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Zephyr rework ideas with pictures!!


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Hi Everyone! This is my take on a reworked Zephyr and what her abilities can bring into a team. I appreciate any feedback on this topic, the more the merrier!!


Passive, Lightweight (Unchanged)- Move with increased agility while airborne and fall more slowly.


Tailwind (Unchanged Pre-Ultimate)- Zephyr propels herself with a blast of energy. If Zephyr is on the ground when Tail Wind is cast, she will be propelled upwards.

While in Ultimate- Zephyr propels herself with a blast of energy while slicing enemies she touches with her energy wings. While in her ultimate Caged Bird, Tailwind's energy is significantly reduced allowing her to shred her enemies. Base damage is distributed evenly between Impact, Puncture and Slash.

*Breakdown- Gives Zephyr more damage potential, synergies well with Turbulence and mods such as aviator and etc. Great Dive bomb tornado placements can be achieved with well positioned tailwind.


Turbulence ( Replaced Divebomb as 2) - Zephyr surrounds herself in turbulent winds that alter the trajectory of incoming bullets and projectiles, creating a wind shield. This skill is usable during her ultimate.


Dive Bomb (Pre and Post-Ult Changed)- While Zephyr is in the air, she will nose dive into the ground creating extreme up and downdraft. Upon impacting the ground, Zephyr's position creates a strong stationary tornado vortex that violently pull enemies towards the center lasting for a short duration.

While in Ultimate- Zephyr's Caged Bird ability will automatically end upon casting Dive Bomb. Zephyr uses the updraft created by her Caged Bird and the down draft from her wings to create extreme vortex upon impacting the ground. Depending on power strength -2,3,4 maxed- tornado vortex that spreads out from the epicenter and lasts for a short duration.

* Breakdown- Better reliable CC, while giving the user a choice between a stationary and moving tornado dependent on mission priority.

p9fE1oi.jpg example, upon landing.


Caged Bird(New Ultimate)- Zephyr spreads her energy wings and creates an encloses dome like area with severe updraft, allowing her light oxium body to hover above the ground (allows her to stay afloat from her passive). Allies inside gain temporary projectile speed, while enemies are trapped inside once entered. If Zephyr leaves her enclosed cage, the ability will automatically end. This skill constantly drains energy, works similar to excal, valk, ember etc.

*Breakdown- Increased ability synergy even her passive, as well as fitting the theme of the overall bird/wind frame. Allows her previewed deluxe skin to have actual functional wings instead of just being cosmetic accessory.



Mind the crappy Photoshop, I've decided to give her zapdos wings haha. Use your imagination, the real deal would be more awesome. :)







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There is already a large topic regarding Zephyr's rework.


39 minutes ago, VariableZero said:

Passive, Lightweight (Unchanged)- Move with increased agility while airborne and fall more slowly.

Her Passive already decreases the speed she drops and makes her AirGlide last longer. She also gets alot of momentum from this that grants her better mobility on land if you time your Bullet Jumps and Rolls right.

39 minutes ago, VariableZero said:

Tailwind (Unchanged Pre-Ultimate)- Zephyr propels herself with a blast of energy. If Zephyr is on the ground when Tail Wind is cast, she will be propelled upwards.

While in Ultimate- Zephyr propels herself with a blast of energy while slicing enemies she touches with her energy wings. While in her ultimate Caged Bird, Tailwind's energy is significantly reduced allowing her to shred her enemies. Base damage is distributed evenly between Impact, Puncture and Slash.

*Breakdown- Gives Zephyr more damage potential, synergies well with Turbulence and mods such as aviator and etc. Great Dive bomb tornado placements can be achieved with well positioned tailwind.

A total NO to this. Zephyr is not ment to be a Damage frame but a high mobility and support one.

39 minutes ago, VariableZero said:

Turbulence ( Replaced Divebomb as 2) - Zephyr surrounds herself in turbulent winds that alter the trajectory of incoming bullets and projectiles, creating a wind shield. This skill is usable during her ultimate.

Another NO, keep Turbulence as her (3) skill, its her main form of defense and protective support, it shouldnt be moved down a tier or it would have to suffer some kind of nerf.
If you want something better on her (2) skill, merge DiveBomb with Tailwind and give her some kinda wind gust skill that pushes enemies back and knocks them down.

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I don´t like it.

There are some idea´s that came to my mind a while ago.

Tailwind: hold mechanic. -> You are able to control duration. Enemies you pass by are forcefully dragged after you by the force of the wind

You could also use this to catapult enemies into the air. Enemies take damage upon hitting the ground

Divebomb -> move to passive. "Ground slams have greatly increased speed and range. Furthermore they pull all enemies in (like larva)"

new Skill

Turbulence: it´s godly vs corpus and useless vs grineer. Especially the grineer weakness is the problem here

Tornado: basically every aspect of this ability is bad

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In theme... I like it, going against the grain of the other people here ^^

I like the improvements to Tailwind, as small as they are, when used in combo. And I like trying to turn Dive Bomb into a more damaging and more heavy-CC cast. They work well in concept.

In practice, however, it won't.

First: Two stage 'ultimates' (I hate that word, Waframes don't 'ult' they have four different abilities, some warframes' most powerful abilities aren't their 4 at all...) don't function in practice as the player either wants one or the other effect of them, and switching to the other by means of using a different ability that you might also want the effect of, without losing the effects of your earlier cast... that just doesn't help.

Second: Hovering, or flying, is actually gameplay impeding. While in a 'mode' that makes you not touch the ground you cannot activate in-game interactions such as reviving a team member, activating life support, using a console, opening a door, triggering a floor panel (for grineer hijack and so on), picking up a data module or power/fuel/coolant cell, and many, many more (not the least of which being using a melee stance). Having an ability that forces this onto the player is, as myself and many others feel, a really bad idea.

Yes Zephyr has a bird theme, but she's not actually a flying frame, and making her into one would be very detrimental.

And Third: the energy imbalance isn't going to work either. Turbulence is a high-power defense cast, it's why it's on her 3 and costs 75 energy. If you're trying to move it to 2, and have it cost only 50, it's going to cause issues in power, especially if her new 3 is going to do as much as it does.

Good crafting, unfortunately not fully thought out execution. Nice try though!

By the way, unconnected, but there's also this:

1 hour ago, Netzwerkfehler said:

Turbulence: it´s godly vs corpus and useless vs grineer. Especially the grineer weakness is the problem here

Sorry to pull you out there, but I have no idea what you mean. Well sort of, Grineer used to be more of a problem a while back, but now Turbulence works even better against Grineer than it does against Corpus due to Grineer not having Nullifiers.

The hitscan 'tunnel' bugs were fixed months ago, mitigation against Hitscan works at every range and angle, and if you have a good range on Turbulence then even Area-of-Effect explosions from Bombards aren't a problem. Zephyr's only issues are with 'trap' style AoE, melee and Aura effects, such as the lingering fire from Napalm shots, the Sapper Osprey orbs...

There are only three actual bugs that need fixing on Turbulence: Flame Throwers (this has to be a bug... DE need to fix this), the seeking projectiles on Swarmer Detron shots (from the Corpus Scrambus/Comba units) and the carpet-bomb from Hellions (because it's not actively targeting Zephyr, but where she's standing).

You can literally run up and wave your butt in a Heavy Gunner's face, hop away while she ground-slams, and come back to taunt her more before shotgunning the poor grineer girl in the face. Meanwhile the Corpus actually have a slight advantage in that regard as Turbulence allows projectiles to 'penetrate' for a short distance before redirecting them, meaning that if you get nose-to-nose with a Corpus Engineer, he might actually be able to hit you.

So... yeah, thought I'd clear that up.

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1 hour ago, Netzwerkfehler said:

The turbulence buff was only live for like a month. It was reverted very shortly. Zephyr wasn´t touched in the last months. Dunno what you mean

No, not the buff to casting delay, entirely wrong direction. I'm talking about the turbulence bug fixes over time (Turbulence is one of the most  and why they make her stronger against Grineer than Corpus. There was trouble since the very start with Turbulence, it started out life as a basic accuracy debuff for enemies. Problem with that was that it scaled poorly because even a 98% debuff was completely pointless once the enemy accuracy buff ranked up enough to counter it.

They tried it again by making it two layers of shields, one that redirected projectiles, one that used a method to prevent a certain percentage chance of shots on a curve of rankings instead of accuracy debuff, which created the problem that enemies too close could ignore the shield and shoot you anyway.

Then there was the change to make it a redirect instead of a debuff of any kind, but this caused a problem with hitscan weapons where the hitscan was always directed over your head, meaning that if you jumped the ability didn't compensate for a few frames of animation and you jumped straight into the stream of bullets anyway.

This last one stuck around right up until update 18.5, people still don't believe it's fully fixed, and this is the only issue we ever had with Turbulence versus Grineer that I could think you were referring to in your comment.

Outside of this issue, I have no idea what you mean about Turbulence being less effective against Grineer overall, there are two units of Grineer that have bugs allowing them to attack through Turbulence, both of them use a flame thrower, and that's something DE needs to fix, but Corpus have units that can bug through it too, so it's fairly even.

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