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Auras/artifacts And Their Costs.


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Dear DE,


I like the idea you're trying to do, making auras easier to change and modify and I think it has potential, however it's very limiting that it now requires an extra chunk of mod points to actually use, and EVEN more if you want to use an aura that's not the right polarity for your warframe.


- Don't get me wrong, I love update 9 and I think you've done a good job, but this the only thing i'm not happy with, but if it's not going to change I can live with it. -


What I suggest: either remove the polarities/cost all together of the auras, or make them a universal polarity, because currently my saryn is potatoed and i'll be damned if I want to use enemy radar for solo runs because it's the wrong polarity, and it's going to cost me A LOT of mod points to use it, which I just don't have - even with a potato.


Edit: An example here, saryn is pretty much screwed if she wants to use enemy radar, or anything else with the same polarity, even at maxed mods. I was saving that mod point for another redirection as well!


PLUS, It's an extra mod to swap in and out when I switch warframes, because I generally just stick to enemy radar since I solo things, but I only have one of those mods and it's tied to a warframe now... and it won't be long until you hear people whining about accidentally fusing their auras.



- Good idea, not necessarily implemented in the best way.

- People can now fuse their auras if they're not careful.

- Costs extra mod points

- Frames limited to polarity slots and limited auras without further costing mod points.

- Requires extra mod shuffling when switching frames if you don't have duplicates

- Requires searching through pages to find the mod you want, instead of having them seperate



Edited by Ground.Zero
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Yeah, they totally failed on that. Adding a new slot for the artifacts is cool, but draining from the energy cost of the warframe and having a polarity is just bad -.-

They should remove the artifact energy cost and it'll be fine.

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That is not the only probleam. Polarity is indeed a very costly thing if a warframe is not upgraded whit a catalys then the aura/artifact is totaly useless and unusable at all for new players or leveling warframes. :\


Also lowering their effectiveness is outright ridicules whit such polarity usage. I mean 0.1 energy/second for "Energy Siphon"? You kiddin me?

Or as above me stated and by a fellow friend user of mine noted the "Enemy Radar" and I cheked it during our runs togather. YOu literary have to stand next to them to show up on the map. :|


I realy urge DE to do something about this soon.

As suggested previusly either make their mod polarity same atleast or outright remove the default polarity on aura slot.

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new unique polarity for auras, all aura slots have same polarity

you can put non-auras in the aura slot at penalty (cant forma the aura slot), still cant put auras in other 10 frame slots


still sucks that auras now cost mod points, but i think this is the best solution currently

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Those Artifacts were so powerful though mate. Now if you want 1 you will pretty much have to polarise. My Trinity is only x2 polar but my mods fit to perfection. Now they wont if I want pistol ammo drops or energy regen. This makes me now choose. How important are those Artifact mods? I can see me doing 1 more polar as they are very powerful and sometimes needed.


I do agree about the polarity though. Not tested it but seems like you said a bit poo. That could force another polarise on us if our favourite old artefact doesn't have the same polarity. Lets see what happens I reckon.

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If I want to use anything other than that polarity, I can't. So I can't use energy siphon without sacrificing one of my current mods, or costing double the polarity which I can't afford. I can't even afford to upgrade it past rank 0... :/



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new unique polarity for auras, all aura slots have same polarity

you can put non-auras in the aura slot at penalty (cant forma the aura slot), still cant put auras in other 10 frame slots


still sucks that auras now cost mod points, but i think this is the best solution currently

Nice idea, but how about just removing the mod point cost for the auras?


Problem solved, but better!

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Polarising is not an option and worth compared to the level of artifacts effects.

You need to get a lvl 30 warframe first THEN polarise it and you will earn what? 0,1 health or energy regen or 0.5 meter or so enemy radar joust to name a few.

It is an acceptable argument BUT its not worth it compared to their effectiveness.

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Honestly, this is a good Idea (somehow) bt it simply turned out wrong!


Make it a seperate thing in the Arsenal, like the Sentinel. It doesn't work like this!


For example: the Artifact most used with Ember was Energy Siphon (obviously), now i need not only 2 Points from my Ember to use that but 4 (!) because my Aura has the wrong Polarity...


seriously, change this...

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Honestly, this is a good Idea (somehow) bt it simply turned out wrong!


Make it a seperate thing in the Arsenal, like the Sentinel. It doesn't work like this!


For example: the Artifact most used with Ember was Energy Siphon (obviously), now i need not only 2 Points from my Ember to use that but 4 (!) because my Aura has the wrong Polarity...


seriously, change this...

Thats what I think.

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Even if you polarized, redid your whole build and leveled to 30 again, you'd be pidgeonholed into using that same aura on that frame ALL the time.


You NO LONGER CAN adapt to the mission/team by picking your aura, nor you can freely change your build without considering those points. THAT is the real issue to me.

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Even if you polarized, redid your whole build and leveled to 30 again, you'd be pidgeonholed into using that same aura on that frame ALL the time.


You NO LONGER CAN adapt to the mission/team by picking your aura, nor you can freely change your build without considering those points. THAT is the real issue to me.


That's exactly the point, it severely limits your freedom to adapt to the task at hand.

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I think the new aura slot in the warframe is a bad choice; you not only have to sacrifice your current strengths but unlike previously when you could choose based on what best for the team looking at their configurations, you now have to go into the mods and make changes there (and not to mention the trouble you have to go thru to change aura cards between warframes).


I also do not like the damage to the enemy changes that have been done as now your pumping bullets like crazy to the same enemy which took a few shots or less. You can also not tell which missions you have unlocked but still not played as yet, previously these were marked green for those played and yellow for the ones unlocked but not played.


Though I'm sure that as the update 9 is new, these changes will be rationalized but currently these are quite frustrating.


best of luck. 

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in french :

Le nouveau système est ridicule
artefacts ont un but réel, et maintenant il faut obligatoirement polariser notre warframe  parce que les symboles ne correspondent à aucun bon artefact  ..
augmenter la difficulté est bonne, mais en plus de réduire notre capacité et nous forcer à faire le pas de vie pour polariser notre warframe jusqu'au niveau 30, 3x de suite pour avoir un bon gameplay n'est pas cool ....
profiter de l'ensemble du jeu et toutes les warframe sans trop de contrainte pour la plupart des joueurs etait le principal atout de ce jeu. ..
voyant le progrès, je me demande si ce jeu ne deviendra pas un paie pour gagner au fil du temps
in english : google traduce
The new system is ridiculous
artifacts have a real purpose, and now it is mandatory to polarize our warframe because symbols do not match any good artifact ..
increase the difficulty is good, but also to reduce our capacity and force us to take the step of life to polarize our warframe to level 30, 3x in a row to get a good gameplay is not cool ....
enjoy the whole game and all warframe without too much stress for most players was the main asset of this game ..
see progress, I wonder if this game will not become like most games to earn a pay to win over time
Edited by KYRVAL
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Artificial into aura mod is a bad idea, if DE wants us to plan our build wisely why not keep both Artificial & Aura altogether??

well the lotus in foundry already say this to new players, this is where you can craft/make your own powerful warframe~


make Articial affect all teammates

while Aura only affect that warframe (player only)


and now we have a nuking-build for most warframe.

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My Ember is perfectly happy with the new Rifle amp. You just gotta adapt and lower some mod points, I personally took points away from Thief's Wit.


I agree the artifacts could use with a universal mod slot, but then again I see what DE is trying with the different mod slots. They're supposed to vary between warframes, so that not everyone runs with energy siphon.



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My Ember is perfectly happy with the new Rifle amp. You just gotta adapt and lower some mod points, I personally took points away from Thief's Wit.


I agree the artifacts could use with a universal mod slot, but then again I see what DE is trying with the different mod slots. They're supposed to vary between warframes, so that not everyone runs with energy siphon.


"adapt and lower" some mod points and use about four forma too apparently. Which is why no one likes this, no one wants to be forced to use forma.

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Nice idea, but how about just removing the mod point cost for the auras?


Problem solved, but better!

Edited by soul543
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My only issue with the auras is the fact it takes from the mod capacity pool. For high level players, who have spent a great deal of time and some actual money (like myself, Grand Master) to get a warframe maxed out and forma'd, doing all the calculations to get it just where you want it with little to no points to spare on your master build feels like I just got the middle finger. True, I have the option of taking a mod out so I can use an aura, but why do I have to in the first place as before I did not have to with the artifacts, and furthermore since my warframe was planned out to work maxed out with a build/mods in mind, I would be destroying that to try and put an aura on it. Even worse it starts off with a polarity you are unable to choose, so even if, say I wanted to use an aura, I'm limited in what I can use unless I forma again.

This is saddening really that my time, money, planning and effort, to create an awesome high level warframe build that I was very proud of, to maximize its efficiency has been undone. I've heard of using your mastery rank as the point pool for your auras which is a grand idea making mastery rank mean more than the little it does currently or even just increasing the mod pool capacity to be higher that its 30 or 60 maximum depending on catalyst or not. All good ideas and I hope the developers are reading these.

My point is not to say get rid of the auras outright, just please either increase the mod pool capacity to adjust for this change in the game mechanics, make auras cost nothing but still have to level up to be more effective, or  pull their cost from something other than the warframe mod capacity pool.

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My Ember is perfectly happy with the new Rifle amp. You just gotta adapt and lower some mod points, I personally took points away from Thief's Wit.


I agree the artifacts could use with a universal mod slot, but then again I see what DE is trying with the different mod slots. They're supposed to vary between warframes, so that not everyone runs with energy siphon.


The only reason you've got the space for that is because you've forma'd 4 times. So we're supposed to forma each frame 4 times just to use our current loadout and a rifle amp? Seem too much of an effort!

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