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Whoa, Livestream 10 So Soon?


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this has been the most buggiest UPDATE i have ever seen....



so is the hot fix going to be just the Resource, or are you gonna have hotfixes for resource drop rate, Raptor Buggy where Nova Bps parts not dropping its like ULTRA RARE, Paris Prime Blue Print not saving, as well as Captain Vor's Seer bps not dropping it shares Cronus BPs drop rate, and then some

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They likely also want to remind us we are still a "beta".

Because you people seem to forget it a lot so they have to keep repeating themselves. That's how stupidity works, you must repeat something a lot of times until some people get it.

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Because you people seem to forget it a lot so they have to keep repeating themselves. That's how stupidity works, you must repeat something a lot of times until some people get it.

It's a definition of insanity D: 

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Actually no. I keep having to "preach" to the unwashed masses like you.

You seem to be about as angry and misguided as Westboro. Its ok, sometimes one cant help themselves from flailing around gnashing of teeth due to the follies of interpretation, such as sarcasm.

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You seem to be about as angry and misguided as Westboro. Its ok, sometimes one cant help themselves from flailing around gnashing of teeth due to the follies of interpretation, such as sarcasm.



Seriously? As angry and misguided as Westboro? What's next? Comparing me to Hitler? Your hyperbole just make you look ridiculous.

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