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Nyx Needs Some Work.


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Ok, first off, phorid is not the easisest boss out there. It can be concidered one of the strongest. Now by defeating it, we get nyx. And nyx fells weak for what we have done. Most nyx users agree that it needs work. 


First, nyx doesn't have survival skills, not much HP armor os shield, and an average speed. She needs to use her skills.


Now with the skills: 


Mind Control: Although it is working, that stun delay of 2 seconds kill this skill. When you start mind control, enemy should go crazy, like go on a rampage to kill its friends without that delay. And allies being able to kill that one enemy isnt that good. Even with the highest level, most experienced players that even mastered nyx themselves kill that one enemy. That isn't much desired I think.


Physci Blast : I think this just needs to be removed, since it only takes place and doesn't give nyx anything against any enemy type at any level.  My ideas to fix it : 

A) It should stun enemies for a good period of time, hitting multiple enemies



B) A total replacement , put a Physcic barrier, which lets you control where the crowd is headed; if you block one of their paths, they will go from another one, adding effectiveness to use area damage skills. Only one barrier can be placed and doesn't stop projectiles ( however has to be long enough enemies not to jump over it, and wide enough to block a single path. A direct crowd controller, which does something in the end. And uh this can have a matrix like graphic to it, would look cool in green.



C) Serious Damage boost with knockback can be a useful of buff


But in the end, nyx isnt made for damaging. B) option is the best I can think of.



Chaos: Chaos is good the way it is, only that enemy AI being a complete idiot lower its effectiveness, but that's another subject.


Absorb: either it should attract all bullets passing by, which I doubt would function, or it should basicly use agro mechanics. Enemy should go crazy when it is activated, targeting nyx and nothing else, shooting non stop, and so this skill finally can do something. Because it never works the way it is. Not at all, if you aren't soloing the whole map. Imagine map is 1000KM wide, if there is an enemy somewhere else in there, they just attack them, and not nyx. WHY?! 


Also, the worst thing about this ability, either nyx should stay immune for a few more seconds after absorb ends, or she should stun the enemy for a few secs, or Nyx dies. She just dies. She needs a way to escape there. 

Edited by Cemges
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Hmm, I don't agree on every poin:

1.) Mind Controll: This ability is beast, especially in high levels. Every time a heavy unit appears, I use mind control on them. If it is alone, I kill it without any problems; if there are enemies near by, I let my minion kill them first and the I kill him without him hitting back.

That's why you SHOULD be able to hurt him when he's mindcontrolled. I agree on the stun, but I don't really mind that.


2.) Psychic Bolts: Agree with you completley, this ability is totally useless...I think of something like confusion, so that enemies around you affected by this spell don't know where you are (something like invisibility, but you cast in on the enemy, not yourself).


3.) Chaos, my favourite ability, I have nothing to complain about it


4.) Absorb: I agree, an aggro-mechanic would be desirable, as well as that the radial blast goes through objects (as it is with nearly every other ulti)


But all in all, Nyx is my favourite Frame ;)

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Nyx needs some work, but Nyx is also a bit OP.


1: Mind Control is fine.


2: I'd tweak bolts by making them do extra damage to mind controlled and chaos'd enemies. If it killed one of them their head would pop doing a small amount of damage to nearby enemies. Giving it a stun seems a bit pointless considering both mind control and chaos stun.


3: Chaos is fine, maybe a bit on the overpowered side to be honest. Possibly could be tweaked by giving it smaller AoE but making it a projectile. Really not sure on this one.


4: Absorbs damage should go through objects, but I wouldn't give it a general aggro mechanic, instead I think it should be tweaked so enemies under the effect of mind control or chaos would immediately attack you over everything else. It could synergize well with a tweaked chaos (as above) allowing you to lead enemies across the map, into traps, away from allies in trouble etc. You should also be able to end it early by pressing 4 again.

Edited by Jandor
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I think that her 1 and 3 power are just fine.


Her 2 needs like many already stated some tweaking and fine tuning.


But her ultimate (4) is rather meh, I think if it taunted everyone in a certain radius it would be way more useful.


Also it's why is it called "Absorb" wouldn't be better if she soaked all the damaged and converted it to a team heal or something...

The way it works now it's more like a Retaliation.

Edited by Sollet
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And uh this can have a matrix like graphic to it, would look cool in green.


Who the hell types "uh" in their sentences. lol


Aside, I think Mind Control would be a lot more useful if you could mind control multiple targets and/or it never wore off. That would certainly make it more than just an inefficiant version of Chaos.


As for your barrier idea, ehhhhhhhh. Nyx is about manipulating people, not environment. I say replace it with some kind of survivability or stealth skill such as something that makes enemies ignore her for a number of seconds.

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In my opinion, the biggest issue is that nyx needs to be able to recast chaos even when the buff has not fully ended.
It would then refresh the buff timers on existing "chaos'ed" mobs and place the status onto new enemies on the field.

With nyx's current setup where 'ability in use' shows up for both her Mind control and her Chaos (arguably the only 2 good skills in her kit), severely impair nyx's play style, which is to utilize psychic abilities to manipulate the battle field.

With a maximum of 1 target being mind controlled and unable to recast Chaos when just 1 mob still has the debuff on really does not seem like 'manipulating the battle field.'


Don't get me wrong, i believe nyx brings alot in crowd control abilities to the table to make up for her lack of defenses. Overall i firmly believe that nyx is a great warframe that is worth working towards. However, Her abilities, in my opinion, do not live up to the character she was casted as. She has limits to the number of people she can mind control, she is unable to recast chaos in tight situations when she already has cast it once, she has no damage output (psychic bolts? please. you cant even aim that thing successfully 70% of the time), and lastly her ultimate is lacking alot compared to chaos.


I know this sounds like a rant of a kid going "omg pls buff nyx", and that is partially correct. i don't think a buff is necessary, its more like a slight change to the existing skills.


Psychic Bolts - When psychic bolts it cast, instead of it flying everywhere in the direction you point it at, it just flies in a straight line towards your crosshair. Much like Nova's Antimatter Drop.


The changes to the existing skills does not have to be like what players suggest it to be, but instead it should be tweaked to fit her character as a whole. Nyx lives and dies by the success and failure of her psychic manipulation abilities.


Thanks to whoever reads my comment and lasted long enough to hear me go on and on and on and on about the weakness and stuffs. Tyvm, glhf. :)

Side note: i can kinda see a trend of things like players listing nyx's skills in order 1,2,3,4 and most of them are saying, 1 and 3 are fine. It kinda ticks me off reading that a little. Chaos is in no way 'fine'. Its powerful, powerful enough to be shifted to the ultimate. but my point still stands that if a change like that happens to the current nyx, it will be crippling nyx's viability ALOT.

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In my opinion, the biggest issue is that nyx needs to be able to recast chaos even when the buff has not fully ended.

It would then refresh the buff timers on existing "chaos'ed" mobs and place the status onto new enemies on the field.

Were you not playing when Chaos had no cool down? It was very over powered as you did not have to fire a single bullet, or swing a sword once. And you are also suggesting to refresh the duration of chaos on existing mobs effected by it? Man... That blows my mind.

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Xoxile, I see your point. Yes i indeed only joined warframe nearing the end of update 8. But don't you think that at least if there was only a few monsters left with chaos, you should be allowed to use it again? 


Ive only clocked 60 hours of play so far and i really cant give any opinion other that what i have noticed myself, so its a bit embarrassing that you pointed that out so quickly as i was unaware that something like that was implemented in the past. Thanks for the quick reply btw :)

Edited by kUPs
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1 and 3 are fine, Psychic bolts should have damage scaled to compete with similar abilities and fix their pathing (it usually hits walls when it fans out, only 1 or 2 actually hit most of the time). Absorb could do well to draw aggro and hit through walls.

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My proposed changes to nyx:


Mind Control.  This is fine, only change I'd make is I'd remove the stun, except vs bosses, where the stun would be longer.  So instant mind control vs regular guys, bosses get stunned for 5 seconds ish.


Psychic bolts.  All these sorts of abilities need a bit of a damage buff.  Also, I'd make psychic bolts ignore clipping, ie, pass thru walls and cover.  It is a psychic attack after all.


Chaos: This is one where I might piss people off.  I think this ability needs to be removed and replaced with a different one.  Chaos and mind control overlap in functionality and this is poor design.  However, I still propose nyx have a large aoe crowd control ability:  Darkness.  While enemies are in the area they treat nyx and her allies as invisible.  Fits Nyx being the goddess of night from Greek myth, is still a psychic themed ability, is still a massive CC.  Oh, and give chaos's graphic to mind control, the ghost tenno is cool.  Chaos currently is a bit overpowered.


Absorb:  The theme of this ability is fine, only it's implementation is suspect.  What I would have it do is effectively stealth Nyx, not make her invisible to the player but just have the enemies treat her as such, make her invincible, and spawn a globe over her which then strongly influences the enemies to attack it.  Also the blast should pass thru walls like most other aoes.  

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   Would be cool if Mind Control -not Chaos- made that particular foe immune to damage from teammates (or Nyx too) for the duration. After all, it's just one target at a time and you could be sure to get that healer or bombarder on your side for a bit. Then the staggering could happen at the end when they're snapping out of it, during which time you have a small window to damage/kill your former ally before they retaliate. Just a thought

Edited by 7.T.
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Were you not playing when Chaos had no cool down? It was very over powered as you did not have to fire a single bullet, or swing a sword once. And you are also suggesting to refresh the duration of chaos on existing mobs effected by it? Man... That blows my mind.


To me that's like saying that when playing a piano chord you have to release every key on that chord before you can play any other notes. This isn't the 90's kiddie synth of warframes, it should be able to re-cast its CC before all the affected people are dead. Every other warframe can do that.


Imagine if Nova couldn't cast Molecular Prime while one stray enemy was still alive and primed with it. What if Excalibur couldn't blind again till all the blinded enemies were dead? Imagine a Vauban who could only put down one Bastille at a time.


I think Nyx should be able to spam Chaos as many times as her energy pool allows. That's what the pool is there for; limiting spam. If you want to blow all your ammo in one little room, go ahead.

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   Would be cool if Mind Control -not Chaos- made that particular foe immune to damage from teammates (or Nyx too) for the duration. After all, it's just one target at a time and you could be sure to get that healer or bombarder on our side for a bit. Then the staggering could happen at the end when they're snapping out of it, during which time you have a small window to damage/kill your former ally before they retaliate. Just a thought


Reminds me a bit of the Suicide ability from Syndicate (2012). They're pretty different (in fact making a Grineer jump into a bunch of his allies with a primed granade might be more useful) but I just thought of that for some reason.

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My biggest complaint about Nyx is that there's no reason to use anything but Chaos. Should just rename the warframe Chaos and be done with it. 


Playing a defense mission? Grab Nyx and spam Chaos. Playing anything else? Grab a warframe that is actually fun. 

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My only issue with Nyx is Psychic Bolts... the way it currently works and for the price in energy does NOT make it worth using.


the sheer randomness of the bolts in how they are cast. 90% of the time it will just hit the ground or a piece of cover and get wasted...


Personally since the bolts themselves arent exactly "Physical" perse, I'd say that IF the bolts could go through cover/floor or work similar to the recent "Null Star" it MIGHT make this ability worth its energy use and slot.

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I think that her 1 and 3 power are just fine.


Her 2 needs like many already stated some tweaking and fine tuning.


But her ultimate (4) is rather meh, I think if it taunted everyone in a certain radius it would be way more useful.


Also it's why is it called "Absorb" wouldn't be better if she soaked all the damaged and converted it to a team heal or something...

The way it works now it's more like a Retaliation.

Then it'd be 175 Energy and not 100 for it to be useful, while others only need to use 100... Think about it. >.>
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The Nyx's 2 and 4 definitely need some work. 2 needs to track much better then it does now, Ash's Shuriken seems outright superior to it despite being 25 energy cheaper.


Her 4 needs a taunt mechanic similar to Iron Skin, and the damage component needs to go through cover like other Warframe's 4 abilities do.



+1 for having enemies effected by Chaos still give exp.

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This game needs a major infrastructure, balance and refinement update before any new content is added. Like they should make the update 10 just a bug fix sort of update, so that update 11 can come with more epic content

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