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Void revival


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Every time I play a mission in the Void I feel nostalgic about the old way of dropping prime parts. 
This is why I'm proposing this change to fissures missions. 

The idea is to mix the old AABC reward system with the current relic system but only for AXI missions. All AXI missions will be played on Void tile sets and will be endless. Therefore, the game will only generate survival, defense and interception AXI missions. 
Before starting a mission, players will have to choose a relic as usual. 
Game starts. Players have to get 10 reactants before the end of the first rotation. 
Once players complete the first rotation, the game pauses so people are able to choose between each player reward. After choosing the reward, the same relic stays active and players cannot extract yet. Reactant counter resets. 
Cycle repeats until fourth rotation where players can choose to use another relic and stay for four more rotations or to extract with the four rewards they obtained. 

One might ask how will the reward pool work, and here is the answer. 
Currently, with the one relic/one reward system, each parts have a chance to drop with a variable weight determined by the level of the relic. 

Example with an AXI A1 relic:


With the proposed AABC reward system, like the old system, some filler rewards will be added, but prime parts will have the exact same chance to drop as with the classic relic system so chances to get what you want remains the same. 
This is what the reward pool might look like: 


To sum up pros and cons:
– It will take more time to obtain what you want (4 rotations instead of 1 no matter what)

+ Void is back
+ Chances to get what you want remains the same as the classic relic system and you can still choose rewards from other players
+ Chances to get multiple prime parts from one single relic
+ Easy to explain lore wise (by saying that we detected the energy source of fissures inside Void towers or something similar)
+ Possibility to add a system that increases drop chances of prime parts after each 4th rotation (+2.5% drop chance for example)

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Won't happen, discussed a hudnred tiems already again, life with it.

Relics and Fissures are the prime resource now. Nostalgia or not, others like me got sick of seeing the same tileset over and over, and i even rarely farmed prime parts that mcuh, jsut got in random whenever i felt like it, had hundred of keys including tier 4.

Nothing against giving it something else to be valueable again, but then also please for other planets aswell, at least the other high level ones, to make all be worth to visit more often.

You can still farm Void for relics and be happy ot get a rare relic there if that helps this so called challange alot talked about the Void when this came up as argument.

Edited by Marine027
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revive void or it' node?

Introduce a new 'elite rare' mob? corrupt buras/corma/commander/ juggernaut at 1 per rotation/ mission? 100% guaranteed drop rare mods/parts only?

Or maybe make void map drop all resources/mods/etc?



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So Axi fissure will be endless only? How about no thanks. There are still people who prefer non-endless missions or just want to make a quick run with their Axi relics. You're basically robbing them of that just for your own nostalgia.

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