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Forma'd Because Of Aura's, Then You Change The System


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Actually I spent the forma on a warframe slot - not the Aura slot.

It was necessary because I could no longer fit everything I wanted in there with the Aura's taking space as well.

So instead of waiting for a fix, you do something without proper thinking about it and now want something back? Forget it.

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The only reason the polarized slots even double the energy you get is because DE was trying to not do wrong by folks who already used forma.

I don't think those slots should have polarities at all. 5, 7 and 14 energy is silly and makes a team-based item (auras) more of a personal choice instead.

^ This.


I think everyone here should learn from OP's mistake, including, apparently, the OP: The mechanics are weird right now, DE is probably going to change them again.  Don't go full retard and spend time or money changing absolutely everything you have to accommodate the current system, because the current system isn't going to be sticking around for long.  Also, don't rage about the current system as if it's the worst thing that has ever happened and that Warframe is going to explode because of it, because, again, it's not going to stick around for long.

Also, OP needs to learn a very different lesson, too: Don't buy Forma!

Edited by XCodes
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That is the risk you take, this game is in beta where gameplay elements can change on a whim, after all.


I'm looking at the big picture here. Given the game got more difficult post-U9 this actually makes it more accessible to new players and casuals, that forma is now an option for your frames rather than a requirement to survive in the endgame (whatever you consider it as, be it Ceres-XIni-Pluto/Void T3/etc). Forma is still a must to get the most out of your weapons though.


This means that new players won't be as turned off by the steep difficulty and learning curve - because let's face it the tutorial is barebones and doesn't really tell you anything important.


For those who invested lots of Forma into your frames, consider that chase double mods like Constitution, which have multiple effects for high mod costs are a preview of more to come, which means you've future-proofed your frames pretty much.

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To all the guys complaining about the recent change to the aura equip cost. You guys are all morons.


DE tries something new (IE Aura mods) and they realise it conflicts with the game. Specially considering that everyone complains about it.


They fix it, and what's the first thing that happens? You guys complain about it.


Yeah, I used a forma on my Aura slot too, but you know what? I'm OK with the change. I'm even grateful that they did this change because before they did, there were certain mod fits that could NOT be made, even with all slots properly polarised.


In short, you lost 20 plats. Big deal. The overall change is worth it so quit yer useless whining and get over it ya panseys.


Edit: Winning at life is also about knowing when to take a hit with dignity.


Edit (again): Instead of looking for the bad side of everything like the pessimistic spoiled brats that you are, why not try to find the silver lining? In this case, since you used a forma on your aura slot, you get twice the bonus points from your aura mod, allowing you to save formas on some other slots. Heck, you could even equip some mods to the wrong polarity now and customise as needed depending on the mission instead of being stuck with one build for ever now.


Urgh. Stupid people piss me off so much. Specially when they don't realise they have it good and try to ruin it for everyone. Anyway, I'm done with my rant.

Edited by Eruend
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Why are you complaining, you STILL get benefits for having Forma'ed that slot because now you have a good amount of bonus mod points that you can use to buff your frame further! You didn't lose anything, and it was a brilliant change that solved almost all problems that originated from the Aura system compared to the Artifact system, and the vast majority of the playerbase love this new change, so why don't you stop crying about losing one forma and having to re-level your frame because you decided to jump the gun before giving the devs time for a hotfix and go enjoy your bonus mod points?

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This I can agree with. XD


Actually, what they could do is give an option to sort the mods by polarity first and alphabet second. Would make things alot easier to find all around IMO.

You should probably put a ^ symbol at the start of the post or use a quote, because right now it looks as if you agree with the OP and not the post above you.
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Nah, I should have quoted you instead. My keyboard is wierd and certain keys don't do what they should. Tried finding the correct keyboard settings once, but gave up because I could'n find the proper one. XD

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suck it up, your fault for jumping the gun when there was an obvious fix coming

No, it's Warframe's fault that they seem incapable of releasing polished content to their game.  Yes, people say it's, "open beta," but come on.  They sure aren't having any issues charging people money, just listening to the community and actually checking content for functionality prior to release.

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Ok, now I like the change and I'm not complaining about it, but maybe you guys jumping down OP's throat should consider this. I didn't Forma my Loki specifically for the new Auras, but rather to fit everything I had onto my 'frame. I now have 15 completely unusable mod points and 3 Forma down the drain. I'm not mourning those Forma, Forma is easy enough to get, but that's still a lot of wasted space.

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This S#&$ is happening for a simple reason and that is insufficient contact with community about important changes before the changes are implemented. (And then as usual fixed/changed.)



No, it's Warframe's fault that they seem incapable of releasing polished content to their game.  Yes, people say it's, "open beta," but come on.  They sure aren't having any issues charging people money, just listening to the community and actually checking content for functionality prior to release.


You're both wrong. First off, it's their game. Not ours. Second, it's because of idiots whining AGAINST everything that comes up... Ever, that the information on these forums is unreliable at best to the development of the game.


I'd rather support a company that tries new stuff and stumbles now and then, then to support a company that won't try risking anything and just follow the "safe" way, which is to copy/paste stuff from other games.


Ok, now I like the change and I'm not complaining about it, but maybe you guys jumping down OP's throat should consider this. I didn't Forma my Loki specifically for the new Auras, but rather to fit everything I had onto my 'frame. I now have 15 completely unusable mod points and 3 Forma down the drain. I'm not mourning those Forma, Forma is easy enough to get, but that's still a lot of wasted space.


Like I said, I forma'd my aura slot on my Frost Prime. What I didn't mention is that I polarised every other slot too and even re-polarized one of the ability slots. I have no regrets.


That said, OP still only provided in counter-productive statements that risk, if anything, discouragind the devs from trying anything new, and turn this game into another of those bland mainstream pieces of S#&$ you can buy off any game store's rack.

Edited by Eruend
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I like the old AURA system. The game is too easy now.

Maybe the best solution is to add 2 mod slots to warframe and integrate AURA slot as a standard warframe's mod (without AURA boosting warframe's mod capacity etc).

Total warframe mods capacity should remain at 30 (60) ... ?

Edited by trasha
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I like the old AURA system. The game is too easy now.

Maybe the best solution is to add 2 mod slots to warframe and integrate AURA slot as a standard warframe's slot (without AURA boosting warframe's mod capacity etc).

Total warframe mods capacity should remain at 30 (60) ... ?



It's also still growing and STILL subject to change. Customisation options won't affect difficulty on things to come.

Edited by Eruend
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Yup, I too forma'd Ash cause I couldn't use my preferred artifacts cause I was out of room, now they changed it and I could've kept my old build but oh well, all my mods now fit in the right polarities thanks to the "-" polarity from Stretch, Rush, and Flow. Now I can just put the highest ranked of the 3 into my new "-" polarity which used to be a checkmark. Though it's still unrewarding since were not getting mastery from having to relevel our forma'd frames.

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You're both wrong. First off, it's their game. Not ours. Second, it's because of idiots whining AGAINST everything that comes up... Ever, that the information on these forums is unreliable at best to the development of the game.


I'd rather support a company that tries new stuff and stumbles now and then, then to support a company that won't try risking anything and just follow the "safe" way, which is to copy/paste stuff from other games.



Like I said, I forma'd my aura slot on my Frost Prime. What I didn't mention is that I polarised every other slot too and even re-polarized one of the ability slots. I have no regrets.


That said, OP still only provided in counter-productive statements that risk, if anything, discouragind the devs from trying anything new, and turn this game into another of those bland mainstream pieces of S#&$ you can buy off any game store's rack.

I completely agree on these points. The community tends to put forward a united front asking for one thing and when they get it the rest come out from the woodworks to complain that the first thing happened. And yeah, I agree that this was a good change and I don't agree with OP, I just think people should try and consider that this makes any Forma added to 'frames beforehand seem wasted. I'm glad the devs are putting out something unique and my greatest hope is that once in a while they stick to their guns for at least a fortnight to see what happens with their change instead of just listening to the inital negative feedback. There's always initial negative feedback. Always.

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The community tends to put forward a united front asking for one thing and when they get it the rest come out from the woodworks to complain that the first thing happened.


Well the problem is, as far as I can recall, nobody was asking DE to implement artifacts into warframe mod setup (if so, please, link the thread, I am interested). So what you are saying is kind of unrelated to this problem.


On the other hand, Nightmare mode is something else, and community wanted harder mode, but again, what have they expected after the fail implementation? Community wanted harder levels and as far as I know, people were suggesting "optionable" difficulty. Does "random levels are nightmare" sounds optional to you? I don't think so.


The problem I see here is, that DE have a good idea, listens to the crowd and then implement it in a really bad and broken way.


Yes, the game is theirs, and they have a vision, but that doesn't mean every choice they make is the right one - we call choices like that "bad design". And the great thing about bad design is, even when it is intentional, it is still a bad design :)

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Mentioning the "bad communication with community" - maybe I missed it, but have they mentioned in the forum somewhere or in live stream, that the artifacts will be implemented and how?

Because if the original idea was really adding points to mod customization, I don't think the community would react negatively.


Let's check the scenarios:

a) Idea, bad implementation, rage from community, changing/fixing into something better, "approval" by community, rage from change.

b) Idea, telling about idea to community, community telling devs it's really great or it really sux, adding it into the game.


I prefer b)

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Frankly, the only people I see complaining about this change are people that willingly overpowered their warframes beforehand either by way of cash or by farming forma all day. These people have near limitless power already.


The people totally for this change are those that either don't have the money or the time to constantly obtain forma for their warframes, thus have extreme limits on what mods they can put into them. These people have very limited power.


The first group is angry because they seem to think their farming and/or cashing out was for naught, even though they're still extremely powerful and now have even MORE power to mess around with. While the second group is just plain happy they have more leniency with their builds.

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That's my opinion on it as well. I forma'd a slot on my FP right before the hotfix hit because I couldn't fit a flow mod onto him like I wanted, now I can and I am happy for that. The extra mod points are nice.

Also, one thing is people are saying they have a bunch of extra space left over?

Wait until DE drops more double mods. They have high capacity for warframe mods. What does that mean? They'll probably release more mods with a very high cost that will pretty much *require* you to have +14 mod points to be able to use it with other mods.

You just need to sit back and WAIT for once instead of knee-jerking and raging when they haven't implemented more expensive mods. They couldn't implement the more expensive mods before because everyone would complain that they use up too many points or w/e (these forums would find a ton of reasons). With 14 extra points to play around with they can without anyone complaining (though these forums will find a reason too...)

Its just like people complaining about how boring the nightmare mode is WITHOUT waiting for DE to implement more modes for it, which they have said are incoming and even said that it would be weapon limitations at first and then followed by more.

So my answer to these complaints is the same to the people who complain about nightmare mode:

Wait for DE to implement more features that take advantage of it.

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