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Aura System Discussion 9.1.4 Thread Merger


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14 capacity is roughly the effect of 3 Forma. Except on the majority of frames it will come at the expense of 1 Forma (to polarize the Aura slot), so that gives us a net profit of 2 Forma.


That's assuming you polarize your Aura slot to your taste AND only ever use one Aura at all times. Because otherwise, the benefit is 5 capacity (or the equivalent of 1 Forma).


Alternatively you can de-polarize your slot and have an all-around benefit of 7 capacity, or 1.5 Forma, at the cost of 1 Forma.


So we essentially got 1-2 free Forma (and saved a bit of affinity grind) for all current and future frames, at the cost of Auras needing to be upgraded before they give the full benefit (and reach the potential of the previous Artifacts). Alternatively you could translate that to 20-40 free Platinum. Hardly something game-breaking in my opinion.


It's a step in the good direction IMO. In a persistent online loot-based game, it's plain unfair to make it harder for new players to get into the game halfway through (when the old players have already farmed all they needed), and that's what Update 9 mostly did. The new Auras make it easier for new players to get into the game (just like Artifacts used to) and don't hurt old players in any way.


I fail to see how that's a bad thing.

Edited by Winterbraid
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"So will I Forma my gear four times, or five?"


These are the real questions in life.


Credit to Tempera, that above is the real question that must be answered by all of us. To most of us, the answer is, of course not since forma is hard to get. This is a quote from a friend of mine who doesn't have plats:-


"I'm not rich enough to buy plats, or have 24/7 to spend on this game, just to farm for formas like the rest of you lots. Besides, we need forma for a lot of things, like dojo construction, weapons, and frames.


It's hard enough to get forma for us conventional players, and you lots are complaining just because you lost your exclusivity and DE's actually making it fair for us conventional players.


You're just being jealous, get over it, always with your nerf and S#&$ just because it's made available for the masses."



Honestly yea, I feel it's sort of unfair for some of us, but try looking in a broader point of view and not just to yourself. Most of the player base are free, and to them forma's really limited. Just try to be in their shoes for once, every time we ask for nerfs, it affects the whole lot of us. Just because it makes you happy, doesn't mean others will feel the same. :)

Edited by Xyfer
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And at level 30 you would have 18 additional mod slots... Which is 4 more than what the new aura system could ever give you.




Considering a Frost prime with 2 Forma has 5 Polarity Slots, hardly surprising.

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You must not max mods, because i have a maxed energy siphon on a maxed out multi-formad Volt and i still only have 2 mod points left.

Well to put it in perspective, I have spent 5 forma on my Nyx, the last one to allow me to use the Aura's which drained mod points. I had exactly the right amount of mod points to fit all the mods maxed out including 2 of the new expensive dual mods, my frame was and still is the best it can possibly be. Now with the new aura system, I have a 5* frame with all the mods I can use maxed out on it with, but about 20 mod points left over which can never be used. So yes I also hope for Some very powerful mods to be released, until then I just sitting on redundancy =/.

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Stop degrating this new system please. Like it has been said, there will be more mods, specifically double stat mods. These mods will be quite expensive in terms of cost so this new system will provide the extra mod space to install these new mods. This is beneficial for both players that forma their Warframes and players who don't have that possibility. Think of this system on a long-term, that's all I can say.

Edited by J.C.Santos
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Oh my @(*()$ god auras let you make the minimal cheese build because apparently Vauban has a disproportionately useful ability!


Jesus christ you're complaining it's unbalanced because a single @(*()$ combination of mods aura and frame can perform well. What of the other @(*()$ frames? What about them, huh? What about the new players who don't @(*()$ have potatoes or forma or hours of grinding for bullS#&$?







No how about we don't because that'd be stupid. It's a perfectly godd frame and stuff.

Judging from the posts I've seen so far, it seems like they forgotten that not everybody is a ultra-skilled closed beta tester who plays the game every day for 8 hours and has forma every single piece of his equipment five times.

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Well to put it in perspective, I have spent 5 forma on my Nyx, the last one to allow me to use the Aura's which drained mod points. I had exactly the right amount of mod points to fit all the mods maxed out including 2 of the new expensive dual mods, my frame was and still is the best it can possibly be. Now with the new aura system, I have a 5* frame with all the mods I can use maxed out on it with, but about 20 mod points left over which can never be used. So yes I also hope for Some very powerful mods to be released, until then I just sitting on redundancy =/.

Good news: U9.2 releases new high-cost mods.

Bad news: U9.2 releases Nyx Prime.



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Hi, I didn't read the entire thread (don't have time), but I wanted to say that I don't like the change.  I didn't really like the original change where aura cost us mod points (although I didn't post or complain), but this is even more extreme in the other direction.


I've only played for about a month.  I really like the game, but the one thing that bothers me is how easy it feels at times...or how hard it is to fail. Such a drastic increase to mod points really makes frames much more powerful and significantly decreases the amount of playing/investment that someone has to do to make their favorite frames all maxxed out.  I'll keep playing and see how it works out, but it seems like the developers are setting themselves up in a difficult situation with such guardrail to guardrail decisions.

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Stop degrating this new system please. Like it has been said, there will be more mods, specifically double stat mods. These mods will be quite expensive in terms of cost so this new system will provide the extra mod space to install these new mods. This is beneficial for both players that forma their Warframes and players who don't have that possibility. Think of this system on a long-term, that's all I can say.



This is purely speculation , we have no way of knowing how many Elite mods will be released in the near future, and how many of those will even be relevant to our desired set-up.

For any new mods to be desirable at that cost they have to completely outclass the current mods as well, which could present balance issues in itself, especially since the like effects stack.


And many of us criticizing this change are thinking of the long-term. This ultimately lowers the sales on both Forma and Potatoes, as both become less necessary with how large the Capacity boost from Aura mods becomes.

Edited by lZerul
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This ultimately lowers the sales on both Forma and Potatoes, as both become less necessary with how large the Capacity boost from Aura mods becomes.

It's only 14 points.  44 points is still less than the 60 from a Potato'd frame, and even 60 is apparently not enough given the popularity of Formas.  I'm not really sure how long-term the Forma economy really is, given that there's a finite amount of polarization most players are going to end up doing and many are quite capable of farming formas from the Void for free.


I really like the game, but the one thing that bothers me is how easy it feels at times...or how hard it is to fail.

All you need is to scale enemies higher (level 120+) and nerf snow globe/chaos/bastille.

More specifically, that's all that you can do when equipment performance and win buttons are such a crucial part of the game's difficulty.

Edited by IcarusNine
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its not like you start with that.

would it be any more OP to put a maxed out hek on the same frame and go kill stuff? 



You bring up a very valid point: DE, please make it such that you cannot equip weapons (or sentinels, or mods) that are higher level than your currently-equipped warframe. Thus, when leveling a newly-crafted warframe from rank 0, the game can become incredibly frustrating for a couple hours before you can start having fun again. Thanks!

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This is purely speculation , we have no way of knowing how many Elite mods will be released in the near future, and how many of those will even be relevant to our desired set-up.

For any new mods to be desirable at that cost they have to completely outclass the current mods as well, which could present balance issues in itself, especially since the like effects stack.


And many of us criticizing this change are thinking of the long-term. This ultimately lowers the sales on both Forma and Potatoes, as both become less necessary with how large the Capacity boost from Aura mods becomes.


Well, then reduce by half the mod capacity bonus the Auras have introduced. But don't return the system to the old mod capacity dedution. As a personal preference, I am not willing to sacrifice mod capacity for the sake of adding an Aura to my Warframe.

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Really? I was hoping this would be the universal reaction. That was too much to hope for, it seems.


I'm guessing the vast majority are too busy having fun with the new aura change and are playing the hell out of the game. Meanwhile, a certain vocal doom-and-gloom elitist minority are polluting the forums with whining...

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I like the mechanics of it, however...14 extra slots ...is TOO much. Some more tweaking is required. I expected the system to be like "It adds slot numbers to match (+1 because it's not the right polarity) the Aura's cost. If the card is on the right polarity, it will still add the points, but only cost half as much. (This would give you 4 points...not 14...)

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Credit to Tempera, that above is the real question that must be answered by all of us. To most of us, the answer is, of course not since forma is hard to get. This is a quote from a friend of mine who doesn't have plats:-


"I'm not rich enough to buy plats, or have 24/7 to spend on this game, just to farm for formas like the rest of you lots. Besides, we need forma for a lot of things, like dojo construction, weapons, and frames.


It's hard enough to get forma for us conventional players, and you lots are complaining just because you lost your exclusivity and DE's actually making it fair for us conventional players.


You're just being jealous, get over it, always with your nerf and S#&$ just because it's made available for the masses."



Honestly yea, I feel it's sort of unfair for some of us, but try looking in a broader point of view and not just to yourself. Most of the player base are free, and to them forma's really limited. Just try to be in their shoes for once, every time we ask for nerfs, it affects the whole lot of us. Just because it makes you happy, doesn't mean others will feel the same. :)

For those who went TL;DR, have a much shorter post that essentially expresses the same attitude:


Judging from the posts I've seen so far, it seems like they forgotten that not everybody is a ultra-skilled closed beta tester who plays the game every day for 8 hours and has forma every single piece of his equipment five times.


Edited by RealityMachina
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