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Aura System Discussion 9.1.4 Thread Merger


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WOE is us! For the purpose of the game has been defeated by some additional mod space!


Kiss thine posterior goodbye, for the end is nigh!




Drama is fun and all... But srsly u guys. Srsly. u guys? Srsly. I thought the purpose of the game was to shoot stuff...

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Best game design give players room and ability to use everything maxed out. Makes me wonder why we don't just start with everything.

There are already people with everyhting maxed out. They are called Forma addicts. It's just 15 points. People shall equip more mods and not always max everything mainly because they got polarities they don't want.

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Oh no, people can now get ~10 extra mod points. GAME RUINED I DON'T NEED TO FARM FORMA ANYMORE.


pretty much yea, Since I have everything to 30... all I am doing is putting Forma frames, and leveling them....  with no need to do this...

Guess I can play some dark souls :)


As the unranked Vauban with Max Bastille, energy siphon, continuity and streamline....  there is no reason to even level it to 30...

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Hey how about you take your "I have polarized my frame 5 times already!" glasses and think about all the goddamn people who haven't? What of those who haven't used forma on frames because they aren't buying them by the truckloads or farming void keys 24/7? What about the new players who don't even have a mother@(*()$ potato?


Go f*** yourselves you selfish jackasses.

Edited by Kyte
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Another crying Forma addict. In the future when you have way more mods to use, you'll be crying about needing too much Forma.


More space = More customization which means having to use mods people don't normally use. No one would have to sacrifice anything to add Rush or Quick Rest or resistance or master thief or thief or enemy radar, etc. They cannot add all that at once but they now have room for one or two of these.


There are people who quit on their bad teammates. Why do you think their teammates are bad? Wrong mods? Not enough space for that right mod?



Ok, explain to me why you bash others as "forma addicts" for wanting more mod points through forma, yet you want this aura system to stay? You both essentially want the same thing, more mod points but through different means. The only difference is that forma takes a whole lot more time and work. So can we quit this nonsense of calling others "forma addicts"?


Like I said before, I think overall this new aura system is a good thing if they keep the overall difficulty of the game high enough to counter the more power the frames have now. But the name calling I'm seeing from the "pro aura" camp makes me want to punch someone.

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So, if DE change it back to the way it was, you'll cry because they force you to forma the slot to use the aura you want, and you'll be like omg they're greedy all they want is money bad kittens, and when they make it so you don't have to actually forma your frame more than 1/2 times, you're crying because you wont need to forma it 6 times? HERP DERP


Personally i don't mind, i'll just adapt whatever they throw at us, just hoping there wont be 350407 threads about how they force you to format the polarity of the aura slot if they put it back to the old way, seriously its a damn game can't you just enjoy it?

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Just silly. And awesome. I think its hilarious.


Let's just leave it as is now. I think this is the better option, and now we'll get to see some seriously powerful frames. As well, this lets me save forma for dojo building.

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I feel bad for DE.


We complain that the new change is a nerf to warframes and auras, and then they fix it so its a buff instead, and people complain that its too strong.




Frankly, let's have it based on Mastery level.  Higher mastery grants more powerful artifacts.  Forma can make it so lower masteries can still use all their favorites but using it out of slot requires higher mastery.  That sort of makes sense, even though it'll draw to attention some issues with the Mastery system and the Rank up Tests.  (Those needed a little attention anyway.)

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Ok, explain to me why you bash others as "forma addicts" for wanting more mod points through forma, yet you want this aura system to stay? You both essentially want the same thing, more mod points but through different means. The only difference is that forma takes a whole lot more time and work. So can we quit this nonsense of calling others "forma addicts"?


Like I said before, I think overall this new aura system is a good thing if they keep the overall difficulty of the game high enough to counter the more power the frames have now. But the name calling I'm seeing from the "pro aura" camp makes me want to punch someone.

Forma addicts are those who use so many formas on one piece of gear. This is just 14 points.

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Since when is using forma a bad thing, though? You're using it in an argument as though people that forma their weapons are sub-class players. Drop the attitude, offer feedback in a neutral manner, if possible. Every post from you I've seen so far includes little jabs that are quite unnecessary.



Im so glad that someone else sees the bad attitude of some of these posters.

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So, if DE change it back to the way it was, you'll cry because they force you to forma the slot to use the aura you want, and you'll be like omg they're greedy all they want is money bad kittens, and when they make it so you don't have to actually forma your frame more than 1/2 times, you're crying because you wont need to forma it 6 times? HERP DERP


Personally i don't mind, i'll just adapt whatever they throw at us, just hoping there wont be 350407 threads about how they force you to format the polarity of the aura slot if they put it back to the old way, seriously its a damn game can't you just enjoy it?


you can still place aura in slots that are different.

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Forma addicts are those who use so many formas on one piece of gear. This is just 14 points.


And so what? You still haven't addressed my point. What's the difference between using forma to get more mod points and using the auras? You look down on one method and not the other. You're not making sense and you're just being insulting for no reason.

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I couldn't disagree more. The forma (and time needed to relevel over and over) in order to maximize a frame was pushing me out the door. There should have honestly been a limit to how many times you could do it to a single frame / weapon to begin with. I can spend more time on my other frames now without feeling so gimp b/c I'm not playing my main. The game is grindy / farmy enough without the excessive forma useage. If they revert this change I'm likely to just move on from this game.


All of that being said, I do think that the people who spent all that forma and time that has now gone to waste should be compensated. Perhaps allow people some method of extracting forma at the very least. The argument that it provided endgame is not compelling to me. I do want things to do, but forma farming and releveling is not one of those things.

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There is already elitist and it's fro the Forma addicts hating on this because many players can be as good as they are with less effort. And then there are those telling others what to do, etc.


Your right, I hate those elitists who told DE that they have to undo Auras using Energy. 

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I feel bad for DE.


We complain that the new change is a nerf to warframes and auras, and then they fix it so its a buff instead, and people complain that its too strong.




Frankly, let's have it based on Mastery level.  Higher mastery grants more powerful artifacts.  Forma can make it so lower masteries can still use all their favorites but using it out of slot requires higher mastery.  That sort of makes sense, even though it'll draw to attention some issues with the Mastery system and the Rank up Tests.  (Those needed a little attention anyway.)

 I love this idea, but it would also alienate a lot of casual gamers.  I'd rather they just have neutral Auras that don't take up mod points and don't give mod points.  They should instead just sit there, and offer you the option to buff them, at which point you would have to sacrifice a few mod points.  Either way, they need to create something challenging in this game that actually makes me want to continue playing.

Edited by DAwGi
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Oh my @(*()$ god auras let you make the minimal cheese build because apparently Vauban has a disproportionately useful ability!


Jesus christ you're complaining it's unbalanced because a single @(*()$ combination of mods aura and frame can perform well. What of the other @(*()$ frames? What about them, huh? What about the new players who don't @(*()$ have potatoes or forma or hours of grinding for bullS#&$?







No how about we don't because that'd be stupid. It's a perfectly godd frame and stuff.

Edited by Kyte
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The new energy cap is 74. I don't see 74 points being an issue even if it doesn't come from Auras. If they cap it at 75 and make auras cost 0 points then that is good. Gives players more incentive to play old frames and play longer which means more cash flow. I made a suggestion to increase level cap to 25 or 40 with or without additional slots.because in the future, 60 points won't be enough. Just think how extremely limiting things are. 


If they devs cannot come up with clever mods then this is the best step towards the future. All auras cap at 14. When this power creep happens, then you can complain, until then, use the wait n see approach.


The general idea of giving players more skill points is to expand they arsenal a provide a greater experience in the long run especially with more skills or in warframes case, more mods. Hell, frames might get an additional power in the future. you never know what the future holds.


So bring on a higher point cap, even if it means suing auras do to it. In the end it means more customization.


And instead of worrying why not give ideas to have this 75 energy cap if you don't like Auras doing it. think of it as a 14 point increase in energy and remeber that it only applies to those who may use right aura, no tthe wrong ones who get only a 67 cap.

And where does it stop? Its 74 now. Next month it could be 100, then 125. Next "event" DE could make 3 new Aura mods that give 20 (10/20) energy. The "event" after that they make one that gives 40.

If I am too focused on the power creep that could be you are too focused on the customization that could be. You think 60 points (w/ forma) won't be enough. I say that if DE does their job and balances Mods with that cap in mind it will. Its on DE. Nothing is stopping DE from making 'creative' mods within the bounds of current Mod Energy cap of 60. Again if we want to talk about "State of Meta" it would be better done in another context. If you want some starting points on "creative" things look at the criticals for various 'builds'. Casters are off course the most intensive with Flow, Continuity, Focus, Streamline, Stretch, and whatever else you want to cram on there to boost powers. Combine that with the need for Shield boosts and you're not having Energy issues but Card space issues. People were hitting that 8 Mod limit often before they were really hitting the 60 energy limit.

If DE is to raise the "cap" I want them to do it directly, with though and planning as to how it will impact current meta and balance. Not to do it haphazardly through bursts of incremental creep done through a system that shouldn't have any business adjusting Mod energy... positively or negatively.

Edited by Brasten
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 I love this idea, but it would also alienate a lot of casual gamers.  I'd rather they just have neutral Auras that don't take up mod points and don't give mod points.  They should instead just sit there, and offer you the option to buff them, at which point you would have to sacrifice a few mod points.  Either way, they need to create something challenging in this game that actually makes me want to continue playing.

Wat. Waaaaaaat.


Explain your reasoning because right now all that's going through my head is me flaming you.


Do you even remember how it was when you were a new player?

Edited by Kyte
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Guys just end this thread.  In case you haven't figured it out yet SirAuro is a blatant troll.  Look at his account creation date, the number of posts he has, and the content of his posts.  He's intentionally starting or fanning the flames of inflammatory topics and then spamming threads with vapid but abrasive if not outright offensive remarks all the while cherry picking his targets.  He is either a succesfull troll or a one man crusader out to nerf everything in this game to the bleeding ground for unknown reasons yet unable to formulate a sound argument as to why.  Instead he either raises straw man arguments or demonizes his opponents to the point where he is now inventing factions such as "forma addicts" and "elitists".  Just ignore his trash and hope a moderator takes the time to step in.  

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I liked the original Aura system.


I'd rather work for power than get it for free.


Next thing you'll here people wanting to get guns like the Ogris, Acrid or Hek for 1 credit at rank 0.



Pffft. You're just a "mastery rank addict".

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