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Support Frame idea!


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Had an idea for a support frame.

Basically, a debuff+ buffer

The concept is "takes from enemy-gives to teammates and itself" which scales with enemy level, allowing you to not be useless after a set amount of enemy levels.

So for example, one power is to take enemy damage, lowering the enemy's damage while increasing yours and teammates

So it's 1 takes HP and turns it into a health buff from the scaled enemy and redistributes it

His 2 takes credits and redistributes it

His 3 takes energy redistributes it

His 4 takes damage redistributes it

And his powers scale with enemies, so he never feels useless after a certain amount. So a level 5 bombard gets the same treatment as a level 85, so you'll get lets say 150 HP buff from a level 5, and a 1000 HP buff from a level 85

This is balanced out by the fact he only has 75 energy at max, 350 HP and shields at max

If I had to think about a backstory to him, it'd be a sorta anti Sentient frame, able to sorta mimic them in some ways, and try to negate them by taking their enormous damage output against them.

As for an actual in game name Equalizer sounds too modern day, so Igualada sounds cool :P

The downsides to this is that you can only cast it corresponding with the power number

Power 1 only does one enemy, power 2 does 2 enemies, and so on.

I can't think of a passive, perhaps no matter the distance he always receives affinity from teammates or always gets a team mates power buff? Like if he's far away from a trinity, even 2 tilesets over he can still get energy from her 2.

I was debating if having to aim at an enemy or an automatic function to target the toughest enemy would be good.


Any thoughts, or revisions, or criticisms?



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With a slight rework to the abilities, and maybe some different effects (the abilities are basically the same only with different things being redistributed (kinda boring, sorry D:)) this could become an Entropyframe, where the frame gets something, which then spreads out to the squad evenly.

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2 hours ago, Clats01 said:

I dont see why credits would be a thing you would worry about as everyone gets them when 1 person picks them up, I would think armour would be more useful.

I actually had armor in my first draft but then I thought it'd be too OP, plus not all enemies have armor, but all enemies have hp/energy/credits/damage

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