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July 11Th: Community Hot Topics


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Well we do have to understand this game is still in it's beta stage, there are a lot tweaking and fixing about. But do give credit to the developers as in they are making progress, a big step or a small step is still a step forward. Besides, everyone got their own favour of things and it would be hard for them to cope every single one of our needs.


Just my 2 cents

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I need clarification DE. Will we (those of us that had to work all weekend) ever have a chance to get Primed Chamber?


Will Excalibur Prime and Excalibur ever receive the love they deserve? (All other frames can be colored 100%, only Excal and his prime counter part are stuck with that awful grey back decals and the alt heads on Excalibur Prime DO NOT MATCH the color palettes.) Try to make solid white excal prime and give him the new Alt head and see what happens. the body is snow white, the head is greyish. The same is true for any color. And it looks awful. 

Edited by Sirabot
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the colour customisation needs a switch to turn off for your Frame and one for everyone in general from the options.


Some colours just don't work with some power sets. Ember is one where some colours don't work.

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Also, Can we do something about that insidious blue glare coming out of my sentinel's eye? Doesn't matter what color the energy is, it's always there. Doesn't look good and doesn't make any sense.


Also the new mech sentinel face plate thing doesn't sit right on dethcube. It's too far removed from the cube itself. You might even say there is a gap.


There are parts on rhino's new helmet that I can't color? -__- really?

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However, valid complaints emerged that focused on:


This event felt like it did not encourage co-op play.

Tiered rewards should be introduced.

Drones as content could have been more challenging.


All noted and in the brains of the team as we move forward with planning more events. Thanks again to everyone who played!

I stop searching Spy Drones after 20 kills because I wasn't needed more.

I'm glad that next event will be without this problems and maybe with tiered rewards.

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Hi tenno: I wanted to that with the raise of the drop rate of gallium, morphics, neuronal captor, command modul.... it is very hard to farm correctly salvage or alloy plate ! Thank you for your patience and your understanding ;)


And I wanted to congratulates you for your INCREDIBLE U9 !!!

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I sense a name change in your future. 

True, but I've been using this IGN for other games I played and it seems like I did not offend other people. Does not matter anyway since it's proper english and has many other meaning to it. Just do some search on the dictionary.



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Update 9 was great but a lot are thing aren't balance :


The nightmare mod isn't challenging at all, I've done them with a frost level 13 with no potato only 2 power mods, vitality and rush and a decent weapon.


You guys need to talk more about those prime weapon on what has a possibility to be primed and what won't be to avoid any frustrations.


I have no problems with aura so far because forma aren't that hard to obtain by alerts , daily rewards or void rewards but some of them are way to powerful when 4 players are using them it's not balance even after you crank up the difficulty.

Same for those resources cut in dojo, for a dojo < 30 one dude can craft everything.


I'm sorry but your new shotgun sucks.


And what have u done with that drop rate with vor ?! I know it's rare but common I heard it was nearly 0 % chance to have a part of that pistol and only one player can have it , info / intox ?


I really hope you guys will do a livestream and answer to some of our questions soon.

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I built a Bo staff recently. The description promised me that I'd be taking my enemies for a ride to knockdown city, but the only time they actually go flying is when I beat them over the head for two days and they finally die of either boredom or sheer embarrassment.

So, are you going to fix it? I would really like to send things flying as soon as possible. :)

Edited by Da_Spadger
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I know this will probably sound like crazy idea, but how about talking with us more about upcoming features and especially their implementation, because, as playing since alpha, I see a lot of good and interesting ideas there and yet they are implemented in such a bad way it hurts the whole ideas.


Recent example is the Nightmare mode. Yeah we wanted higher difficulty and what you did? Made it random, add completely unnecessary low gravity mutator and, most important, we cannot chose which level we want to play in Nightmare mode... also no ingame description, explanation, what does the skull means. I thought people on forum were talking about optionable difficulty - and we get this...


And we all know, this is just one of many examples...

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6) Strict NAT Issues: 


We have done a lot to get the game client to operate and connect properly, the primary issue now is client side hardware being incapable of proper NAT routing. We are aware that large contact lists (friends + clan) can aggravate network problems with certain routers. A placeholder solution is to user the "/invite" feature when forming squads from global chat, this will alleviate worsening the problem as the contact list will not grow. This is unfortunate for the users affected by this, we will work on this.

As an aside here, Glen hopped into Broframe to test out the list-induced-lag. His router handled it without issue (DD-WRT). It's important to note how hardware relates to this: syncing the presence of hundreds of contacts takes time (2 minutes for all of Broframe on Glen's router). Not all routers are equal - this is all part of the technical reason why clan caps are coming.


This link may help those affected by Strict NAT: http://portforward.com/english/applications/port_forwarding/Warframe/


There are far more issues with the networking than just that. Virtually all people i play with have port forwarding set up correctly and yet just inviting people in to a squad takes longer than doing the mission. Why oh why does it fail to join so often when u send an invite? I send out 3 invites to my friends, all of them get connection failed but there is no packets dropped in my routers firewall log. I send them 3 or 4 more invites and finally they get in to the squad and off we go with no problems. Why is connecting to people to form squads SO hard?!


A lot of the time, the errors u get back are wrong/misleading as well.


I'd love to see a debug console running while i try and join a game or have people join me cos i've got no info as to why it fails. Some people join my games fine, some ppl have huge trouble joining me. Some people join fine for one game then cannot the next. It's totally random and i can't tell what the hell is going on. It's such a common occurrence to virtually everyone on the EU servers that it's common practice just to spam invite people because the first few are almost guaranteed to fail for no visible reason at all.

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I know this is kinda promoting another game but I think that a game called Forsaken World (MMO) had the best trading system of any game (that I've played).


It was very simple, some things that you already used or equipped to yourself would be bound and cannot be traded again (they had items that could unbound stuff but it obviously was rare/expensive).


Same with the 50 plat a new player gets, make it so that that Plat is bound to only that account

Elsword has the exact same godforsaken system. while I agree with the use and bind bit, I absolutely LOATHE having to buy something (usually it's only available via cash) to make it unbound. This will only make people happy if we can buy the Unbinder items with credits.

I'm not going to go into detail how many rare drops I've gotten in Elsword only to have that blasted little footnote "TRADE IMPOSSIBLE" all over it.

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I completely agree with the event not having enough notice.  I was away for a huge part of the weekend due to the holiday, and only got back in to play a few matches.


Is there any chance we'll be seeing the Snipetron Vandal as a reward again?  Even if it's just allowing the BP to drop during rare alerts or specific mission types?




See, its a sad face!  Take pity on the sad face!  Lol

Hate to burst your bubble mate, but  Vandal weaponry are exclusive's. If you miss your chance, it's oh well for you.

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6) Strict NAT Issues:


We have done a lot to get the game client to operate and connect properly, the primary issue now is client side hardware being incapable of proper NAT routing. We are aware that large contact lists (friends + clan) can aggravate network problems with certain routers. A placeholder solution is to user the "/invite" feature when forming squads from global chat, this will alleviate worsening the problem as the contact list will not grow. This is unfortunate for the users affected by this, we will work on this.

As an aside here, Glen hopped into Broframe to test out the list-induced-lag. His router handled it without issue (DD-WRT). It's important to note how hardware relates to this: syncing the presence of hundreds of contacts takes time (2 minutes for all of Broframe on Glen's router). Not all routers are equal - this is all part of the technical reason why clan caps are coming.


This link may help those affected by Strict NAT: http://portforward.com/english/applications/port_forwarding/Warframe/


none of these solutions have helped or do help, i've been having this problem since i started playing warframe when the most on my friends list was 3-5.  also no one i know who has the same problem none of this works for them either. 


to me it sounds more like 'well...if you do this it might work...maybe' as in you have no idea how to fix this problem so instead of saying 'yeah we #*(&#036;%%@ up with this setup' or 'we don't care to fix this problem (for whatever reason) so we're going to blame you (the player) for us screwing this up'.


i love this game, i'd love it even more if i could actually play with my friends.  they usually have to join me (if they can) and my net is terrible, so they lag constantly.


can you please at the very least look into this, instead of just fobbing us off?

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Really love this game can't w8 to see what evolves into a year or 2 from now and I hope it stays F2P when it leaves beta and officially becomes a game I always prefered F2P it lets you choose how much you want to invest in a game or not if you prefer although i think if you spend 100+ hours on a game you shouldn't have an issue buying a thing or two you really want. I like this games F2P model with the exception of warframe colors i think those should be free. anyway keep up the good work *thumbs up* :)

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