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Vampiric Nightmare Mode


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now this is just getting ridiculus ...

Nightmare with vampiric mode getting harder !? Drain more life !?

the game is not even playable....

I was runnning the mission for jackal ... the first few blocks of maps was no enemy .. then this long arse elevator ... buh bye ... done deal ...


then finally get to jackal ... his battle takes awhile due to the level adjustment ... no little fliers ... after awhile .. buh bye ...

seriously =.=

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My suggestion is to cap Vampire mode at dropping players to 1 health, not kill. This way you back stop for tiles that either don't spawn mobs, or worse multiple tiles and long boss fight that don't spawn mobs.

Large Heals and Team Heals do not do enough to off set such droughts of killable AI.

Edited by Brasten
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you die in 15 seconds. Enemies prolong your life by like 3 seconds apiece. Against grineer elite marines, who take 3 seconds to kill, this is stupid. DE, please fix your mess.



Nightmare mode is now unplayable until you do. 

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i dont know whos idea it is to make vampiric mode stronger .. the old one itself is already annoying and i died on boss fight many times cause of that ...

definitely cannot allow vampiric to kill (drop hp to 1) if it is intended for this hard ...


oh rejuvenation !? it barely heal you 1hp per tick even on the max lv

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The buff to Vampire mode makes even Caloris unplayable. I run that mission a lot to level equipment, but it's impossible if you don't have at least 500 hp, and even that is cutting it far too close

I have 740 health and I died 3 times in M-prime there is no possible way for a frost to get more health without that artifact and even that would only buy a few seconds.

Edited by LazyKnight
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And .......... many people were complaining that Nightmare mode was easy and took them no effort to get those nightmare mods 

-_- DE should hire the Team ninja that made the ninja gaiden if they want a brutally hard game that hates the people playing it.

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And .......... many people were complaining that Nightmare mode was easy and took them no effort to get those nightmare mods

I don't know who said something like that but in my opinion they shoud nerf drain a litle and give more hp for killing enemys.
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I don't know who said something like that but in my opinion they shoud nerf drain a litle and give more hp for killing enemys.

Drain should NEVER be HP lost per second it should be based on % of total at a much lower rate. Such as 1%HP lost every 3 seconds with killing NPC giving back 5% HP. It doesn't need to be like this it 1000x more annoying that those blasted ice level. If DE can't play test their own game they really should hire some temps to play test everything they do.

Edited by LazyKnight
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This update for vampiric has been pretty lousy. Not only do a lot players glitch out into "semi-dead" states very often when HP drain gets them down to 0 health, but I've also never completed a vampire mission legitamately after the update. The only time I could complete it... is if the host rage quits and the mission no longer drains health.


This needs to be looked at immediately.

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now this is just getting ridiculus ...

Nightmare with vampiric mode getting harder !? Drain more life !?

the game is not even playable....

I was runnning the mission for jackal ... the first few blocks of maps was no enemy .. then this long arse elevator ... buh bye ... done deal ...


then finally get to jackal ... his battle takes awhile due to the level adjustment ... no little fliers ... after awhile .. buh bye ...

seriously =.=


Had the same problem, if you come back the same way as you cleared and you are an efficient killer, then the alarm isnt going off and there isn't any enemies to kill or health left to pick up. You get screwed for being good at the game. That is called bad game design.

How about having options for missions that make them more difficult that the host can turn on like Vindictus or Samurai Western.

Seriously, just add in a bunch of game modifiers that make it harder and give better rewards. Don't add game modes that penalize players for their play style being stealthy (what I thought the point of the game was).

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Stop blaming vampire mode and just tell them that it's too difficult for you. Ask them to make it easier as challenge is no fun for the average gamer. Kind of like when you ask daddy to open your packet of sweets for you. What if nightmare missions were meant as a tough challenge for players who were experienced in the game. People who are willing to run with specific statted Warframes with high hp and who knows even a Trinity in the group. Players who use their brains to tackle a challenge and get rewarded for it.There is much fun to be had in missions where it is not 100% sure that you will finish it. Can anyone really remember the last time they died before nightmare missions? ( Brand new unmodded warframes excluded ) Warframe has lacked difficulty for some time now, dont ruin it by swamping them asking for easy mode!

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This mode is impossible without dying a bunch of times solo. It wouldn't even be that bad if enemies actually spawned more often but as it is right now it's a terribly unfair garbage effect. Might as well alt+f4 every time you get it and save yourself the headache.

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Stop blaming vampire mode and just tell them that it's too difficult for you. Ask them to make it easier as challenge is no fun for the average gamer. Kind of like when you ask daddy to open your packet of sweets for you. What if nightmare missions were meant as a tough challenge for players who were experienced in the game. People who are willing to run with specific statted Warframes with high hp and who knows even a Trinity in the group. Players who use their brains to tackle a challenge and get rewarded for it.There is much fun to be had in missions where it is not 100% sure that you will finish it. Can anyone really remember the last time they died before nightmare missions? ( Brand new unmodded warframes excluded ) Warframe has lacked difficulty for some time now, dont ruin it by swamping them asking for easy mode!


if you are one of the OP player who have played for bloody too long ...

and spend thousands of dollars on the platinum just to beef up your charc ..

and then .. you havent tried the new vampiric mode ... SHUT THE HECK UP !


First thing first ... most of the darn party arrangement is RANDOM ... You can be low lv with 200hp paired with high lv and you ended DYING IN ONE HIT !

Secondly ... NOT EVERYONE are in guild / clan or big clan ..

Thirdly ... NOT EVERYONE HAVE that beef of a warframe like yours .. or even worse ... RHINO (if iron body negate the vampiric mode)

Edited by ninosan
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Stop blaming vampire mode and just tell them that it's too difficult for you. Ask them to make it easier as challenge is no fun for the average gamer. Kind of like when you ask daddy to open your packet of sweets for you. What if nightmare missions were meant as a tough challenge for players who were experienced in the game. People who are willing to run with specific statted Warframes with high hp and who knows even a Trinity in the group. Players who use their brains to tackle a challenge and get rewarded for it.There is much fun to be had in missions where it is not 100% sure that you will finish it. Can anyone really remember the last time they died before nightmare missions? ( Brand new unmodded warframes excluded ) Warframe has lacked difficulty for some time now, dont ruin it by swamping them asking for easy mode!


Says the one playing as Rhino/Frost with 1500HP and a contact list with 2000+ lvl 30 potatoed Trinity contacts to play 24/7, anytime, anywhere. YES! Because we have to go strictly multiplayer and use one Warframe to be happy!


Seriously, if I want to play an impossible game, I play I Wanna Be The Guy not Warframe.

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Vampire mode is a broken mechanic. It can work two ways, and neither are very good for the game. If you are killing fast enough to have a net gain of health vampire mode is in fact making the game easier because while you may temporarily drop health you will always end up bringing it to full, even with damage that is caused by enemies and not the game mode. On the other side of it, if you are not killing fast enough, death is inevitable, and the game doesn't have enough healing mechanics to maintain your health through other means.


They can tweak the numbers as much as they want in either direction, but they'll never be able to hit a middle ground on this mechanic. The window of perfect health maintenance is just too small, and will shift depending on gear and skill, so the best they'll ever be able to get is a 50/50 split of stupid easy and impossible. 

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