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Wierd things about melee.


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Some funny that can be notice from melee attack that I found in game. Feel free to comment, confirm, add more of them or fix me if i'm wrong though.

- Normal melee will account damage reduction from armor, but charge attack is armor piercing damage.

- Heavy weapons will deal damage base on distance between you and the targets.

- Charge damage and weapon damage calculated seperately. Which mean Increase melee damage MOD doesn't increase weapon charge damage. Both Warframe and weapon MODs. (This lead to an awkward situation that your charge damage is as much as your normal melee)

- Charge attack also don't account element% mod you have. [Need confirmation]

- Your melee attack will always crit when while you're invisible.

- Daggers have lower damage, but more crit chance and crit damage [Need confirmation]

- Melee a leaper when it jumps or prepare to jump will net a huge boost in damage.

- If you hit an ancient when they're struggled and lower their head down, sometime it'll hit the head and deal bonus damage.

-Leapers receives 10x damage at the end of the animation to preprare to jump, during the jump and for a brief period after the jump, with any kind of weapon

-Ancients receive 2x damage from headshots, but the armor mitigates the damage(bolto users, aim for the head)

-Spamming melee sword attacks will make you pass through enemies, making you unable to hit them unless you adjust your angle (except daggers and heavy weapons)

-Everytime i use the dark dagger charged attack following with a normal attack it usually lands a critical hit, like 50% of the time (dagger's first swing - the poke and die animation) it's like when you stagger the enemy from the 1st strike, the 2nd strike is usually a critical hit, i haven't confirmed this yet because my dagger is still at lv5

Edited by Lunarez
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- Melee a leaper when it jumps or prepare to jump will net a huge boost in damage.

- If you hit an ancient when they're struggled and lower their head down, sometime it'll hit the head and deal bonus damage.

-Leapers receives 10x damage at the end of the animation to preprare to jump, during the jump and for a brief period after the jump, with any kind of weapon

-Ancients receive 2x damage from headshots, but the armor mitigates the damage(bolto users, aim for the head)

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-Spamming melee sword attacks will make you pass through enemies, making you unable to hit them unless you adjust your angle (except daggers and heavy weapons)

-Everytime i use the dark dagger charged attack following with a normal attack it usually lands a critical hit, like 50% of the time (dagger's first swing - the poke and die animation) it's like when you stagger the enemy from the 1st strike, the 2nd strike is usually a critical hit, i haven't confirmed this yet because my dagger is still at lv5

Edited by ZephyrFlow
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