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The Best Defense - Melee Creation Contest!


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3 hours ago, tentacleface762 said:

Ive seen one other one that was just direct image copy and paste. didnt want to point it out. people dont seem to know google image search has a reverse search function.

I was a moderator in the last online forum community I've been part of and I've hosted a bunch of art related contests. The usual punishment was temp Forum ban or blacklist from entering contests. but never their accounts banned. just a personal preference.

to explain, because being banned meant the person was unable to contact other people. the criminal must be penalized within the system he has committed a crime in. if the person has friends on the other parts of the forum, they should still be able to communicate with them. thats the only fair method. it also allows people to explain their cases. if it is an honest mistake, if that was the best they could do and wasnt really trying to be malicious about it, then its forgiven(but not forgotten). If they want to hurl abuses at me in foreign language after forgetting that google translate is a thing, then they are banned.

On the topic of matching the aesthetics, 

I believe that part exists for this very purpose because, from my own experience, people tended to vote for the most non fitting, convoluted "cool" designs regardless of what the theme of the contest was. but usually, the scale of the contest was such, and the number of participants was such that it was easier and more open for discussions, for people to comment on each other's work and critique them so that they might usually follow the intended path towards the intended design. on this thread, I havent got the fainted idea on how many people submitted. I remember the few that were drawn well or the sketch showed a very solid idea. but the majority are in text/theory form with no images attached to remember*. and if there are so many to a point where one cant remember it, it makes it hard to critique and improve.

*: humans are very visual-focused organisms. "a picture is worth a thousand words" is no empty remark. the brain is literally wired that way. a huge part of problem solving, that makes what we are, is connected to the way our brain can recognize visual patterns. so, as a word of advice, having a picture really helps others to even remember the concept.

Shut up... You're ranting and raving won't help at all, and you're not a psyche major so...... Shut up.

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Faction: Tenno

My idea is a Energy blade (like psi blades from starcraft) the main idea is "a weapon good by channeling" so you have to channel your energy to make it good, it will have low base damage, range, crit and status until you start to channel and it will increase all of the stats and change his damage from physical to electric , it can be a claw-type weapon(but dual wield) or his own category...EN TARO LOTUS




i'm not an artist and english is not my native, have mercy

Edited by Deathric
i forgot to say the faction
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4 hours ago, tentacleface762 said:

Animating is a special kind of hell that not many people can even learn to appreciate nor even experience. so when you write all this down, I can understand it cos i do a little bit of animating. but to the layman, those words are gibberish and that picture doesnt mean anything. I know its infuriating but thats the way it is and youre kinda wasting your energy trying to talk it through to some people

i am saying this because i spent like an hour yesterday fighting a guy who thought the designs in Warframe are all garbage and stupid and organic. and then he decided to bring up Starcraft 2 Terran Marine as a counter argument to Warframe design.


my point was to explain the actual process to somebody who called the DE animators lazy for not getting in on this entirely optional competition only to have him realize he knows absolutely jack about the hell animators go through. I've seen a couple of comments on here exclaiming similar opinions on the matter, and every time I read one, I get a little more stressed knowing that some of these people breed.

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Faction: Tenno

Brief Description:  This weapon is made from knife and wight, it is similar like old ninja manriki and its used just like old ninja manriki. Can be craft in foundery and resources are alloy plate, skana, fragor and orokin cell.

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Faction- Tenno

Grip Type- Whips

*Not good at art so will use a base image to help my concept*

Description- The weapon would be a dual electric whip based weapon that would be pure elemental damage, however it would have its own unique mechanics, 2 of them to be precise.

The first would be the with a charged attack the tenno will latch on to an enemy and pull them towards themselves, however once close the tenno will be prompted to use the target as a human shield.

The other potential mechanic would be using a unique combo, where when the whips latches on to the enemy it will detach from the tenno wrapping round the current target and keeping them locked in place. 

Image result for iron man whip

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2 hours ago, (PS4)DEAD-CALIBUR said:

Shut up... You're ranting and raving won't help at all, and you're not a psyche major so...... Shut up.

i assume you are referring to the last part of the comment. first of all, its brain biology, not psyche. those are two separate and only mildly related things. and i am saying that a large portion of your brain is more or less a GPU dedicated to visuals. and i am saying people remember by seeing. not reading. and i dont need a psyche major to explain why pics are better than text. and i am saying that it will help the contestants if they put at least SOME sort of image instead of just text. it is not a hard concept to understand. and i am saying this because people have good ideas that are just getting buried in a flood of posts because they have no pictures to them. and they are getting no recognition for the idea that they have thought out and took effort to write down. and then they either get nothing out of it or get discouraged from further participation because their efforts were met with silence. and the only way i could explain it clearly, without leaving doubt is by ranting and raving. of course it became a wall of text. and you hate it. everyone hates it. which proves my point again that all these entries shouldn't be just a wall of text. because people like pictures. that is what i am trying to get at.

as a side note, if you dont like ranting, then dont read. thats fine. for people that reads though, i am trying to explain as clearly as possible so there are no misunderstandings. hopefully it helps. and maybe its a window to start another discussion. i really dont think that is an offensive notion. and i really dont think trying to get people to have a discussions to either discuss the contest entries or elements present within the contest, such as the rules and so on. is this not a community? isnt that what a community should do?

Edited by tentacleface762
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why you think multimedia(videos, images, sound etc) is better consume than books, images are easy and prefer over text, also the 100 word limit for the contest ensures that describing something the way you want cannot be achived, that another thing people get passionate and forget the 100 words limit, i know people get annoyed because other tell what to do but, some are only suggesting so the dev can at least look at your work.

Brief Description: Include a grip-type and description of your weapon (max 100 words) .

dont belive look at yesterday prime time, look at the end list of the weapons that were more popular in the post.

Khobi your lance was there LOL

Edited by (PS4)Frozenfenrir
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Far as I know, we only have three Two-handed swords, and Gram is the only design I like. Also excuse my bad drawing, I drew it up in an hour or so, and it's been quite a while since i've drawn anything.



Faction: Tenno

Grip Type:  Two-handed sword

Description: "A Tenno replica of an ancient sword found on Lua. One would think that a towering crystal blade such as this would be too brittle for battle, yet many who have underestimated it have found themselves 'shattered' beneath it's pale glow. A peculiar trait of this weapon, is that it glows brighter the more it's master kills with it, as if it enjoyed the act. But it is merely a sword, and a replica at that. Surely it means nothing, right?"

I'm kind of iffy on the greatsword grip. This design, while plain due to my lack of skill, is designed to be handled gracefully. The sword (especially the greatsword) styles I've seen seem full of crude chops and slashes. Katana styles seem more elegant, yet pulling it out of the sheath every time doesn't really fit the design I had in mind either. *shrug* I just thought I'd throw my lot in and see if anything came of it. Art is by me, place donut stale.

Edited by SA-495
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Name: Detonis (Referenced from the term "Detonate" which means to activate an explosion)

Faction: Corpus

Weapon grip: Blade and whip (Defiled Snapdragon)

Possible damage type: Puncture/Blast/Slash/Electricity


Corpus research on anti-matter weaponry has allowed them to develop the capability to house and manipulate particles of antimatter in a perfect vacuum shell orb. Once any of the orbs come in contact with an object or entity, the Detonis' orb shell destabilizes and releases a few particles of positrons, causing devastating but focused explosions via the sharp hook tip, in which after the release of the positrons the loss of antimatter particles allow the orb shells to re-stabilize again. Used in conjunction, the long energy chain creates a safety distance from the explosions. The Detonis also comes with a puncture scythe making this weapon versatile both for shields, flesh and armor. In the hands of the correct wielder the Detonis will only ever detonate on his foes and never on himself.


- The five coloured energy spheres are the energy shell orbs.

- Explosions can be made to occur at the end of certain combos(long reaching attacks) or through charge/slam attacks.

- The idea is to be able to cause multiple knockdowns via blast if not outright kill the enemies. (Suggest to have a high status chance above all).

- Material allows all the explosive energy to be redirected away from the physical material of the weapon, preventing the weapon from being damaged after one blast.

- The design is adapted from the Japanese Kusarigama a chain-and-sickle weapon capable of close as well as far range attacks.

Edited by LinLaoBuFlyLikeAG6
Edit for grammar and punctuation
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On 3/5/2017 at 7:39 AM, Acculluz said:



Brief Description:

A recreation of an old war relic that was once thought to be lost, along with its master. The Caerudala channels void energy generating a shield to protect the Warframe from all frontal damage. The energy shield can also be used as a thrown melee, capable of projecting multiple glaive like projectiles and creating fields that deal continuous damage to enemies that come in contact with it. This is an embodiment of elegance, intricacy, and the deadly power of Tenno craftsmanship and mastery of the void. (Thrown Melee Grip Type)

Original Artwork:




i would use this all the time if it would be put in the game i love glaives and flashy things this is nice AF

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On 3/4/2017 at 1:45 AM, 4ever4gotin said:

Weapon: "Gun Blade" / Faction: Cephalon (Semaris/Suda or otherwise)

Name: Patalcor (based off of the swords from Jehuty (Zone of the Enders), Gundam Exia (Gundam 00) as well as a historical Indian sword called the "Pata"

Flavour text: A gunblade that is arm holstered, stored on the backhand side, allowing this weapon to be quick and deadly with calculated accuracy. The ranged attack is a single wide projectile that more accurate than its counterparts but has travel time. Designed in the family of other Cephalon weapons (Heliocor, Simmulor, Gammacor), this weapon offers the scientific precision needed to dissect or obliterate subjects.

Mechanics: Ranged attacks (combo's/charged attack) fill enemies with energy and subsequently killing them with a channeled attack refunds energy to your Warframe based off of the number of scan you have of the target.


I want this.DE Please.

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On 3/3/2017 at 11:00 PM, SilverBones said:


(Blade and Whip Grip) This slow-swinging, militarized version of a boarding tool embodies everything about the Grineer approach to warfare; It’s vicious, it’s destructive and serves in multiple functions simultaneously. The super-heated, sickle-like plasma blade can carve through hardened armor, the explosive, cable-bound weighted end can clear debris and attackers in equal measure and even the heat vents can be used to maim and kill. It is the embodiment of murderous, Grineer ingenuity. When in use, the vent plating slides back to protect the users hand from the heat, then moves back to guard the plasma nozzles when stowed.



Personal Note: While I appreciate the concern that my name is not listed next to the Silva & Aegis, I have never asked for it, nor felt like it was deserved. I just doodled the idea. Tennogen guys actually create the stuff, while the animation and art team at Warframe did most of the glorious work for the S&A. I am totally fine with how the Silva & Aegis is listed!

i dont use the mios or the other one but i'd probably use this one way more than the other two

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11 hours ago, (PS4)eliasgustavo said:

Ninkondi Mutalist


Description:Horrified by the infestation, the ninkondi seeks to destroy the enemy with toxic gaseous clouds, only the tenno can wield this dangerous weapon that hides a hidden power.


I swear that looks like 2 javlok's placed perpendicularly on top of each other. Are you trying to get banned?

Edited by LinLaoBuFlyLikeAG6
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8 hours ago, Khobi said:


Before you jump to conclusions slow down my friend. I find it lazy and I am disappointed because this is not the first time this contest was held. 3 years ago was the first time it was held & they selected 3 weapons types who weren't in the game at that time . So basically each weapon they selected had its own custom stances . Sword & shield , tonfa, and blade & whip. Sadly it seems that's not going to happen this time. I'd assume because it would take more effort to make a new grip type . 

Btw yes I have the right to criticize the devs especially if this is a game I've dedicated 1000s of hours too & also dumped 100s of dollars on. Obviously as you can tell I love this game. Just like everyone else on this thread, so even if is more work to make a new grip type . We the players have given the devs our support & loyalty 

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Fire & Ice

Grip: As Glaive

Faction: Tenno


Fire & Ice are a pair of war fans held in a Glaive style.

Fire (the right hand) is all about offense, being flung at the enemy before returning. [Charge attack ... as glaive]

Ice (the left hand) is all about defense granting parrying and blocking while its sister is thrown.

When both in hand, block stance uses a cross block creating a large surface area deflecting frontal ranged attacks. 



Edited by Cosmic_Mistress
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Here is my submission, The Hirax Nunchucks, their holstered position is fit together & they look like a short staff, Then they are spring loaded, so when equiping melee you get a 5 second speed boost. these are Tenno nunchucks. these are the Hirax. Codex entry "Feeling fast tenno? this fierce weapon will tear through all your Problems"

Animated Photo

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I'm not even close to being the best drawer, but I like the game enough to always have a jab at it and obviously not do very well, but here it is...


I had titania in mind while making this, as you can see it is forest based and has a pangolin style handle. I also made a little attachment for it, which talks and tells you hard truths of your performance.

Lines will include, "You call that brute force" "let me just do nothing, yeah great idea" "why aren't you killing them" "my gran could've done better and she's like me, a spirit"

"ooooo look at this peaceful, waaait, what nooo the bloood is on me"


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3 minutes ago, (PS4)SolventGrandma said:


Faction: Infested
Grip Type: Glaive
Description: A living glaive created from the remains of an Infested tumour.



are there existing animations for this? 

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10 hours ago, l0g1n said:

ooooooh ok its my turn to submit now. my artistry skills are nonexistent so noone laugh




Category: dual claws, that means that monstrosity x2

Faction: grineer

so you know how grineer manics are all cool and edgy right? wouldnt it be cool to go all manic on your enemies? ok so basically this weapon is dual claws with a few extra kinks. finishers and spin attacks and leap attacks and basically everything other than a basic attack with this weapon do the super cool invisible, smoke, manic, dash thing. now i know what youre thinking "this weapon would be more broken than i am inside" now yes that is true buuuuuuuut the super cool highdamage invisible crit smoke effects are only attainable through this cool thing called melee channeling. you know that mechanic that DE put into melee weapons but noone really uses it except for cool lookin energy effects? i present to you the first weapon meant for melee channeling. instead of the original 1.5x melee channel bonus you would get, this weapons gives you 2.0x bonus AND the cool lookin energy effects. or copmletely just disregard everything i just said and make it op as balls, slap on a brand new stance mod and call er good. either way i just wanna see useable grineer manic claws in game WITH the fancy effects.

I dont see the pic? Is it just my phone....?

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Faction: Grineer

Brief Description:  When the blade is equipped the chainsaw starts up slowly. Due to the sharp blades on the saw, a normal melee swing will still do some damage. However a charged up melee attack will rev up the engine causing the blades to move really fast and dealing massive damage.

The grip for this blade would be the two-handed or Heavy Blade animation grip due to its massive size.



Edited by (PS4)The_WIGlNAT0R
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