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Warframe Comics And Art (Added Kubrow Angel)


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Yeah, I'm tempted to write all profanities I know of in one post just to see how many of them gets through. It's really annoying when you're writing a story :/


I did write some profanities, and I find that local profanity filter is meh. I like PS2 one much more.


And, well, what to discuss? There ain't any new butt queens out yet, and we all know that so far it's either Saryn or Ember, depending on wether you're in for sheer size or not.

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Well, now that I think about it, does the conversation of beautiful Warframes have to be limited to simply butts? Why not discuss overall hotness. Male or female. I know for a fact there's quite a few fangirls perusing this thread.

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Well, now that I think about it, does the conversation of beautiful Warframes have to be limited to simply butts? Why not discuss overall hotness. Male or female. I know for a fact there's quite a few fangirls perusing this thread.

I was waiting for this! Frost Prime is SO fashionable! I mean really, dem knees.

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Oh come on guys. Yuikami has already declared it...Volt's the most fabulous frame.

I have a friend who saw his cod piece and winged shoes after she got him....she then proceeded to declare how badly she wanted to sleep with him...

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