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Too Pay To Win Now


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Definition of pay to win subject to interpretation and varies based on each subject who thinks he knows his stuff, but in the end no one knows what pay to win truly is and therefore deems games that sells things they don't like as pay to win which in the end could be contrary to popular belief.


In the end, pay to win means nothing anymore. It's just a fallacy and a reason to hate on free games without providing proper feedback.


in other words, people crying wolf and others that follow like sheep.


The statement above is subject to one's understanding...










Don't ask, I just know...

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Except stuff that you need in high quantities. like Plastids for example

were you doing your plastids farming in a grineer galleon? those have a ton of lockers and containers.

As far as the p2w topic, I kinda feel bad for the people that don't have time to farm as the prices for those mats are extremely overpriced.Also you are able to just straight out buy the weapon that's technically buying the mats and skipping the building phase but now you have a problem with overpriced mats in the marketplace when they INCREASED the drops on the rare ones? That alone should make the marketplace ones feel more like pay to lose than pay to win because buying it from their marketplace is just wasting money.

On another note its a little hard to be pay to win when everyone can reach the max damage on a weapon since it usually caps at potato + 4-5 formas. This cap has pretty much been reached by a ton of f2p players(myself included) as its not hard to get. This isn't like other games where there's like 100 people with the best possible weapons because they used cash to upgrade them to that point and would be impossible for someone that doesn't want to use cash.Sure they get to that point faster but if you don't mind me asking,why does that matter to you? when you're playing with them you won't even know what they payed for and what they didn't as there's no way to tell unless you plan to interrogate everyone you play with.

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It's still not pay to win. You can pay and get it now, or grind and have it later.

you know i normally agree with that assertion, but there's gotta be a threshold too. i am a payer but now i feel like i have to pay for everything to not feel strangled and suffocated by how low the drop rate is on things like rubedo now. i really hope that's a bug and not intended since u need MORE of the common materials, u know?

i've put like 70 bucks into the game so far, but i'm not gonna throw platinum at EVERY LITTLE THING, and at the same time i don't wanna take 3 months to find rubedo for a helmet lol.

if the drop rates go back to normal i will be totally cool with market materials. they serve a good purpose. at first i thought it was dumb since u might as well just buy the frame and get a free potato, but now i see it's like getting it at a discount. example: i have to go outta state tomorrow, and don't have the time today to farm all the rubedo (well honestly i wouuld have if they didn't deSTROY the drop rate of it), and i wanted to make SURE i can set my frame to craft in the morning before i leave. that is a perfect example of how market mats can help. the only thing is that i would have had the time if rubedo wasn't either bugged or nerfed, but still i am sure even at their normal rate this situation could apply to someone

Edited by shadowkinz
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Pay2win...hehehehehe hahahahahaha. Go play SWTOR and then come back and say this is pay2win

dude yeah. i loved swtor but canceled for the semester and already had too man mmos subbed, i was gonna play again when it was going free, and intended to pay for a couple things. i saw how BAD it was and was like LOL NO didn't even download to try it out again. i LOVED that game and i love bioware. i'm pretty sur ethat's EA's doing

i mean seriously pay for action bars??

this game isn't p2w but the route they took with this update is going the wrong path.

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Basically this

nah the "newbs" as you guys refer to them are the new players who don't understand that the new artifact system is bad bc it takes mod points. people who potato and forma etc have their builds down and don't have more room for artifacts, even IF the artifact slot is polarized. eithe rway u slice it, u will have t take away from somewhere else for an artifact that isn't going to be worth whatever other mod u are decreasing or removing

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Buying two hours of convenience is hardly pay to win.

How does this affect you in your game pray tell?
Tell me -HOW- you know the guy standing next to you in the pub bought his mats or not?

It's doesn't. It's a simple choice. A choice you can choose not to make.
How someone else plays has no effect on your progression.

Edited by Rudest
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People wanted the ability to buy resources for their dojo. And now that they've implemented it, people want to complain about how it's a money grab.

Thats something you have to learn here. Whatever DE does, "its an evil rip off, little kitty killing, world destroying plan to screw everyone"

Let those whiners waste some tears. People did the same after U7, and then, everybody saw it wasnt that bad.

Edited by Venarge
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So let me get this straight....

*You have a four player co-op game.

*PvE Focused.

*You can pick and choose who you play with at will.

*Most people you meet in game are completely inconsequential to you.

How do you know if that person bought their circuits or not? You don't.

How does that effect you? It doesn't.

I personally think purchasing what could be made in two hours of farming to be a bad investment, but is it pay to win? Certainly not.

If anything you can play the game and be proud that you built something yourself.

Or You can both support the game and purchase yourself some convenience.

And you know what? Either of those mindsets are valid.


but HE got it EARLIER then me :(

Ps:Gimme my Rubedos or i cry :D

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Warframe here is my wallet........... and here is me uninstalling................just a cheap money grab update 9 renamed "operation deep pockets".


Yeah but you were never going to spend money anyway, with that attitude.

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Definition of pay to win subject to interpretation and varies based on each subject who thinks he knows his stuff, but in the end no one knows what pay to win truly is and therefore deems games that sells things they don't like as pay to win which in the end could be contrary to popular belief.


I may not be able to tell you exactly what P2W is, but I can sure as hell tell you that this isn't.

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So from what I have read so far what I gather is people feel as though they are entitled to everything in the game RIGHT NOW for FREE.... Am I getting that right?


eriosuly what does it matter if someone else buys the mats? 


Lets say they release a market gun right now... me and my friend buy the BP. My friend buys his resources and starts his build straight away so he will wait 12 hours. I dont have plat so I must farm materials. With how the drop rate is now I Will have all the mats in 2-3 hours, if that. So my friend wasted 3-4 quid just to save himself 2-3 hours.....


Seems pretty pointless actually and a waste  so dont see why people give two shiits.

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Really, You think this game is pay 2 win? Sure Nova drop rates are hard. But they  made the drop rates easier to get for morphic,control modules, neurodes and other stuff. Pay 2 win is where you  they are secretly FORCING you to pay.  Your just whining over nothing to be honest.

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What I got from the OP was:


"Resources are so much MORE common now! Guess I'll have to buy them!"


Logic, OP has none.



You missed the point my friend. OP isn't content with the new addition because now he/she has to deal with the fact that the game is constantly teasing with options to buy things that are otherwise fruits of our labour. It's an itch in your brain that you can scratch for a couple bucks but just keeps coming back for more and more. 

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Pay-to-Win is defined as games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items than everyone else at a faster rate. <- this statement was paraphrased from a third-party definition, It just so happens that it fits warframe's mechanics and model perfectly.

Critics of the free-to-play approach are concerned that if players that paid for special items subsequently become better at a multiplayer game than those who did not purchase the same items, then it will not be as enjoyable as other games since players who paid more money are more successful than those who simply rely on skill. These games are known as "Pay-to-Win" (often abbreviated P2W) games.

So all of you people claiming this game isn't pay-to-win, according to the most common definition of the term, it is.

Those of you who claim you can't have "P2W" in a PvE game, it is still an online Free to Play game, you pay to gain huge advantages to win it = P2W, case and point: Maple Story.

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Pay-to-Win is defined as games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items than everyone else at a faster rate. <- this statement was paraphrased from a third-party definition, It just so happens that it fits warframe's mechanics and model perfectly.


So all of you people claiming this game isn't pay-to-win, according to the most common definition of the term, it is.

Those of you who claim you can't have "P2W" in a PvE game, it is still an online Free to Play game, you pay to gain huge advantages to win it = P2W, case and point: Maple Story.


leauge of legends is P2W too!

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Pay-to-Win is defined as games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items than everyone else at a faster rate. <- this statement was paraphrased from a third-party definition, It just so happens that it fits warframe's mechanics and model perfectly.


Care to link the actual quote rather than paraphrasing it beyond recognition?

Edited by Notso
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There will always be a varying degree of "pay2win" in any free online game. This one, on the other hand, is using a modified term: Pay4Convenience, since -


A: PVE game. If you're "winning", your team is "winning".


B: Almost everything can be farmed and crafted. There's nothing you can buy that free players can't obtain when it comes to equipment. Obviously cosmetics don't fall into this category (and have no reason to be)


C: DE BUFFED THE MATERIAL DROPS. I mean really people? Crying "p2w" right after they buffed mat drops? (Though I agree, there are some extreme discrepancies going on...like Plastids for example. But no doubt it's a glitch that will be fixed)


Just like everyone else who stated this but got totally ignored by the raging preteens, SOME OF US HAVE JOBS. We need to work for a living, but at the same time we enjoy playing games of this calibur. We can't always sit down and farm all day and all night. That's why the option to buy equipment is there.


Face it - Those of you that aren't buying anything are playing this game for free. But those of us with jobs and little time to sit down and farm a full warframe or weapon or what have you are aiding in keeping this game alive. Money is needed to make games work. That's the absolute bottom line. It's not greed. DE stated before that they're expanding their employees that work on Warframe. Then there's of course the PS4 version coming out. Money is needed for all this. Do you seriously think this game just appeared out of thin air?

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leauge of legends is P2W too!

League of Legends provides cosmetic changes, much like DotA and Bloodline Champions.



Care to link the actual quote rather than paraphrasing it beyond recognition?

Paraphrasing beyond recognition? Do you even know what paraphrasing means? Evidently not. Do you also know what a search engine is? Again, evidently not.


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You forgot to add this part: "even for people who have skill in the game without paying", which basically makes your argument null and void with regards to Warframe, even if we could use UD as a reliable source for defining P2W [which we cannot].


Also, I think it's you who does not know what paraphrasing means. If you did know what it meant, you wouldn't have used the term, if it's actually word-for-word. If you had paraphrased, a Google search would have yielded no results.


Please try again.

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WHy do you guys feel the need to argue knowing no side is going to flop. You would have better luck driving a tank on water than winning this argument.


Dancing with sharks is even easier.

Edited by SirAuron
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You forgot to add this part: "even for people who have skill in the game without paying", which basically makes your argument null and void with regards to Warframe, even if we could use UD as a reliable source for defining P2W [which we cannot].

Elaborate on how it makes my argument null and void[sic]. We are using a third party to define P2W [which we can] because the intent of the message isn't towards Warframe, it is towards F2P games in general aka unbiased.

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