considering that the only people that have grazed this establishment for years are the gritty salvagers and hunters that call this hole in the canyon home.

Svytoj immediately homed in the Excalibur, giving Lily a nod as he entered the establishment.


2 hours ago, Daakjenaar said:

The attacker did not hesitate. Despite it looking like the Loki was still standing in front of the Intruder, his next attack was another slash and shotgun blast to the back of the head. He was obviously using decoys to his advantage.

The shots slammed into the intruders helmet and back. He staggered, disappearing in another streak of red as he began firing on Tarnas location. With each shot, the intruder blinked from location to location, trying to avoid any more of the redeemers wrath.

Edited by EscortAlpha
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24 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:

The shots slammed into the intruders helmet and back. He staggered, disappearing in another streak of red as he began firing on Tarnas location. With each shot, the intruder blinked from location to location, trying to avoid any more of the redeemers wrath.

The attacker was managing to block every attack, but he was having trouble keeping up. Eventually, a few shots damaged his shields, and the final one entered his skull. He slowly fell to the ground a moment later...

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2 hours ago, souldrive11 said:

As the trio nears Deadwood, the crafts come to a stop near the same cavern where Mia and Aria had parked them the previous day, before the dogfight.

{...Aria, you can escort Jane back home, I'll take care of the crafts...}

"Sure thing, love~" Aria cheerfully answers, before turning to Jane. "C'mon sugercane, " she continues, before running back down the ramp and towards the elevator.

"Wait up!" Jane shouts as she runs after Aria, not wanting to accidentally press the self destruct button or get vaporized by a booby trap. A short moment later, the Scimitar's hanger doors open and Jane and Aria ride out on the hovercycle. Mia awaits them on her own Liset's hanger doors, and as soon as they swing around she pitches Aria several invisible items through the air. Aria grabs the nonexistent(?) items out of the air like a seasoned catcher, before making several holstering motions with her arms. Giving each other a confirming nod, Mia walks back into her orbiter and the two crafts fade out of sight, the engines going silent.

{...I'll meet you back inside...}

"See ya there then~!" Aria shouts, before looking at the awestruck teen. "Ready to get back home~?"

"You know it!" Jane answers with a smile, as she revs the throttle on her trusty steed and drives the two quickly around and over a rickety bridge crossing over two closer points on the canyon and into town. Jane's mind is in such a blur still trying to absorb the morning's events that she hardly notices the giant set of engines flying off into the sky, and the blue and white guy in a nice suit; the pair quickly riding into the adjacent post office.

"Coming right up, dear~" the words dripping sweetly out of the presumed owner's mouth as she glides into the supposed kitchen behind the bar. A short moment and clatter of activity later she comes out with a large brown paper bag, a hefty one too judging by the way it bobs in the girl's hands.

"One order of skate and four bean chili to go, with edible baked bowl, lid, and cutlery~ That'll be ten credits, love~"

Not missing a beat, Lily walks over to the Frost standing in her bar's doorway.

"Welcome to the Valley Lily~ Have a seat anywhere you'd like~" the black dressed familiar looking girl says as she continues past the frame and back over to behind the the countertop. Hints of spice wafts after the bartender, her body language and demeanor completely unperturbed by the two heavily dangerous figures now in her bar; far more than one should be considering that the only people that have grazed this establishment for years are the gritty salvagers and hunters that call this hole in the canyon home.

"Thank you," Marcus says, passing over the credits, tipping generously. 

"This one would be worth watching. It's very rare to meet a civilian who is so completely unfazed by the presence of the tenno. Plus, the service here was excellent, and that is also very rare."

21 minutes ago, EscortAlpha said:



Svytoj immediately homed in the Excalibur, giving Lily a nod as he entered the establishment.

"Well, that was easy..." Marcus thought to himself, rising to his feet.

"This might sound a bit strange, but... you wouldn't happen to know of any secret societies or organizations that might have an interest in the wrecks out there, would you?"

with one arm he cradled the food, the other he drummed his fingers against his armor.


just a handful of miles away, commandeered condor dropships flew above the surface of mars, spreading out over the maze of derelict ships. Though it was hard to get a glimpse of the soldiers inside, the occasional gleam of a golden faceplate could be seen.

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1 hour ago, bowiespoon said:

"Thank you," Marcus says, passing over the credits, tipping generously. 

"This one would be worth watching. It's very rare to meet a civilian who is so completely unfazed by the presence of the tenno. Plus, the service here was excellent, and that is also very rare."

"Well, that was easy..." Marcus thought to himself, rising to his feet.

"This might sound a bit strange, but... you wouldn't happen to know of any secret societies or organizations that might have an interest in the wrecks out there, would you?"

with one arm he cradled the food, the other he drummed his fingers against his armor.


just a handful of miles away, commandeered condor dropships flew above the surface of mars, spreading out over the maze of derelict ships. Though it was hard to get a glimpse of the soldiers inside, the occasional gleam of a golden faceplate could be seen.

Svytoj stayed silent. He reached inside his warframe and pulled out a jagged piece of golden slag, coated in dried dark fluid in several places. He placed the shard on the table as it floated above its surface.
"That all depends on what's on those ships. The people I know of keep their intentions very close to their chests." He finally said as the slag continued to hover, Void energy radiating off of it like fire.

1 hour ago, Daakjenaar said:

The attacker was managing to block every attack, but he was having trouble keeping up. Eventually, a few shots damaged his shields, and the final one entered his skull. He slowly fell to the ground a moment later...

The intruder Huffed, Rubbing the back of his head; he could feel a crack on the back of his helmet as he moved towards Tarnas. He drew his Attica, firing several bolts into the ground behind him as their explosive playload's waited for something to brush up against them.
The intruder knelt next to the downed Loki with a huff, looking at the hole in the Visor.
"Alright... If I see RED and not BLACK, I'm gonna be Severely PISSED OFF."

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