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So I just finished getting my sculpture. It was pretty fun event. I won several matches and got my butt kicked in a few others. I played the Christmas event and to me this seemed like basically the same thing. I had some feedback to share.

First thing is the Nikana mechanics. It drove me crazy that they weren't reliable. Sometimes you'd swing and sometimes you'd spin and slam but there didn't seem to be any way to control which would happen. So there was no way to consistently and reliably plan and attack. I was thinking maybe this was done on purpose to"level" the playing field in terms of skill? I'm not sure but I would have preferred the Nikana work just like the one ingame.

Second, the ability to block to receive reduced damage. This could have made for much greater strategy and led to some epic battles with correctly timed blocks and then counters. Maybe consider automatic lock-on when you begin to block to help the block connect for targeted opponent? 

Overall, it got me to play some PvP and get some mods but the unreliability of the sword mechanics would probably keep me from playing it. I like the sculpture though :)

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the initial Melee Attack performs the AoE Slam, continuing the Animation String from there on performs other Attacks.
breaking the String or cycling around to the start of it again, will perform the AoE Slam again.

very reliable?

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10 hours ago, Phasedragon said:

The sword was very reliable. It always slammed on the first attack, and the next attack within a couple seconds is a swing. If you give it a moment to reset you'll always get slams, but if you spam it you'll alternate between slams and swings.

I did not have this experience. I could stand in place and occasionally hit the melee. Sometimes it would swing, sometimes the slam. Also, when engaging an enemy sometimes their first swing would be a slice, sometimes a slam. Sometimes you'd only take damage from directly under their slam, sometimes you'd be somehow cut with the beginning of the opponents slam while in the process of your slam. Sometimes the lunge for the slam was short, sometimes an opponent covered a huge distance with their slam. I really didn't like the forced distance slam that sometimes was a swing. 

It just didn't make sense and didn't provide a reliable enough experience for good PvP in my opinion. For me to reach my highest level of PvP I need to know exactly what my controls are going to do when I press them and be able to rely on that to make decisions. This experience seemed to break down to equal parts luck and skill and that's kind of ok but extremely frustrating. I wondered if maybe that was intentional design so no one could be too dominant?

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I played to get the catalyst and reactor rewards, and I'm pretty happy with my 1.0 K/D - acceptable for my first time in Conclave. I relied mostly on the Hikou; the Nikana was only as a finisher after I'd wounded someone. 

I don't think I'll go back, though - the feel of play was very clumsy and slow. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't amazing either.

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