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Forma Alert = Too Freaking Ridiculous.


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Livestream Alerts should not require rare potatoes in everything to be reasonable.


And this raises a good question. It could be that my teammates on the first run didn't have potatoes in their stuff and not very many mods. The Fact that I, without Focus, got #1 in kills and like #2 in Damage Done (while spamming Prime and looking for Orbs to prime mobs up again) tells me they didn't have fully modded weapons.


We shouldn't need fully modded weapons, potatoes, etc just to do an alert from Livestream.


The Hardcores have access to all the challenge they want. They can go do T3 Defense and get Forma Blueprints.


Us Non-Hardcores need a little boost to help us get high level. Forma comes up maybe 1 day every 2-3 months form the daily roll.


The Livestream Alerts ought to be that little boost for the rest of us who aren't uber yet, because face it... most of us have no access to Forma. We're not powerful enough to meaningfully contribute to Tower 3 missions other than Exterminate, so our chances of finding Forma in Void are slim (especially when T2 keeps wanting to drop Reaper/Latron Blueprints).


So to make the Livestream Alert tailored for people who have ridiculous stuff on their gear is kinda stupid. The Livestream alert needed to be on Earth, not Saturn and make it Lv20-25 so newer players actually have a chance to participate.


You didn't need top quality gear to do the alert, especially not as part of a group. I can agree with you that yeah, the difficulty spike isn't newbie friendly, but as long as you knew what you were doing, it was hardly impossible with typical gear.


Also on a defense, and particularly on a mobile defense it doesn't matter if you had the most kills out of anyone on your team. What matters is protecting the terminals/pod, that's it, nothing else. The pod is a baby and you have to watch it, take your eyes off it and it'll end up drinking draino. It doesn't matter if you kill 99% of the mobs, the guy who kills the ones that are reaching the objective is the one who's actually doing the most for the mission.


By contrast, it's been my experience that the people who think their individual kill count matters in a defense are typically the biggest reason a defense mission ends up failing.


Finally, you actually have about a 10x greater chance of getting a forma BP from a T2 Raid/Exterminate than you do from any of the new T3 void missions. The old void missions award one about 12% of the time, the new T3's award it about 1% of the time. 

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Outter Terminus - Level 70-70 : Wave 1-5 : Solo


Ash : Obtaining wave 2 is doable, but perhaps it's because I haven't used him in so long, or simply his ability set is so anti-defense I can't get him past this point personally: though that's not calling it impossible, tried three times without much real plotting behind each attempt outside of on the third I removed all of his abilities and went in with sheer armor and shields and the like and actually pressed on to near wave 3. I'd say for the hardest warframe to use in a Defense mission, it was.. well hard. A lot of solo Defense varies on the map as well. If one of the missions had ever been a center-piece of the bridge, I imagine any warframe could complete the mission with relative ease. Alas, not my luck.


Ember : She obtained 3 waves, but then got distracted into hunting for more mods. Sooo.. can't conclude on this one. <.<


Frost : Pathetically easy. But that's to be expected. 


Volt : Holy S#&amp;&#036;e.. I haven't had so much fun in awhile XD : He was balanced for this, it felt like Ninja Gaiden on hard mode, in a constant panning state around the screen and got to wave 4 before being dismantled due to sheer idioticy in activating his ult and being killed near the end of it's cast. Honestly hitting wave 5 with Volt would be entertainingly fun solo. I loved it through and through and am going back to do it again for the challenge of it after this post.  -- But that's to be expected from a Warframe half-designed for defense and half designed for DPS, jack of all trades killah. 




Solo, a frame not designed for Defense, in the highest level defense mission: will meet one hell of a challenge. It's possibly doable, but not in a constant manor. It's a true "Nightmare" Difficulty, something you punish yourself with if your doing it. > Mag/Ash/?Trinity?


Solo, a frame designed partially for Defense : Sayrn, Loki, Volt will complete the mission with a sense of accomplishment and true challange, but no great wall stopping them.


Solo, a frame entirely for Defense: Frost, Vauban, Nyx - Will find the missions easy.


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No it isnt. kill faster. if you cant kill faster its a dps problem which means its a mod problem which means you simply arent strong enough. keep building up your mods, improving your reflexes. it can be done.

Patently untrue if the wave of enemies bottoms out the performance of the game as I have seen it do for many of my player friends.

Something is wrong with this mission and it's not simply 'kill more faster'.

The performance dives hard when the waves spawn which is new behaviour since U9 and do not run as efficiently in general.

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This alert bored me honestly.  I saw an Infested Mobile Defense and went "oooh, a good challenge" and almost cried when the mobs were low 40s.  I went in with my Saryn/Boltor/Kraken/Gram thinking i was going to need my higher level gear to do and and proceeded to Gram Slam for 15 minutes because actually shooting stuff was boring, and pushing Miasma melted made it too easy.


I think the biggest problem is that most "casual" players have no idea how to handle defense missions in general, as most will claim out at wave 5 on every single one, and mobile defense is harder then pre-10 defense mission of equivalent level.  This lack of knowledge of game systems combined with the general "Rusher vs. Explorer with NO communication" leads to failure in any difficult situation.


My advice is to go into recruiting chat, look for a group, and the COMMUNICATE with the other people in your party.  Put 1 person on the system/Pod, have 2 near the main entrance(s), and 1 person roaming between the system/pod and the door guards providing support where needed.  You CAN do it without a tank type, you CAN do it without one of the god tier types, but it requires a little bit of communication, coordination and skill.

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Which warframes are needed for this? I got it done in a PuG with a Loki, 2 Frosts, and a Mag.

EDIT: I am not saying you are wrong, or that it is not too difficult. I apologize if that sounded condescending, what I mean is I do not see it as that bad, considering the group I got it done with.

ONLY a Loki, 2 Frosts and a Mag? ;)


That's a hella lot of power for a defense mission. Loki alone used to be capable of soloing nearly any defense mission.


Weapon upgrades are becoming more crucial to progression in warframe. I had a level 30 potatoed hek with almost maxed normal damage boost, additional fire damage and base cold damage, reload speed and fire rate mods, and I still couldn't take out a level 30 charger in one shot (it had around 10% health left). The U9 stats buff is insane.

Edited by Destro6677
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Rescue missions. On Ceres i have failed rescues way too often when a smart &amp;#&#33; Grineer commander swaps me out then leaves the hostage facing 6 elite grineer lancers and a heavy gunner alone.... 


While he fought me by himself which he died with a handful of despairs.

 During U8, back when you could do Rescue missions by walking up to the cell door and NOT opening the Cell Door, I once ran smack into FIVE Commanders in the same room.


I was being teleported every 2-3 seconds, non-stop until I finally killed them all 5 minutes later.


There's no freaking way rescuing that hostage the right way would have been possible (I was on Solo mode).


But then again, just two days ago, I was leveling Nova on Earth, and I ran into 3 Napalms in one little hallway. Yup, guaranteed Revive usage. *rolls eyes*


Heck, half of the time on E Prime on Earth, I'm not more than 3 steps into the level until "WARNING: HEAVY GRINEER APPROACHING."


Hell, I've been shot THROUGH THE FLOOR (by a Napalm) before you drop down the first fan shaft in those levels that start with that fan shaft at the beginning and the alarms were sounded before I even landed.


EDIT: Oh, and RE: Guy saying Focus drops from Grineer. I have roughly 40-50% Grineer Kills out of my total kills, followed by 2:1 Ratio of Corpus to Infested.


I kill more Grineer than anything else as I've been doing a Lot of Rubedo farming lately.

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EDIT: Oh, and RE: Guy saying Focus drops from Grineer. I have roughly 40-50% Grineer Kills out of my total kills, followed by 2:1 Ratio of Corpus to Infested.


I kill more Grineer than anything else as I've been doing a Lot of Rubedo farming lately.



Rephase, quickest method is farming Defense Grineer missions : Focus ONLY drops from Grineer, but Defense missions have a better chance. Xini is the best option.

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The Alert wasn't hard.  I took my Vandaltron for the Toxic Ancients and my Orthos for everything else.  I was on my Saryn, I believe, but we had a Nova that spammed her 4 so as soon as one thing died, everything else in the room quickly followed.


As for Grineer being an issue, I think it's partially due to level design.  One recent mission I started in a stupid room where I had to jump up 3 small, circular platforms to get to a higher level, and while doing so dodge rockets being shot at me by a level 40ish Bombard.  In mid-air.  Yeah, that went about as well as expected.  Good thing I wasn't doing that solo.

Seriously, Grineer Galleon was cool.  if you want to add some parkour rooms, then fine.  Please don't go full retard and turn this into some kind of half-assed platformer, though.

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Rephase, quickest method is farming Defense Grineer missions : Focus ONLY drops from Grineer, but Defense missions have a better chance. Xini is the best option.




#1). Could we please move away from Defense Defense Defense Defense Defense as the only farking source of any type of reward in this game? I mean, what is this supposed to be DefenseFrame or something? *rolls eyes* We need better rewards from the other mission types.


#2). Last I checked, Xini is Infested and all Grineer Defense are that STUPID "GIANT FREAKING PILLAR IN THE CENTER" that most random PuG Groups horribly fail at, because they let guys run right up to the pillar while they're off running around. This means I usually get stuck defending the pillar, and doesn't leave me much room to, uh, you know, collect mods that drop.

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Big lie. There are high level missions types you can't solo with given Warframe, no matter how cool your gear is.


Orly? Doing T3 Exterminates and Raids is not that hard, it's just time consuming. Try not facing more than 2-3 enemies at once.


Defense and Mobile Defense Missions aren't really supposed to be done alone. If you do them on your own, especially Outer Terminus, you're doing something wrong.


Any other mission .. no. Just no. What other mission could be "unsoloable"? Ambulas? Raptor? Kela De Thaym? Phorid? Hyena? Lech Kril?

Out of those Lech Kril is probably the hardest to do unless you're Ash or Loki, the 2nd hardest being the Hyena as it really eats a lot of bullets now. The rest? No. Easy mode.


Maybe the Spy and Rescue Missions on Pluto are hard, but with a heavily modded Lex even those enemies go down within 1-2 seconds. If nothing else works (or I'm too idle to shoot em all), I use Rhino Stomp. Or Radial Disarm. Or Chaos. (Don't have any other frame yet). I don't see where that should lead into a problem.


So no, sorry, but that's no lie. That's my honest opinion. Outsmarting the AI ain't hard, and out-DPSing them is neither. You have things like elemental mods, serration, magazine warp, speed trigger, Split Chamber. they don't. They might have unlimited ammunition, which you don't, and be many more than you, but that doesn't make them more intelligent than a refrigerator. Also both sides have cover with the AI barely uses to an extent where one could say 'they are actually realizing that there is some solid C.O.V.E.R in front of them'.

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What of a Rhino? The Stomp is brilliantly powerful. One move, BAM! Everyone's dead. Free to proceed.


..........for 2 seconds.


Then the minimap is full of red dots again.


Well, stomp again! there goes another 100 energy. 3 seconds later, the minimap is full of red dots again.


It is just a never ending stream of scrambling for blue orbs......oh and the disruptors.


They love attacking you without any sort of visual clue. Can't tell a disruptor from a healer, they are MUCH harder to see against all the chargers in the area, and half of the time, their attack animation don't display and you don't get knocked down but you DO lose your shields and energy (which can easily mean Mission Failure if you're the only AoE heavy frame that happens to be there at the time like I was with my Nova).


We were doing pretty good until I got disrupted twice in a row by a mob I couldn't even see coming up to me, whose attack displayed no animation and I had no visual clue that I had gotten hit. Just "all of the sudden, your UI is scrambled and you now have 0 energy".

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What of a Rhino? The Stomp is brilliantly powerful. One move, BAM! Everyone's dead. Free to proceed.

Nyx makes them kill each other for a while...

Stomp can kill them but they'll swarm back too quickly... with Chaos, it actually stops them because the group is still occupied. 

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30+ mobs at once, at Lv45?


Without certain Warframes... you just don't stand a chance.


Not to mention the ridiculous FPS drops when there's just too much crap on the screen at once.


EDIT: I can see why there's like zero people doing the alert right now...

Did it first try solo, then did it again for a friend who is on holiday and can't play warframe. :L

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Pretty sure he logged in on his friend's account and did it for him


Ain't that against the ToS?


Finished this with a Banshee and excal, sat there covering the def points in posion, no frost or nyx, used no cc at all.


So......you sat on the computer and spammed Soundquake and Radial Javelin/Slash Dash, while shooting Ancients when possible.


When I went in on my first try, I was the only AoE Frame, or at least it sure seemed like it. I wish I had paid more attention to what the other two frames actually were. One of them might have been an Ash. We had a Vauban, but he was the one who DC'd in mid-mission. For the life of me I can't remember the third frame, but I don't recall seeing any AoE coming out of it. It was just me and Molecular Prime trying to hold them all off....which worked until the stupid Disruptors kept hitting me at the Cryopod.


I still wish they'd make them a different color so you can actually see them, and/or fix the bugs with their attacks not displaying. Kinda hard to avoid something you can't freaking see.

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I did mine with a level 27 unpotato'd, unforma'd Excalibur and three other randoms who all had must have been a lower level because of their shield/health levels. Heck, one of them was using a MK1-Braton, Skana, and a Lato.

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Pretty sure he logged in on his friend's account and did it for him


You can do the alert's twice,three times, a hundred times, even without logging into a friends account (I have about 10 friends who log in - all at different times, and end up with usually 3-5 invites to the same alert a day.) --- but --- you only get rewarded with the alert once. So doing the Forma alert these days, just gives you one forma; each time after that is just like any other x mission with a difficulty spike in some cases.




#1). Could we please move away from Defense Defense Defense Defense Defense as the only farking source of any type of reward in this game? I mean, what is this supposed to be DefenseFrame or something? *rolls eyes* We need better rewards from the other mission types.


#2). Last I checked, Xini is Infested and all Grineer Defense are that STUPID "GIANT FREAKING PILLAR IN THE CENTER" that most random PuG Groups horribly fail at, because they let guys run right up to the pillar while they're off running around. This means I usually get stuck defending the pillar, and doesn't leave me much room to, uh, you know, collect mods that drop.


You'd be right, Xini is Infested, but it's also where it reportedly drops the most. A Grineer defense mission would work wonders as well, but just run-and-gunning through 'any' Grineer map your looking at around a 2% loot chance, you'd be doing it awhile and alot on the random hope. Defense simply has better odds, because of it's difficulty. Just how it is I suppose, not saying they couldn't or shouldn't make some rares for other types of missions .. preferably even for exploring your usual mission including rooms like the Obstacle Course (Void) in regular missions. (of course with new tilesets) that have a slight better loot % .. but at any rate, was just being helpful :P


Also if you want a hand on a few defense runs just send a contact request ingame sometime, will help you along.

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