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Aura System Discussion 9.1.4 Thread Merger


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Yes it ate up 500 points and I can't play like crap.

No I don't issue with it beside play smarter.

I'm just puzzled at the behaviour to complain at every possible changes made in game. Yes some are good some will be game breaking, why not "test the buff for few day before making judgement" too?

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It was justified in comparison to the version of artifact that we were dealing with before.

Used to be easy to use, no downsides to switching it around for shiggles, and a plain bonus. Then it turned into something that ate into our mod points.


It ate mod points cause they could be upgraded to be better than the artifact version and they still stacked with team mates.


I will agree the old system was perfect, but it is better than just giving players free power.

Edited by Orthusaku
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My motive was to go through and re-level my frames to make them even more powerful.  Now they've taken away any need for warframe progression.  It's not rocket science, people need something to aspire to, to get better and to progress their stuff, and now the game took that away and made it so easy that there's no point in playing.

Oh, so adding 14 extra mod slots for warframes has somehow removed any need for warframe progression? That is some rocket science right there, do explain to me.

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Lets be honest here. They're not. Affecting mod points for the frames in any way is not a good idea. A better way of doing this would have been raising the level cap on the frames by 5 or 10 levels.

As it is right now, it makes forma almost completely unnecessary for warframes and breaks the game. I should not have 20 mod slots available to use at level 3. Not even with a reactor was this possible.

This is as elegant a solution I can think of.

If you have 20 mod slots available at level 3, then you took the time to do alert missions, get an aura mod, then upgrade it to max level. At that point you're on your second or third warframe (at least), which is fine from a balance standpoint.


If auras "break the game" (hyperbole much?), then Forma breaks the game too.

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I agree with you OP. It is awesome and should/will help out new player and those that are leveling new ones.


And it also helps that I don't need to forma all my frames if my squad needs an Trinity for them healz or a Vauban for infested defense missions.


Bastille FTW.

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speak for Yourself OP

MY 'Purpose for playing the game' is to have FUN with my friends and clanmates and to do the hardest end game content i can, and the Aura has certainly NOT changed that

My fav frames, Ash and Nyx are both formaed 2 stars, and i dont regret doing it in the least,

Also with the new nightmare mods and NEW mods on the horizon we can certainly find a use for the xtra skill points

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It ate mod points cause they could be upgraded to be better than the artifact version and they still stacked with team mates.


I will agree the old system was perfect, but it is better than just giving players free power.


So rather than giving players goodies, your preferred option is to gimp everyone? Seriously? This is a PVE game...


My only suggestion is that we tweak the 'mod' numbers so its not too extreme. 5 mod points max. I don't even care if it takes away mod points at that number.

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begginers first need to earn them by doing alerts and believe me,i dont mind haveing those extra 14 point on my warframes but somehow 14 its just too much...loved that the game was a bit harder and now its just too easy since everybody can stack so manny mods 


heres a link with my vauban after this change and i still have 2 points left if i max the energy syphon



Edited by SouthBi4ch
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So rather than giving players goodies, your preferred option is to gimp everyone? Seriously? This is a PVE game...


My only suggestion is that we tweak the 'mod' numbers so its not too extreme. 5 mod points max. I don't even care if it takes away mod points at that number.


I'm find with making it a more reasonable bonus but I don't see why it should give energy points if they can be upgraded to be better than their artifact versions. Guess once a buff is introduced it instantly becomes the new norm. :/

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What a $&*&*#(%& overreaction, honestly.


It breaks nothing, changes nothing other than allowing for more freedom in the customization of your warframe powers and you're making it sound as if it's a bad thing, I don't get it.

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First they punish us for using Auras, forums explode in a fit of rage and whining. "OMG PAY2WIN I'M FORCED TO BUY FORMA QQ"


Now they reward us for using them, forums explode in a fit of rage and whining. "OMG I WASTED FORMA QQ"


My head hurts. Some people will never be happy and are too short-sighted to see the big picture.


I'm looking at the big picture here. Given the game got more difficult post-U9 this actually makes it more accessible to new players and casuals, that forma is now an option for your frames rather than a requirement to survive in the endgame (whatever you consider it as, be it Ceres-Eris-Pluto/Void T3/etc). Forma is still a must to get the most out of your weapons though.
The Aura system change is awesome, I love it and it now means my frames are a lot more flexible in terms of the builds I can play with, e.g. Master Thief speedrunner, unstoppable damage soak tank with lots of shields, armor and HP, etc.
This means that new players won't be as turned off by the steep difficulty and learning curve - because let's face it the tutorial is barebones and doesn't really tell you anything important. More players means more potential customers, which can only lead to better things in the future. Like dedicated servers, dare I to hope?! :D
For those who invested lots of Forma into your frames, consider that chase double mods like Constitution, which have multiple effects for high mod costs are a preview of more to come, which means you've future-proofed your frames pretty much.
Edited by Tulzscha
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I enjoy it, because it gave me a way to make up for the fact that I had already created a forma'd build, and I couldn't afford to put in the Nightmare mods that I wanted to use, because of my polarities.


But hey, this is the point of view from someone that already maxed a character with forma and wants to use the NM mods.

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guess I no longer need to Forma frames


Why do people like the stupid Forma grind? Isn't it enough that we have to Forma our weapons 3-5 times to max em out. Why exactly did you like to Forma your warframes 5+ times as well? Is that your idea of fun? Leveling up the same weapons and warframes over and over again?


It felt kinda rewarding the first time you got your favorite warframe and weapon maxed with lots of Formas (Formad my Saryn 5 times and Snipetron Vandal 4 times), but I honestly think it's too much. Having to Forma each weapon more than 1-2 times is too much of a grind.


I'd rather use 1-2 Forma on 10 different warframes and weapons than on the same two over and over.

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The new system is $&*&*#(%& beyond imagination. It was fine, before - when you had to think about what you wanted to slot - possibly sacrificing some mod strength for it.


This just caters to idiots, and it's turned me and my friend off the game massively (at least for the moment).

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