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Infested Sniper Rifle


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I know this idea has been proposed here on the forums many times, but I have yet to see a proposal that lined up with what I have been thinking for a while, so I figured I would post my own concept.


Name: Prion

MR: 5

Weapon Slot: Primary

Weapon Type: Sniper

Trigger Type: Semi-Auto/Charge


Fire Rate: 1.25 RPS

Charge Time: 1.5s

Accuracy 12.5 (100 when scoped)/100 (Secondary)

Magazine Size: 10

Reload Time: 2s

Normal Attack

Damage: 300

Toxin: 300

Critical Chance: 10%

Critical Multiplier: 2.0x

Status Chance: 30%


Zoom Levels: 3.0x    Status Chance changes to 40% Base

  10.0x  Status Chance changes to 50% Base

Shot Combo Reset Time: 4s

Minimum Shot Combo: 3

Polarities: V

Research Costs:

5 Mutagen Mass, 500,000 Nano Spores, 50,000 Plastids, 50 Neurodes, 10,000 Credits (at Ghost tier)

Research Prerequisite: Dual Toxocyst

Blueprint Cost: 50,000 Credits

Crafting Costs:

5 Mutagen Mass, 2000 Polymer Bundles, 5000 Plastids, 1 Forma, 35,000 Credits


Primary Fire:

Fires one hit-scan projectile at the cost of one ammo. Has innate punch-through equal to 2m.

Secondary Fire:

  • Hold Secondary Fire button (Default MMB) to charge. Charges for 1.5 seconds (affected by fire rate mods). Charge is maintained until Secondary Fire is released.
  • Consumes 2 ammo while charging.
  • When released, launches a glowing, slow-moving Orb (Antimatter Drop initial flight speed) that continues in flight indefinitely until it hits an object/tile mesh/skybox.
  • Orb has infinite punch-through on enemies.
  • Orb deals 50 Toxin damage per second (1 second tic speed, similar to Zenistar) (damage affected by mods) to all enemies within 3m while in flight, and deals 200 Toxin (affected by mods) to all enemies in 6m when it collides with an object/tile mesh.
  • Innate toxin damage is combined with the first element in the mod list, and is reflected in the modding UI
  • Orb AoE is affected by Firestorm both during flight and upon detonation.
  • Orb Flight Speed is affected by flight speed mods.
  • Orb is unaffected by Multishot chance.
  • Orb is unaffected by Accuracy mods (Heavy Caliber, Rivens)
  • Orb has a 45% Status Chance/tic while in flight (affected by mods) and 100% Status Chance on detonation. Multiple Orbs can be in flight at the same time.
  • Orbs are not affected by anything other than objects/tile meshes/skyboxes. This excludes Warframe/Companion/Sentinel/Operative/Specter meshes, Mag's Magnetize, Nova's Antimatter Absorb augment, Nyx's Absorb, Atlas's Tectonics, [PH] W'Rath secondary fire, etc.
  • Orbs have a duration of 30s. If an Orb does not detonate before the duration expires, it will disappear (no detonation).



The main idea behind this sniper is to provide a status-based alternative to the other snipers, as most of them are critical-based or hybrid. The secondary-fire orb is intended to alleviate the issues sniper typically face vs. crowds at the cost of time and ammo efficiency. The orb is very different from the primary fire in terms of modding to prevent the player from using both interchangeably, rather requiring them to dedicate mod slots to the orb if they want to use it a a primary damage source, as opposed to a utility as intended, while still giving them the option to do so. The reason the zoom levels change the Base Status Chance as opposed to adding a multiplier to it (a la the Lanka's crit chance zoom modifier) is because I am lazy and don't want to try to calculate the exact multiplicative percentages required to make it balanced, as Status Chance, unlike Critical Chance, is added by smaller amounts on multiple mods (60%/60% elementals), as opposed to one mod (Point Strike). The basic idea was to make it to where a build with one combined elemental (Gas, Corrosive, or Viral) with no multishot could have almost 100% Status Chance at 3x zoom, and guaranteed 100% Status Chance at 10x zoom. Since Status Chance over 100% has no added benefit, and slow firing weapons need near 100% status chance to be useful as status weapons, I felt that this would be a balanced approach that allowed for build diversity, as opposed to requiring all 4 60% elementals to reach 100% Status Chance (and thus limiting elemental combos to 2 or 3 choices).

I also chose to have the Orb have a slow flight speed but make the primary fire hit-scan to allow greater Riven diversity. If someone got a -flight speed riven, they could still use the primary fire with no problems, even if the Orb was affected. Likewise, a +flight speed mod would do nothing for the primary fire, but would still be very useful for the secondary fire.

I gave the orb a low base damage to reinforce the idea that it is a utility, not an alternate attack. This is the same reason the Orb applies it's innate toxin to elemental combos first, as it allows utility combos like Viral + Heat primary fire and Corrosive+ Cold secondary fire. This does prevent toxin damage/procs from the orb, however, unless a toxin mod is on the weapon (as innate toxin damage will boost the toxin mod first, as normal).



So, what do you think? OPAF? Hot pile of garbage? Something that should be added right after Tennocon? I would love to hear what you think about the weapon, no matter what said thoughts might be.


PS: My typing is not the best, so if you see a typo, please point it out. Thank You!

Edited by -AoN-CanoLathra-
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It's a sniper. By the time you menage to aim into someone head, your teammate have already killed everyone and ended the NEXT mission.

BUT, the idea is awesome. i'll give you that.

Edited by Kyryo
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Just now, Kyryo said:

It's a sniper. By the time you menage to aim into someone head, your teammate have already killed everyone and ended the NEXT mission.


That said, I do enjoy using sniper rifles while playing solo, especially on the larger tiles. And considering I solo every spy, most rescues, and some survivals, Solo play makes up a large part of my playstyle.

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The secondary fire may be a little tricky at long distance due to travel time tho. But it can be useful in cases of emergency. Even if we all know that the community will find a way to exploit that thing into the next Symulor Kappa

Edited by Kyryo
fixed typos
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4 minutes ago, Kyryo said:

The secondary fire may be a little tricky at long distance due to travel time tho. But it can be useful in cases of emergency. Even if we all know that the community will find a way to exploit that thing into the next Symulor Kappa

That is why I put the limits on the orb that I did. It's supposed to be something that you aim at a wall or at the ground near you, just to provide some breathing room.

That said, there is always a way to exploit something. Mirage comes to mind as a potential exploit.

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The concept is intersting but the weapon would just be too powerful.
An hitscan weapon without charge time that deal base 300 toxin damages with 30% status chance is clearly eligible for gas build.

This mean with serration and heat+toxin dual stats mods, the weapon deal 2544 gas damages with 66% status chance. Add some multishot and more toxin damages + multishot from a Riven and the weapon become a beast, stronger than Lanka that already can kill alsmost every groups of enemis in a single shot.

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