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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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Faction: Tenno

Weapon Type: Gunblade

Description: An extension of the arm to allow maximum precision when decimating your enemies by gun or blade.

It would have the gunblade grip. It would mimic the fire of the Redeemer (Shotgun not machine gun fire on charge attack). This weapon is meant to be like an extension off of the arm and is Lotus themed. If it was colored, it would have the general dark purple, black, and dark grey colors of the Lotus and a bright blue energy color. It could almost act like a shield but is intended to be a gunblade. If the arm extension idea wont work, you can use the large Lotus symbol as a handle.



Edited by mikeschubee
extra input
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This is gluttony, this ancient tenno mace thought to be lost through the ages, but mysteriously recovered from deep within the infestation. Now living and infected this mace when being charged for a melee attack it opens up and bites, eating at its victim giving health to its wielder. When it is power slammed into the ground it releases a pool of acid for a short period of time. It has a corrosive effect,also more combos the mace goes through the mace opens more, dealing more damage.

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How about this? 

  • Chainsaw blade (?).
  • Faction - Lotus.
  • Grip Type - Great Sword Weapon (ie, Galatine).
  • Brief Explanation - The "saw" rotating every time tenno attacking, and when you use channeling the saw will rotate faster.

excuse my English.

Edited by NegiSpringfield
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Faction: Grineer
Type : Sword & Shield
Description :  " The Rampart " ,The hammer & shield has adapted its hammer head that can spin itself to increase dmg and crush enemy like meat balls. Shield itself has been designed to suit its user . It can roll shield part to fit user's arm for more flexibility . It has cooling system from spinning part on top of hammer. This part is extremely hot from gear spinning. (If this weapon win this contest . It can be adapted by designer's desicion)

Edited by nuttoo
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http://colorslive.com/details/3730997 Weapon type/Grip: Gunblade

Name:  O'onya Emitter

Faction: Tenno

Brief description: A small, seemingly simple device placed on a tenno's hand to dampen void energy when one begins to lose control. In the hands of a warframe the opposite is true. Focus on your tenno powers and watch as the blinding void burst's out from your warframes fist to form an energy blade. Adept users may even appear in spectral form along side their warframe to launch a devastating blast at amazing range.

(Not sure if i posted the image correctly)

Edited by (PS4)scizor307
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Here's my entry,

Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: The blade is removed from the backside of the shield, both of which rest on the back when not in use. When mêlée command is tapped the blade swings downwards in a cross but when charged it's slashed from left to right horizontally. After a successful block anything that came into contact is slammed backwards.

Additional Notes:  Heavily Aztec inspired and the name, Meztli and Coatl, roughly translate to "Moon and Serpent"


Warframe Contest: Meztli and Coatl


Edited by (XB1)Ryokuzo
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Faction : Tenno

Brief Description : The Ravager Blade looks similar to a nikana but it is more thicker and it has serrated blades. It stays in sword mode when not attacking but when you do attack it transforms into  a whip-like blade, lashing out at enemies in a manner of a heavy whip.

The serrated edge is very similar of that a boltor and it's main damage is slash maybe with a bit of piercing.

When sheathed it rests horizontally on your back like the mios.

The default color of this weapon is metallic black not too much black though or metallic silver like the boltor and the default energy color for this weapon is blue and when channeling you can see the color on its serrated blades.



Edited by ZinogreTW
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  • Weapon name: Sacred
  • Faction: tenno
  • grip: Great sword
  • damage: Slash
  • I was thinking of making a weapon they symbolises the lotus 
  • Brief description: when the weapon is put away it gets smaller ors slots down. 

Its not letting me show the image but if you look through my instagram: (Doublekillproductions) you should see it there.

Edited by (XB1)Hell0 HAL0 096
Not letting me post an image
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I know hirudo is out, but a new pair of gauntlets would be cool, BLocking could charge a gauge, and then at charge, and during a charge attack, release a freakin kamehameha

opticor in fist weps, lets do it

faction :Corpus

Damage : Impact / Blast

Edited by Sunrenata
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Resonance Blade

Faction: Tenno

Grip Type: Sword

Description: Once used to tune Orokin instruments, this musician's tool has been re-purposed into a primarily impact based sword with stunning lethality. Charge attacks from this weapon resonate, afflicting near-by enemies with impact procs on contact. 

Figured with all the sound based frames it'd be nice for them to have a proper tool! The Orokin writing simply says 'Resonance'.



Edited by ZenFetcher
Pictures were too big. Taking up way too much forum space.
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  • Name: Namicor
  • Faction: Cephalon
  • Grip Type: Polearm
  • Description: This Cephalon melee deals magnetic (and/or physical damage).  The slam attack inflicts are guaranteed magnetic proc and leaves behind a gravitational singularity similar to one produced by the simulor. To appear more like other weapons in their family, the white areas on the weapon are meant to be light blue, the shaded areas are black, and the yellow light detailing between the black and light blue surfaces are not drawn, but intended.  I have included pictures of similar areas on either the heliocor or simulor as a reference.



Edited by Saturn_VII
Added picture properly and made it a spoiler to take up less space
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Caute & Percula (Caution & Risk, loosely based off Latin) The basis of any Entrepreneurial enterprise.

Faction: Corpus

Brief Description: Created alongside the Serro, to penetrate thick bulkheads and sealed Airlocks with a short range laser drill, and to pry apart plating with energy enhanced pick. It became used as a weapon by Rebels, who attached Dendra-like Shield Emitters to the housing.

It is held as a Shield & Sword, functioning as a fairly straightforward weapon. Similar to the Vaykor Syndon charges while blocking, releasing to create a short range stun, leaving adjacent enemies vulnerable to Finishers. Utilizes the Laser Drill to perform Finishers, firing the laser point blank through the enemy. Uses a combination of Electricity and Puncture Damage.



Notes: Not fantastic with digital art, and don't have a tablet, so just hand drawn. Hope all the details are apparent. Shield Emission does not appear unless blocking. Emitters are the circles in the center of the drill housing, did not want to draw arrows over the other details. Image of Drill housing & shield emission are rotated 90 degrees from each other (emitters are shown on shield)

Edited by Xelcir
Clarification on bottom notes
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  • Name: Talawns, Derived From Orokin Translations (Name Not yet decided..)
  • Faction: Tenno
  • Grip: Claws
  • Description: This Channeling melee is made for close combat. It has short range and damage is low when not channeling; maybe 20 dmg But when Channeling damage will be multiplied significantly by about x3.25 however this will come at a far greater channeling cost.
  • Stats:    
    •  MR: 12?..
    • Attack Speed: | 1.2 W/O Channel |  -  | 0.995 W/ Channel |
    • Base: 20
      • Impact: 3
      • Puncture: 4.5
      • Slash: 12.5
    • Channeling Multiplier: x3.25
      • Channeling Cost: 10?..
    • Critical Chance: 3.5%?
      • Critical Multiplier: x1.25?
    • Status Chance : 20%?
    • Slide and Wall Attacks: 60

Concept Art is a bit dismal as I am not an artist nor do I have the right tools.



In the Holstered State the blade is meant to split and sit on the arm almost like a shield except without the function of one then when weapon is re-equipped it will fold out again and come back together. I know how much fun this would be for the Animation Team... Further Information -  On the far left is the non channeled state and in the left of the middle is the channeled state. Will Provide More Images of these states as time becomes more available. Halve the weapon if too big for claw animations.

Edited by Firehead331
Minor Corrections and Removal of unnecessary lines
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Description: This Tenno forged great sword has only been used in the hands of a master Tenno. This sword has been used to defeat the strongest enemies for over 100 generations. It requires great strength to wield but the outcome delivers a massive blow that will stagger even the biggest or most powerful target.

Hilt:Great sword

Edited by (PS4)HungryAphid68
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I apologise I am absolutely terrible at art, this is my idea for the melee weapon contest.

It's pretty much a hand crossbow mixed with a katar. Except you know, cephalon-y.
In actuality, aside from these awful drawings. The idea for the lights is to have the cephalon-esque runes/characters or lights along them, like the scanner or Heliocor would.
Onto the details-

P.S- you know I didnt even think about this before I made the image but another good name for it (since its based on a katar) would be something like Heliotar or something idk.


Weapon: Gunblade
Faction: Cephalon

Description: A scanner-type weapon built with the intention of guerrilla reconnaissance for Cephalon espionage agents. Utilizing both melee and range, it's a powerful tool to use against a variety of targets.

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3 minutes ago, Barukitan said:

I apologise I am absolutely terrible at art, this is my idea for the melee weapon contest.

It's pretty much a hand crossbow mixed with a katar. Except you know, cephalon-y.
In actuality, aside from these awful drawings. The idea for the lights is to have the cephalon-esque runes/characters or lights along them, like the scanner or Heliocor would.
Onto the details-

P.S- you know I didnt even think about this before I made the image but another good name for it (since its based on a katar) would be something like Heliotar or something idk.


Weapon: Gunblade
Faction: Cephalon

Description: A scanner-type weapon built with the intention of guerrilla reconnaissance for Cephalon espionage agents. Utilizing both melee and range, it's a powerful tool to use against a variety of targets.

Sounds interesting to me, since Cephalon doesnt have many weapons yet

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Weapon type: Hammer/Heavy blade (like at Dark Split-Sword, both stances can be equipped)

Faction: Grineer

Description: A Grineer shovel, found on Ceres at a construction area.

Damage: "Hammer": (around 80-90 total physical damage) Impact 70% Slash 25% Puncture 5%, slam ragdolls enemies, but the direct hit from the slam staggers the victim.
                "Heavy blade": (around 80-90 total pysical damage) Slash 75% Impact 20% Puncture 5%, slam knocks enemies down and deals 150% increased slash damage on the                   slam's direct hit.

Utility: 1.15 attack speed, because it's just a light(er than other hammers/heavy blades) shovel.

Do I really need to put 2 pictures of shovels here? It would be literally an everyday shovel (with maybe a Grineer symbol on it's handle) used in Warframe's hammer/heavy blade stances.


the name came from "a shovel from Ceres"


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17 minutes ago, Dragonofdarkness13 said:

what are you talking about ?


i believe the response is from a confusion as to why all the entry are not sword and shield as given as an example in the first post.

which i think is arising from the name of the contest "The Best Defence" where the rest of that quote/pun is "is a good offence" but people are taking it literally. and with the use of the Silvas and Aegis as an example is adding to confusion.

there has already been a grineer shovel mentioned at a very early stage of this thread. with pictures as well


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On 3/3/2017 at 1:09 PM, zaxiade said:

Original Image:

Faction: Tenno

Brief Description: As title says. I'd like to introduce my first Weapon concept/idea. This is Morthaine, A sacred spawned SCYTHE that utilizes the scythe grip/stances (i.e: Stalking Fan) had appeared long ago from unknown origin.. Slow but powerful, it has innate electricity with high slash damage.

Specialty: Using a charge attack; this weapon would sent a lightning bolt of energy, with pinpoint aim. Channeling and aiming at a target chains the lightning.

Volts first abilitie in a scythe?

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