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On Vacuum: a compromise


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I agree that sentinels are geared towards utility and pets are geared towards combat; implementing universal 12-meter vacuum would make sentinels not named Carrier totally obsolete.

But what about if a universal vacuum were not 12 meters?

Consider a halfway point: innate limited vacuum. 1.5, maybe 2 meter radius.

When I run without a sentinel I've noticed that by far the most annoying thing about picking up loot is how close you need to be to get items. Detection is imperfect. I often bullet jump or roll right through something I could have sworn I was on top of without picking it up. It's very frustrating--and antithetical to Warframe's fast-paced, acrobatic combat--to have to stop, turn around, and carefully canvas an area at walking speed because your ankle was a molecule too far away from that item puck.

Innate 1.5/2 meter vacuum would alleviate pickup collision detection issues (and with Warframe's complex level geometry that happens a LOT) and streamline loot collection without ruining the sentinels' 12-meter niche. Sentinels still offer upgraded vacuum as a specialization that companions don't have but the tedium of manual pickup is reduced.

As for lore explanations--geez, is this really a problem? Not a month ago we got an email to the effect of "Clem ruined three of your weapons, later". All we'd need is a message from Maroo or the Lotus about some ancient Orokin magnetic upgrade that was just rediscovered.

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You had your compromise with the change to make Vacuum work on all Sentinels. You. don't. fracking. need. it. on. everything.

Auto looting is not an necessity for basic gameplay, and if your OCD forces you to collect 100% of everything all the time that's entirely your problem, which DE has already addressed.

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4 hours ago, AuroraSonicBoom said:

You had your compromise with the change to make Vacuum work on all Sentinels. You. don't. fracking. need. it. on. everything.

Auto looting is not an necessity for basic gameplay, and if your OCD forces you to collect 100% of everything all the time that's entirely your problem, which DE has already addressed.

Say you're in ODD with a Nekros+Hydroid Pilfering Swarm combo and there is loot EVERYWHERE. How the hell is a Moon clan going to get there mutagen samples for Hema when they have to spend all day running around the map like a bunch of idiots just to gather the necessary supplies.

Maybe you're just a casual who doesn't collect that much, but Vacuum is an essential mod, just like Pressure point for melee, or Hornet strike for secondaries. And the ability to expand its own abilities to Kavats and Kubrows would be amazing. The lack of Vacuum is the sole reason why many players chose to only use sentinels.

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