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Warframe Comics And Art (Added Kubrow Angel)


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Frost: Nova you will need to chill now.

Nova: NO!


*Brings ice age*


Frost: I hate those who disagrees.

Nova: *as is nearly frozen solid* Okay... I agree with you...

Frost: Thank you but it is too late. I will leave you there for a moment.

Nova: NOOOO!

Frost: Don't worry honey. Somebody will free you soon... If that will happen at all. >.> *leaves Nova behind*


Soon arrives Excalibur.


Nova: Excalibur! Can you help me?

Excalibur: *looks the situation* Sorry but I can't I would slash you apart you know.

Nova: Ex!

Excalibur: Hey I would love to help but it is not my problem if you piss off Frost like this. *leaves the situation*


Soon arrives Ash from nowhere.


Ash: You look upset and sad same time. What's botherin' sis?

Nova: I went to piss off Frost and he freezed me to this position. Can you help me?

Ash: Sorry but my abilities can not do anything about this ice you know.

Nova: *gasp* Just leave alone then.

Ash: You sure?

Nova: Yes!


Ash leaves the situation and soon arrives Loki with Galatine.


Nova: LOKI!

Loki: ? Oh Nova... What happened to you?

Nova: Guess twice...

Loki: You pissed off Frost?

Nova: Yes... Can you help me out? I am freezing...

Loki: Hold on I need to do one thing then quickly. I am back soon don't worry. *runs towards to hall way where he came*


Nova hears Ember and Loki talking then she hears that Loki pissed off Ember that this used World on Fire as Loki run past of Nova angry Ember following up by a length of three galatines gap. Nova hears Loki laughing and ice melts around her as Ember passed her. Ember sees the water and runs away to another direction. Loki arrives back to Nova who shakes from the cold.


Nova: I am still cold. Why did you piss off Ember?

Loki: She was already angry after loosing a match against me on a run at capture mission.

Nova: Is the fire place on... My armor is wet and still so cold after Frost bringing ice age on this room.

Loki: Follow me I will get you somewhere warm... Or at least windy place that you would dry up.

Nova: Who do you mean?

Loki: Our fellow new Tenno of course. Zephyr.


Nova follows Loki at the Zephyr's own room where she is flying around.

Edited by Revel72
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*likes big butts and can not lie*



 She's about average, the other frames just need to eat something.



She's chubby and perfect and that's final!




Mantis what are you doing?


*Mantis (my Volt) snuggling Nova* "Whaaat? She's squishy!" :3



She's not fat! :[



Lesbihonest here...i was inspired 

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I just saw this real nice butt-screenshot of the Stalker and I just....someone give me that &#!!!

Did they use Gmod? If so, it seems like i have to reinstall it and try learning myself to do that S#&$...... *cough* I might be desperate for some *clear and good* reference pics of the stalker.....


(i also found nice gifsets with the female warframes)

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