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Warframe Comics And Art (Added Kubrow Angel)


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*cough* I might be desperate for some *clear and good* reference pics of the stalker.....

"Clear and good" might be difficult with him having that black smoke around all the time. And the only time he holds still is when he uses Absorb ... But we can try. :D


(i also found nice gifsets with the female warframes)


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Ohai there Nova



Also there are Stalker models for both GMod and SFM

I would be most thankful for a link :) or....directions for where i can find it




"Clear and good" might be difficult with him having that black smoke around all the time. And the only time he holds still is when he uses Absorb ... But we can try. :D



Go to tumblr, search warframe gifs......viòla...you are bound to find it

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*poofs from Smokebomb*


Here ya are, the Warframe pack. There's a few of them still missing and no other props, but gots most the ladies and gents in the game, including Stalker in player model and ragdolls




*poofs into Smokebomb*

Thank you :D


Believe that is so painful work. Now I know how it feels doing this S#&$. Extra credits for Synapse.

yep, but it's fun to mess around with XD       

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Have taken alot of screenshots of the stalker (it was alot of buttpics) >.>'


Well I have a small comic strip on my mind but I haven't done the props totally yet and I need to place the ragdolls next. :P Oh lord this will be ton of pain you know D:<

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