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Increasing the usebility of the inventory


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Hey Tennos =)

I would like to make a suggestion of icreasing the usebility of the inventory.

Enhance Warframes inventory usebility
Increase overview clearity
Increase comfortability

Some starting information:
Item ojects in the inventory which have an transparency are not obtained, but one or more items of this set
are obtained by the player.


The left part:
Row 1 - Galantine Prime: Shows a possible way how to show a set of three items
Row 2 - Volt Prime: Shows a possible way how to show a set of four items, and all items are obtained
    additional how it could look like an selected item. Border and Row-Background
Row 3 - Paris Prime: Shows a possible way how to show a set of five items, and only one item is obtained
Row 4 - Valkyr Prime: Shows a possible way how to show a set there are only two parts are obtained
Row 5 - Not complete shown next row: Shows a possible way how to show the next row to make clear the scroll is fluid

The middle part:
The area to there-ready-to-sell things are shown. Also scrollable, the total ammount is shown on top,
while the sell-button is on the buttom. The layer how many items are moved to sell is the same as before
so I din't modeled it. The background of the selling area is a color gradient of dark red and brown (vine red) to make
a difference to the rest color setting, so a player notice if he/she placed an item there accidentally.
The items will be ordered alphabetically.

The right part:
shows an overview of the set which item is selected. You can switch from an info overview (ABOUT) to the model. It
shows general information like clicking on a linked prime set in chat, additional it shows the item stats and
polarities. These information is highlighted in a blue font color because these are most interesting and might be
quick-viewed-information. The the set name (e.g. VOLT PRIME) + the item category (WARFRAME) +the set information are
fixed at their position if the windows gets scollable because of too many text.
So the text from "A glorious [...] to next attack." scrolls.

Various information:
I moved the search area into the same line as the other category icons. There is enough space for each icon plus text
to the right. So there is a bit more space at the main area.
Items there aren't any parts obtained are not shown in any way.
I only modeled the "PRIME PARTS", other categories like "ALL" or "RESOURCES" would work this way:
Each item object have the size of the "4 Set Row" but are played one item next to the other and is playced in a new row of
4 item when a row is completed. At the category "RESOURCES" would be a larger information area instead of an "Sell area" - and similar categorys.


Greetings Ashirja

Edited by Ashirja
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You've missed "e" in "passive" in bottom right 

I think this is a great concept. Very clear and has all information needed. It would be great for collector players to see exactly what parts they are missing. 

It would be nice to show in the "ABOUT" tab recquired resources when choosing a craftable item. 

BTW, great job with the design. It look exactly like it would in game. 

Edited by ArtisticWolf
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This adds even more that the game would need to load in to the client every time the inventory is used. How much time do people generally spend in the inventory that this much clutter is warranted?

Inventory is generally for things you actually have, not for things you don't have.

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Yeah these are important points to be mentionted.

People who spend their time with trading (buy and sell) spend time at the inventory. It's not that comfortable if you have 1 Bp and 2 parts of an item, and you always have to go to the foundary to see which parts are missing (buy and sell position).

I wouldn't guess the information overload the inventory, I agree in the point that the inventory shouldn't take to much time to load. The option "VIEW" could open the regular window like licked items in chat instead of showing the item in the inventory itself.

"Recquired resources" is a good idea, but it could be a redundant / dublicated information with the foundary, in the case that you can't start building an item in the inventory.

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