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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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Name: Predator Gauntlets

Faction: Corpus/Tenno

Weapon Type: Fist

Putting the PREY in OSPREY, these powerful mechanical gauntlets use Zanuka inspiration utilizing Corpus design against itself. (Shockwave Moa legs, Osprey engines)


*Possible idea - Jump strike creates knockdown aoe similar to Shockwave Moa stomp?

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Name: Aescula

Grip: Scythe

Faction: Orokin


Built in the shape of an ancient Orokin symbol of healing, Aescula can mend allies and damage foes.

The Aescula swings like a scythe, but a mechanic for healing would be required. It needs 24 melee kills to charge (one for every Green/Blue spine inside the blade which colorize when charged), and once fully powered, alternate fire (toggled) would make the user bear it like a crossbow. Blocking/channeling at the same time in alternate fire and the scythe will emit a beam of energy to a teammate it's aimed at. This regenerates health/shields.

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Faction: Infested
Brief Description: The weapon pulses in your hand like a handful of maggots. The compulsion to drop the defiled thing is strong, but it won't let you go until your enemies are dead. On a critical hit, the basket hilt clamps down around the tenno's hand and stabs your current opponent to death or for a couple seconds at an increased attack speed. Rapier grip.
Original Artwork:



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Name;Tessen.      Faction;Tenno  Grip; Glaive Brief description; a war fan that does slash damage.Could knock down enemies down in a short area around the fan when being thrown. Original artwork;(all parts of the fan that is not colored is metal).

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Misneach and Onoir. 
Sword and shield.

Used by the guards of the Lotus, this weapon has high corrosive properties to melt away armor so the blade can carve the flesh beneath. Successfully blocked melee attacks from an enemy will deal a status proc to the enemy unit.

The Tenno writing is on the sword it means.
Side 1: To pay an unpayable debt, I give my live to her.
Side 2: Her guardian, her ally, her friend. I am her knight.

Edited by angelum_tenebrarum
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Faction: Infested

Description: Crafted from the bones of infested ancients, the Thoracyst tears into its enemies and rips out their very spines to add to its size.

The weapon uses The Heavy Weapon Stance, and starts out with a short melee range. As the wielder gets melee kills, the weapon grows in length..eJwVzNsNwyAMAMBdGICHeQiyTITAJVQJoNhVP6ruXvUGuI943afYxMG8aFOqdirzrpJ43rmhbHO2E_PqJMu8VGbO5bhwMCmI2kcLYJxPGnwCrSCFGLxx1gYTrLPaqz4eSIx1p9UH7vT-78_VxPcH8vwoHA.Knrl2HL2-GpMK2B3mIZ-zHE4Bw8?width=400&height=301

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Name: Plasmio SVG
Grip: Gunblade
Faction: Corpus

Plasmio SVG is a energy based weapon which can be both anenergy cannon and an energy sword.It consists of 4 different sets of parts and has 2 different modes.
1. a gravitational gauntlet which keeps all the cannon parts and sword parts float and circle around it 
2.sword parts (4 parts)
3.cannon parts(6 parts)
4.holographic status:the holographic ring around the gauntlet which shows the weapon's status.

1.sword mode:in the sword mode,the sword parts assemble in front of the gauntlet and around energy core.the energy core powers the energy sword and creates a energy blade.
2.Cannon mode:in cannon mode the sword parts disassemble the 2 rings around the gauntlet move infront and around the energy core and it powers the cannon and common charges and fires energy blasts that can deal great damage in short to medium range.





Edited by (XB1)Ostagar7
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Name: Smite and Radiance

Faction: Cephalons Simaris/ Cephalon Suda/ Tenno

Stance: Sword and Shield

Description: A collaboration between Cephalons Simaris and Cephalon Suda to create a way for Tenno operatives with less stealthy abilities to gather information and hunt there targets without damaging the target or be brutally beaten in the process. The hard-light shield when it properly blocks a targets attack can create a codex scan of a target, useful for gathering info in the middle of a fight. Armed with a mace also using hard-light dealing both Impact and radiation on hits


first post simple free hand with pencil and ink enjoy!

Edited by (XB1)Radiant Paragon
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Name: Kystrus

Type: Single hand sword

Faction: Corpus

A simple weapon with a row of projectors that emit 7 laser blades that are turned off when the weapon is holstered.

Using a charged attack switches the emitters between an active and inactive state allowing you you to switch between a slash and an impact attack.

Has the word "gain" written on the disk on the back of the blade.

Edited by (PS4)RoflFish94
forgot to add a detail
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Name: Sentient Devour 

Faction: Sentient 

Grip type: Sword (ex. broken war, Cronus, etc.)

Brief description: Has high slash and radiation damage and has a one out of five chance of picking up a sentient core. If it picks up a sentient core it gets a damage buff for the rest of the mission. When not in use the two blades comes together to close up.

Back story: A Tenno hiding among died sentient forged it from there parts and a fragment of a almost died sentient core. The core can be located in the large diamond center. 


Edited by (PS4)icestormes
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  • Conquest
  • Faction: Sentient
  • Type - Gunblade
  • Description - All normal melee attacks deal physical damage, however the charged attack will propel a projectile that implodes on impact pulling in enemies dealing the physical damage converted to radiation with 100% status chance on direct hit. Consecutive hits with melee will build a small % of damage increase for charged attack and increase in blast radius. 


Image 1:


Image 2:


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Luna & Sol Dual Short Swords


Faction: Tenno

Grip/Stance Type: Dual swords

Brief Description: 
Similar to the Silva blade, Luna & Sol are crafted by the Tenno, using ether technology. However, without requiring a balance of protection and damage, Luna & Sol focus solely on raw power. Functioning similarly to the dual Dakra blades, a series of quick slashes from these dual swords will leave enemies in tatters.

Other Note:
This is my first time submitting to a Warframe design contest, so I would like to apologize for the lack of detail in the drawing. It's mainly because I don't have access to the best digital drawing applications/programs and I'm not very good at traditional drawing, so I just made use of what I do have. I also didn't know if there were any sorts of limits on things like grip design and such, so I basically just designed the blades and hilt decorations.

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Tenno (possibly Lotus designed)

Brief Description:

Class: Rapier

While any weapon in the hands of a skilled Tenno can be deadly, this rapier has been crafted to enhance the innate channeling abilities of the Tenno through a conduit encased in an ether crystal blade. When channeled, razor sharp energy projections appear like petals and burst forth to slash and pierce any foe in their way with each strike. Designed to match Warframe’s blend of Western and Eastern Art.

On a gameplay side, I wanted to design a weapon that took the channeling mechanic and gave it a really cool and unique payoff.





Edited by AquaTalon
Fixed art not appearing
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Name: Gertha & Null

Faction: Corpus

Type: Sword and Shield

The best defense is a good offense, with this concept in mind, the corpus engineers as part of their new technologies studies they gave life to some imposing weapons able to create little electric traps that does electric damage in an area. These, The Gertha & Null 

Image 1:


Image 2:


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Corpus - Glaive


The Advista is a glaive that has 3 pseudo blades; the blades themselves are simply stiff wires used to conduct electricity. When thrown, the blades are launched out of the center while still being connected with wires, and while it is air born, the Advista will leave a trail of Corpus advertisements in words. 

Codex entry: Utilizing technology originally designed for scrapping old robotics, the Advista was seen as a perfect opportunity for investors to get some free advertisement. 

If I got the right letters, it should say "buy one get one for higher".


Edited by Pixception
added a possible codex entry
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Infested weapon.
-Dual Stance Weapon, Polearm weapon / Gunblade
-Corrosive base Damage
-Charging the weapon leaves a trail looking like corrosive flames of the energy color (Only Visual FX)
-Gunblade shots spits corrosive fire of the energy color
-The Ketesys when used against the Infested will ''speak'' to them by excusing itself from doing harm. (What more Canadian than that?)

Is that fine?

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Faction: Tenno

Grip Type: Whip

The Hasu is a beautiful weapon that blooms into a devastating floral whip. Based off of the Lotus flower the Hasu opens the more it is used in combat. Once Hasu is in full bloom it reveals its inner power. (As combo streak is built, status chance, crit chance/damage, is increased)


Edited by CoryAwesome
Too many spaces between text and picture
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Weapon: Arm Lanx -> Mutalist Lanx Claws (I know the names need work but yes it is based off of the shark like creatures on Uranus)

Faction: Tenno -> Infestation

Description: Massive arm claws inspired by the deep designed to tear through the greatest of enemies. -> Infestation has overcome these claws to feast on all who oppose you.

Notes: Should be dual wielded, but art skills lack so only drew one. There are a total of 5 blades (the 2 smaller are also on the opposite side) and there is a spike coming out by the elbow.






So this weapon is very important to me for a couple reasons that I'd like to share but feel free to ignore. I like to immerse myself in game play by projecting myself into it, whether it be designing my character after myself, having them make choices that resemble mine, or using equipment similar to my own. Well I've trained with a massive hand claw called arm shark for quite some time, and you have no idea how much joy it would bring me to have my warframe wield something similar. It would be such a crazy and unreal experience that I am convinced I'll shed tears of joy. So DE please, PLEASE, even if I don't win, or you don't like my spin on the claws, here's the original, and I would be so happy if you brought them into the game somehow:



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Name: Irusang

Faction: Orokin

Brief Description: Originally of Orokin design, the Irusang is a rapier which siphons blood from its victims. As the blood well fills, the weapon's damage increases, however, stored blood can be consumed and converted into high damage penetrating darts (with alt-fire) which are launched into enemies in a fluid thrusting motion. (Thrusting lunge forward launches the dart.)

Inscription on the hand guard in tennobet: "From blood, strength." 

Note - In the weapon itself, blood is siphoned through the blade into the hilt - the red highlighted area fills with blood. 

Blade length, mostly to scale...


Concept and Design by ktaswell

Design and Artwork by PotatoGrill


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YNzwxgG.jpgName Orkin Eye

Stance: Sparring or Fists.

Fraction : Red Veil 

Have the mouth of the weapon that looks like a dragon head open up Stretches open more as the more victims it claims and energy absorbed.  Dragon head and eye in move around frantically the more it  claims victims and or melee combo multiplier or when the weapon is charged. I was thinking of this weapon as being biomechanical  but not Pre infested. maybe have it grow overall bigger as the more carnage it causes. Make pipes eyes and various parts glow. All about the energy.










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So here goes.

Aine Mas

Faction: Tenno/ New Loka

Grip type: Mace

Aine mas will be a kanabo and mace hybrid with a hollow head that resembles a lantern. I named it after the Irish goddess of Midsummer and the Gaelic word for mace. It has a small swarm of razorwings that attack based on the status chance doing slash damage. The studs along the shaft act nodes for the razorwings to dock with. When dormant they rest on the shaft and act as extra flanges or idly circle the mace head.



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