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Warframe Comics And Art (Added Kubrow Angel)


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If only you put it up before I've spent all teh munney on steam sale :C. Oh well, I'm sure you're not going to die or break arms or have some sort of a freak accident that will give you superpowers and force to fight crime instead of drawing? 

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If only you put it up before I've spent all teh munney on steam sale :C. Oh well, I'm sure you're not going to die or break arms or have some sort of a freak accident that will give you superpowers and force to fight crime instead of drawing? 

Don't worry, I have all the summer :3

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Chrispy92's Ifrit, a sand warframe. A commission he asked for.


His powers are:

Sand Blast: Blasts a torrent of sand in one direction. Doesn't do so much damage as say, fireball, but it's guaranteed to knock the targets on their asses.
Trails: When active, Ifrit leaves behind a trail of sand wherever he runs on ground. Enemies who walk on the trail become bogged down and take damage.
Sandstorm: An large area of effect power, this calls down a storm of sand that does little damage, but significantly screws with enemies ability to target. Small chance of blinding or even confusing them as well.
Desert Ages: The super power, it calls down a storm of sand around Ifrit that travels at such high velocity, it scours the armor, metal and flesh right off the targets bones (The equivalent of taking a power sander to someone's face). 
(direct quote from Chrispy92)
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My kubrow Varg is a sunika and the fluffiest of all fluffy grineer-killing machine :D *squeeel* Im gonna get a bunch of kubrows puppies <3 I need 20 of those ....just because.....fluff


I can still remeber when he butt-scooted all over my ship and now he's hunting grineers with such ferocity and bloodlust....*sniff* im so proud



Should have named him Brutus instead, Varg is nice, but a bit cliche when it means "wolf"

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Kubrows are poofy little balls of death and murder.


And I love them tons.

I actually give my Huras Kubrow, Shadow, praise when she mauls something to death.


I know she can't hear me and I know it's not making her kill things more efficiently...ah well, crazy needs company.

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I can still remeber when he butt-scooted all over my ship

Mine never did this. He either lay there sleeping or sat around looking at me. Or maybe he did, but only when I wasn't around. I'd ask Ordis, if I thought that I could trust him.


Should have named him Brutus instead, Varg is nice, but a bit cliche when it means "wolf"

That's why I looked up wolves in Norse mythology and decided to name my Sahasa Geri. But Varg is nice, too, compared to some other names I've seen already.

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My warframes reaction to Sam's little Darvo audio clip....Oh my..Ho ho ho ho...*fan self*

Essentially the .avi of that thread and sound clip. That and people being horrified. I'm smiling like some demented wolf just thinking about it. Hmhm.

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