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Olympiad: The Gladiator, Warrior of Gods (Idea for Syndicate quest from Teshin to get the Frame)


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This is the first concept I've made for Warframe, & anything really. I hope that I can get some support with this & I hope that you, the rest of the community, enjoy it.

This is Olympiad. The Gladiator. The Warrior of gods. He destroys enemies with the flames of the forge, strikes them down with lightning from the skies, and claims their life with powers from the depths. Many have fallen by his hand, will you be the latest victim? Or will you be the champion of the arena?


Overall Description: Olympiad is the Gladiator frame. He's designed to outlast his enemies with large amounts of armor, health, & shields. Olympion's abilities are based around damage, while also maintaining a decent amount of crowd control.

  • Armor: 400 (Similar to Chroma, Atlas, & Valkyr, in that he is a high damage, but defensive Frame.)
  • Energy: 75 (A large amount of energy because his abilities are expensive to use)
  • Health: 175
  • Shield: 150
  • Sprint Speed: 1.1 (Not meant to be a fast Frame. He's meant to out last not out run)


Appearance: Olympiad's appearance is based on what anyone would picture a gladiator or Spartan to look. His primary helmet is a Spartan helmet without a face slot (because Warframe helmets don't usually have faces, making them look like nopperabou), & with a tall mohawk. Leather sandals with knee metal plates on the shins. Leather gloves with metal studs on the knuckles, & bracers from the wrist to the elbow. Feathers sticking up out of the shoulders, the elbow end of the bracers, & the top.  A large, pauldron with a lion head design in its center on the left shoulder (removable attachment). Normal Spartan breastplate & leather strap kilt with a large leather belt covering most of the abdomen.

  • Primary Color: Bronze (sort of a burnt yellow, or dull gold is the closest I can think of to bronze); all the metal armor
  • Secondary: Dark Brown; all the leather areas
  • Tertiary: Dark grey/almost black; the "skin" areas not covered by armor.
  • Accents: Bright red; the mohawk & the feathers
  • Energy: Standard blue that's on just about every Frame


Abilities: Olympiad's powers are based around gladiatorial combat & the respective powers of the various Greek gods they're named after. These aren't completely a WIP but I'm not really sure about their order, but the names & affects I'm content with. The affects, such as radius or duration, are based on max rank.

  1. Wrath: Using this will convert Olympiad to a brawler, in a similar way to Exalted Blade or Primal Fury. Using this ability turns the hands, feathers, & mohawk blood red. Each kill will build up points similar to Nidus's Virulence & Equinox's Mend & Maim. While points build up, the damage & armor slowly build up for all the squad members in range. Upon using the ability again Olympiad will slam his fist together, detonating & releasing a red, blood-like mist in all directions that will stun enemies & give allies a damage boost.
    1. This ability costs 50 energy to turn on; it does not drain energy.
    2. The max number of points that can be built up while in use is 120
    3. The radius of the damage & armor boost is pre-detonation is 75 meters
    4. The radius of the stun effect & damage boost is based on the number of points & divided into thirds. Every 40 points will add 25 meters to the radius. The affects last for 8 seconds & can be increased with power duration
    5. The stun affect will cause enemies to cower in fear & increase the critical chance & critical damage for allies by 50% (not sure on that part).
  2. Flames of Hephaestus: Olympiad summons a giant, flaming bronze hammer which he slams into the ground. This launches a swirling column of smoke, fire, & lava that leaves a flaming path in its wake.
    1. Costs 75 energy to use
    2. Radius of the column is 7 meters & can be increased with power range.
    3. The radius of the path is also 7 meters & 30 meters long.
  3. Poseidon's Pitchfork (JK Gonna call it Neptune's Trident): Olympiad summons a trident made of water & stabs it into the ground at his feet. This creates a whirlpool of water around him that slows & damages enemies over time.
    1. This costs 25 energy to use & drains energy over time. (I don't really know much about the numbers on energy drain so I can't give a good percentage per second thing for it)
    2. The radius around Olympiad is 10 meters & can be increased with power range.
    3. There are.... no additional affects.
  4. Hades & Olympus: Olympiad summons a large lightning storm at a targeted point that strikes all enemies that enter into range & irradiates enemies that aren't killed by it.
    1. Costs 100 energy to use.
    2. Radius is 30 meters from the target point.
    3. The lightning bolts are random, if enemies are hit, they are irradiated. If allies are hit, the weapon they are currently using receives radiation damage with a 100% status chance.


Passive: Olympiad's passive is based around various Olympic events.

  • Olympiad's athleticism allows him to jump higher; wall climb faster; sprint faster; & throw objects farther & with more damage than any other frame.


Quest: Like I said in the title, this is an idea for a Teshin Quest to receive Olympiad. The entire quest is solo, replayable, & requires completion of War Within. 

  • Teshin has discovered an ancient arena built by the Orokin on Earth. He was not the only one to find it. Baro Ki'Teer, Darvo, & Maroo have also found out about it's existence
  • Teshin has called upon your assistance in keeping Baro, Darvo, & Maroo from looting the arena dry, but also to help him search for something. He says that when he first arrived at the arena he went to the balcony where he found vials of Kuva. He asks you to do a bit more exploring because he feels he cannot continue his exploration (due to the events of the War Within. Not going to say what those are because spoilers, even though I'm pretty sure even new players find out about it almost immediately)
  • After arriving at the Colosseum you find that there is some force keeping you from entering in your Warframe. After walking dim, sunlit halls & examining several piles of bone, discarded & broken weapons, & pools of Kuva blood. You find your self at the entrance of the actual arena. In the center of the arena you find  a statue of Olympiad.
    • This is where a cut scene starts. You are startled by maniacal laughter coming from the balcony behind you. An old Orokin with a Roman javelin themed speargun appears and blah blah, dialogue that I don't have any ideas for.
    • The Orokin slams his speargun into the ground & the statue of Olympiad comes alive & attacks you. The statue is, at this point, indestructible, & defeats you.
  • After this you wake up outside the Colosseum next to your Warframe, at this point Teshin calls you to talk to you at the mountains on Earth, the same ones from the War Within. There, you'll find Maroo, Baro, Darvo,& Teshin. Teshin then explains what it is that attacked you & what exactly the Colosseum is. That being a place where war-oriented Orokin can choose victims for their Continuity.
  • After this Teshin has you go back to the Colosseum. You still can't enter with your Warframe, but this time when you get to the arena there is a (Probably random) selection of 5 normal frames & melee weapons to choose from (nothing like nidus or anything that can heal you), all with un-modded stats. Once you choose a frame & a weapon, you'll be put behind 1 of 5 cage doors which will open & you'll have to fight the 4 other frames (powers are unusable, to make it less unbearably hard to do this part), & 1 operative from each of the syndicates, each with their respective melee weapons. In order to complete this mission you'll need to win the battle royale. Completing this will award you with the Olympiad chassis blueprint & the themed secondary blueprint.
    • You'll have to do this 2 more times, the 2nd time will be done with Prime Warframes (not Excalibur Prime, to avoid any pains about him) & Prime Melee weapons, & 2 operatives from each syndicate. Powers will be usable, Warframes & operatives will have buffed stats, & ult abilities will not be usable (like Bladestorm, Miasma, or Overload, to avoid making the battle royale to easy). Completion will award the Olympiad systems blueprint & the themed melee blueprint.
    • The 3rd time you will be able to use your own equipment (minus companions & just melee weapons) & you'll be up against everything from the previous battles, including the Olympiad statue, which will not be indestructible this time. After the battle, there's another cut scene about the Orokin that was watching the battle. Teshin then kills him (again, don't want to spoil things about War Within). Upon completing this mission, you'll receive the Olympiad neuroptics blueprint & the themed primary that belonged to the Orokin
  • After completing these battles you'll be asked to the mountains again, where there's more dialogue, probably about how awesome you are with melee weapons after the experience. Teshin then says that he doesn't know what caused the events in the Colosseum. The Orokin was much older than the last one, & was not event a habitant of the Colosseum. Maroo then admits she "might have taken" a relic while when you first arrived at the Colosseum. She then gives you the Olympiad blueprint

The reason that the parts awarded in the quest is because the only other way it would make sense to get the parts is as rewards from Teshin in Conclave, & no one would really be OK with that.


Weapons: I do have some ideas for themed weapons, but I started typing this late & I don't want to spent much more time creating stats for the weapons, but I will give some description. I will post the actual concept of these when I get a chance.

  1. Secondary: This is just a crossbow similar to an old fashioned European crossbow common to fantasy RPGs. It is a single bolt magazine, like Vectis or a bow. In-modded, it has 90 total ammo & runs off pistol ammo
  2. Melee: This is a sword/shield combo weapon. The sword is a Roman gladius & the shield wood & bronze tower shield. This new sword/shield would have a new stance with it, where holding down the melee attack button will cause the user to rush forward with the shield ahead of them, ramming anything in the way. The user will keep running until it hits a wall or anything that's not an enemy or a crate.
  3. Primary: This is the speargun that the Orokin in the quest has. It is shaped like a Roman pilum (a javelin with a long, rounded spearhead & has a long, thin pyramid-shaped guard between the spearhead & the rest of the javelin). This pilum as 2 lightning shaped prongs on the end of it instead of the spearhead. It has the standard reload & throwing speed for spearguns, & the same magazine size. Instead of being a charged fire weapon, it's a semi automatic weapon with a faster fire rate. Throwing the weapon causes the electric status proc to enemies nearby that lasts a little longer than if it were done by any other means.


Concept Art: I don't have any concept art prepared, & it will probably be a while before I can get it done because my skills with drawing on the computer aren't that great. But when I am able to make concept art it will be in a repost of this, as well as on Steam.


My Steam Concepts: I have a Steam group (just me in it) to easily find my concepts if you like them. They will have the same title & the same discussion content as my posts on the Warframe forums. Like I said, this is my first concept I've ever made, so don't expect to see a whole lot there right now.


Edited by Zisruj
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Interesting, but I have a few points:

  • He's called the "Gladiator" Warframe, but all of his inspiration comes from Greek myth, and Gladiators are Roman sport fighters. There's a bit of a themeing mismatch.
  • While Warframe ability effects are becoming more concrete and less Void-swirly, Olympiad's abilities seem to be very much pulled right from myth and into Warframe. How can we justify his theme to fit into the Warframe universe and fit, rather than having a Greek (Roman?) myth amalgam thrust into a magical ninja robot world?
  • He's a melee Warframe with high Armor, but only one (maybe two?) of his abilities lean him toward the melee end of things. The one ability that does lean toward melee (#1) is very expensive and cannot be cast rapidly.
  • His other 3 abilities seem to all be damaging deployables, set-and-forgets. Not bad, but how does this work into the frame being a brawler? If these deployables could set up his fighting potential in some way, they might be a little more cohesive.
  • There's a lack of synergy. Newer Warframes are being made to have their abilities flow into one another and combo for greater effect. How can Olympiad's skills be modified to ensure this?

Let's try envisioning how this Warframe would play a standard round of Defense. Which abilities would he use first, and why? What would he excel at? What would he struggle with? Which weapons would a player want to take along, and why? These are all important considerations when making a concept.

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Just now, SenorClipClop said:

Interesting, but I have a few points:

  • He's called the "Gladiator" Warframe, but all of his inspiration comes from Greek myth, and Gladiators are Roman sport fighters. There's a bit of a themeing mismatch.
  • While Warframe ability effects are becoming more concrete and less Void-swirly, Olympiad's abilities seem to be very much pulled right from myth and into Warframe. How can we justify his theme to fit into the Warframe universe and fit, rather than having a Greek (Roman?) myth amalgam thrust into a magical ninja robot world?
  • He's a melee Warframe with high Armor, but only one (maybe two?) of his abilities lean him toward the melee end of things. The one ability that does lean toward melee (#1) is very expensive and cannot be cast rapidly.
  • His other 3 abilities seem to all be damaging deployables, set-and-forgets. Not bad, but how does this work into the frame being a brawler? If these deployables could set up his fighting potential in some way, they might be a little more cohesive.
  • There's a lack of synergy. Newer Warframes are being made to have their abilities flow into one another and combo for greater effect. How can Olympiad's skills be modified to ensure this?

Let's try envisioning how this Warframe would play a standard round of Defense. Which abilities would he use first, and why? What would he excel at? What would he struggle with? Which weapons would a player want to take along, and why? These are all important considerations when making a concept.

1. I know it that gladiators are from Rome, & the Roman gods are the same as Greek gods, just different names. Like Poseidon is Neptune, Hephaestus is Vulcan (which I'll probably change it to that because "Hephaestus" might be too long of a name)

2. Wukong & Nezha are both mythological

3. I never said that you had to recast his first ability. It's basically like Equinox's Pacify & Provoke or ekros's Desecrate (don't know that that's the name of that power, been a while since I played him) in that you don't have to spam it to use it. But I do have a tendency to make things that I understand hard to understand for other people so I can typically see where there's confusion.

4. He's not just a brawler, he's meant to be like a gladiator. And I did consider making each of his abilities a separate type of weapon, but I'm still not sure if that would be a viable option, since other frames like Wukong & Excalibur only have their 1 weapon, even though they were designed around that weapon.

5. I want him to be, as the title says, like the Warrior of Gods, & I feel that this frame needs the variety to actually be that.

6. In defense he could turn on Wrath & use it to build up the point like Nidus does with Virulence, by killing enemies with that ability. When about 40 points are reached on that scale, since that's the first level of the affect of casting the ability again, it can stun enemies for a time which will make them easier to take out. That will be useful with harder enemies as well as any others.

7. I didn't really think much on the abilities as much as the rest of aspects of the frame. I do appreciate the feed back, though. And like I said I'm going to make a repost when I can get some concept art made & I'll definitely change the abilities a lot, since that's really where his biggest problems are.

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8 hours ago, Zisruj said:

Wukong & Nezha are both mythological.... 

I want him to be, as the title says, like the Warrior of Gods, & I feel that this frame needs the variety to actually be that.

I think that where I run up against issues in my understanding of the themes, is that in the Warframe universe there are no mentions to Gods of any kind (except perhaps the Orokin). Greek mythology is borrowed from (maybe), but it doesn't really play a role in the universe. Wukong and Nezha get a pass in my books because while their design and abilities are based on real-world mythology, they don't ask the player to have any kind of background knowledge of that mythology to understand the frames entirely. When Wukong "summons the iron staff", it's cool if you know where that comes from, but all of the knowledge potentially gleaned from it in-game is that it's a big metal stick, and that's all you need to know. Calling an ability "Neptune's Trident", however, asks the player to know who Neptune is, which takes the player out of the game's lore and into subjects that aren't ever spoken of in the Warframe universe. Perhaps it would fit more thematically into the game if the abilities were more generically titled and focused on something all players can understand -- the weapons. Or the elements.

However, if it becomes too generic, the theme then might become blurry for the player. Since he has one ability focused on blood, one on fire, one on water and one on lightning, players may think of him not as a fighter but as some kind of variety elementalist. This is why synergy is important, since it gives the player a strong indication of what the Warframe was designed to do. It's also where mechanics say a lot about the Warframe. Right now, Olympiad seems to me more like a control mage than a melee fighter, since he has 3 AoE deployable abilities, kinda like Hydroid. Maybe he could have one of them swapped out for some kind of mobility to close gaps on his ranged foes?

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Like I also said in my reply earlier, I have considered that each of his abilities be a separate weapon, & I'm eventually going to make a repost where I'll change it all around, except for Wrath because that's really the only one that fits well (I don't like the powers I put up there, but I thought about that part on the fly). That would make a lot of sense because of the whole "gladiator" part. Also, just like you said about Wukong & Nezha, you don't need any background knowledge to understand this. You don't need to know what gods any of his abilities are themed after, just that they're themed after some gods. Naming the ability after a god doesn't ask the player to do anything really. You don't need to understand who Neptune is to understand that you just used a trident. Or the same about the hammer, or what Hades & Olympus are. Also, like I said they aren't completely a WIP, meaning Wrath, & I'm still going to change them around later on.

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