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This Is Why Nightmare Mode Is Not Fun.


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To the point: Nightmare Mode doesn't make the enemies more challenging to beat, it just makes you have to rush through everything so you don't end up dying due to either running out of enemies to kill to extend time/ regenerate your depleting life points. The game mode itself is what's killing you, not the enemies. That's punishing, not challenging and certainly not fun.

Edited by Aspari
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i hate these videos sometimes.

they are great content that people like to miss use.

nothing in there dismisses nightmare mode as a bad experience. they only take a jab a warframe because of its overly complex button combos for a move. a problem that is superficial and limited. you dont need jump slide attacks to do anything in this game.

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i hate these videos sometimes.

they are great content that people like to miss use.

nothing in there dismisses nightmare mode as a bad experience. they only take a jab a warframe because of its overly complex button combos for a move. a problem that is superficial and limited. you dont need jump slide attacks to do anything in this game.

No, that's not the reason I posted this.



It's in relation to Nightmare mode being punishing instead of fun and challenging.

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What? Are people really using E as their melee button? WHY?

What's wrong with E? It's the default and I also have it bound to mouse scroll for the faster normal attacks. That's a nice thing I noticed about Warframe, being able to bound two buttons for the same action.

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I do indeed use E for melee. There's really no issue with it, I also don't find W-Shift-Ctrl-E a hard combo to preform.


As for the Op, Beta is beta. Nightmare mode could actually do with being a little more difficult. And it's not actually like they force you to do Nightmare mode at all, it's entirely a choice left up to the player.

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No, that's not the reason I posted this.



It's in relation to Nightmare mode being punishing instead of fun and challenging.


And which elements of it are 'punishing' exactly?


You are making us work for any information beyond the topic, aren't you? 


If you have nothing to say why do you even bother starting a topic? :/

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And which elements of it are 'punishing' exactly?


You are making us work for any information beyond the topic, aren't you? 


If you have nothing to say why do you even bother starting a topic? :/

Fine I'll add it to the OP.

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Because I liked the video.

so you have nothing to say on nightmare mode or opinion of your own to share, you just wanted to show people a video you liked, kthxno


and nightmare mode is easier and more rewarding i think. You heal when you kill an enemy, it forces people to rush more so you get through it faster and there are only a few isolated moments where you are destined to fail from the start (like long elevator rides or getting stuck)

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Aspari, on 16 Jul 2013 - 5:01 PM, said:

Because I liked the video.

Listen I may love the work that the guys and gals at Extra Credits do. But you can't just shove one of their videos in my face and 'say This is why Nightmare mode is bad'. Now if you said what point in the video that relates to Nightmare mode and maybe said how that relates I your point would carry more weight.
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so you have nothing to say on nightmare mode or opinion of your own to share, you just wanted to show people a video you liked, kthxno


and nightmare mode is easier and more rewarding i think. You heal when you kill an enemy, it forces people to rush more so you get through it faster and there are only a few isolated moments where you are destined to fail from the start (like long elevator rides or getting stuck)

Exactly. They need to tweak the health loss vs regen, or in the case of the timer time gained vs time spent.

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To the point: Nightmare Mode doesn't make the enemies more challenging to beat, it just makes you have to rush through everything so you don't end up dying due to either running out of enemies to kill to extend time/ regenerate your depleting life points. The game mode itself is what's killing you, not the enemies. That's punishing, not challenging and certainly not fun.


Well... I wouldn't agree - First of all, the only situation when I run out of time (only once!) was during a Nightmare mission on Raptor boss - there were only two of us.


In all the other missions I finish with at least 7 minutes left, sometimes as much as 11 minutes - and that is with opening and breaking every container without rush or any other speed increasing mod. 


I have no idea how people manage to run out of time or health - unless you lack experience or your frame is not levelled enough, but in that case what are you doing on a Nightmare mission in the first place?

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No, that's not the reason I posted this.



It's in relation to Nightmare mode being punishing instead of fun and challenging.

Nightmare is an optional mode for players seeking a challenge. You can only play them if you beat all the missions in that system.


Me and my clanmates run these missions and love them so much. We love a challenge and pushing ourselves to the limit. We play half these missions and not even remember its nightmare cause its so easy at times.


No part of it is punishing unless you're trying to solo the dang things. If you feel you aren't up to it then just play on Online mode.


(This is like the 8th post I've seen with a blank complain over nightmare mode.)

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1.Nightmare mode is only a pain when u play with Noobs

2.Free  Controllsetings....change them  if u like omg whats the prob

3.Great Video thanks

4.The Game getting better and harder!Now the Player have to get better!Finally it is more than runn to Point A and back

5.It is not Perfect or Bugfree but it is in work

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1.Nightmare mode is only a pain when u play with Noobs

2.Free  Controllsetings....change them  if u like omg whats the prob

3.Great Video thanks

4.The Game getting better and harder!Now the Player have to get better!Finally it is more than runn to Point A and back

5.It is not Perfect or Bugfree but it is in work

Must....resist....urge....to correct.....grammar...

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Then instead of simply linking a video, why don't you, you know, explain your point with words n stuff.

Because people on this forum like agreeing with everything Extra Credits says without actually paying attention to the individual points being made in their videos.

1.Nightmare mode is only a pain when u play with Noobs

That's almost the entire community.
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