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Solo Is Now Dull , And Not Rewarding Enough . Get A Squad For A Far More Easy Game.


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Yes, the difficulty is too DAMN high! I want to enjoy playing a game, not have to refrain from throwing my mouse at the wall...



Good god this community has become more toxic in the span of the time I took a break. With with reception I was met in game (and what I see in these forums) as well as the absurd level of difficulty has quickly made me reconsider coming back...


Just because I'm semi-casual (I really have no idea if that is a real term or not, I don't fit either camp), doesn't mean I should just simply 'find another game noob' or 'l2p'. Because A.) Try finding a similar game that is cheap/free and B.) I play games soley for fun, and I WAS having fun with Warframe until U9.

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Good god this community has become more toxic in the span of the time I took a break. With with reception I was met in game (and what I see in these forums) as well as the absurd level of difficulty has quickly made me reconsider coming back...


Just because I'm semi-casual (I really have no idea if that is a real term or not, I don't fit either camp), doesn't mean I should just simply 'find another game noob' or 'l2p'. 

Yes, the toxicity in here is WAY beyond FDA guidelines. And they want me to co-op? Sure, there's some good players as well as the toxic grunts but since Online is random, no, I don't do that. I play with my wife, clan and my friends and that is it. Since they are not always on, I play in private mode. Solo appears bugged as to enemy count/difficulty so I avoid that


Give Solo its own difficulty level. The toxic hardcores can still use 3 other modes if they want to so what's the hassle? Since the thread has 31 pages it obviously is more of an issue than they want DE to believe, isn't it?

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Yes, the difficulty is too DAMN high! I want to enjoy playing a game, not have to refrain from throwing my mouse at the wall...



Good god this community has become more toxic in the span of the time I took a break. With with reception I was met in game (and what I see in these forums) as well as the absurd level of difficulty has quickly made me reconsider coming back...


Just because I'm semi-casual (I really have no idea if that is a real term or not, I don't fit either camp), doesn't mean I should just simply 'find another game noob' or 'l2p'. Because A.) Try finding a similar game that is cheap/free and B.) I play games soley for fun, and I WAS having fun with Warframe until U9.

Maybe you or someone else having a really hard time could upload a video of your adventures on Warframe.

I don't consider myself hardcore, heck, I don't have a single rank 10 mod, only ranks 7-9, but I can solo any map in the game (haven't tried Pluto on Nightmare yet... gotta test that.) on any frame. I solo'd Ambulas on Mag, and as long as you don't run in guns blazing, it's rather doable, in good time.

The ONLY content in the game that is very difficult to solo are defense missions, mobile defense not so much, well, GRINEER mobile defense is a *@##$, but anyways, defense missions. Fortunately, MOST defense missions are on the edges of planetary systems. The few that are in the middle of the progression should stay there, IMO.

Think of it like playing an RPG, you can beat that tough miniboss, which doesn't have as much HP as the next guy, but has one shots and loves to wall shoot, but it's gonna be annoying if you have no party members. When you bring a full party, he becomes easy, since even if you go down, your party can revive you.

Defense missions are the same. They are possible on solo, I'm not talking solo wave 70, go go go! But doing the 5 waves required for game progression is certainly doable. Infested defense can be easily done on any frame up to wave 5 with melee alone.

But doing defense with a party is just much nicer. Even if you have trolls and hall heroes, a single person can usually defend the reactor/cryopod and it's a real joy when you get nice people, I'd say 1/3 matches on PuGs for me were nice people.

These tougher modes are there as hurdles, if you want to solo them, you're gonna have to power up, but if you get a team, you can manage much faster and with better rewards/going to further waves.

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after reading the whole thing, it seems you lack the "get up and go" aspect to counter the nerfed spawn rates in solo.

sure, there are lots of enemies, but it only turns into a S#&$storm when you SIT STILL AND TRY TO KILL EVERY ENEMY IN THE ROOM AND LOOT EVERY SINGLE CORNER.

its a known fact, the more you dink around, the more the S#&$storm piles up. there is a significant decrease in spawn rates when running solo, and if you keep moving they wont spawn in massive groups. i mean seriously, half an hour to get through a mission? did you go sit in a corner and leave for the bathroom? thats an insane ammount of time for most missions, even in solo.


The issue is there isn't nerfed spawn rates as you would expect. I actually find things spawn less often in multi-player.

Yes sitting around will cause more spawns to appear, not a few rooms away but on top of you, there is no delay you can actually wipe out a room (with an ultimate) and within 2-5 seconds it's full again, boging you down (in multi-player I can wipe out a room and little comes back before I can move on).  All that kind of spawning does is promote rushing, and ignoring enemies (skipping content) rather than trying to kill all in your path.



oh and you even said so yourself that you can only hit those higher levels if all your stuff gets maxed out. from a video games standpoint:


you SHOULD be maxed out by the time you reach the end. you SHOULD have to go back and work on your stuff in previous missions before youre done. thats PROGRESSION. essential to games.


I agree with this, but the current system is off in that reguard.

The old difficulity did do this for soloing, the top 2-3 planets is where you needed highly moded to maxed out warframes and gear (sounds about right for most games to me). 

Now you need to be highly moded less than half way through the game (counter to most games).  Whats the point of doing the other half of the game when you need to be well kitted out out before you can pass even half way.  You actually cant even have a second warframe or a supercharged weapon (without buying it) before the half way mark because control modules drop from missions with level 35+ enemies.


The issue wasnt solo difficulity, it is teams of 3-4 players even now they can just roll through the game with laughable difficulity (even for missions that are blindingly hard for a soloer), because they only get maybe twice the enemies of a similar level as a soloer meaning less than half the work per player, but 2-4 times the loot.  You can even effectivly carry 1-2 low level people that offer not allot other than another body to the mission.


To anyone that doesnt think its hard for new players; try it as if you are completly new (new frame, only mods/resources you collect from then out, or even a new account).  I'm certain allot of you will see the difference and give you a good idea of the games difficulity for new players.

Edited by Loswaith
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To anyone that doesnt think its hard for new players; try it as if you are completly new (new frame, only mods/resources you collect from then out, or even a new account).  I'm certain allot of you will see the difference and give you a good idea of the games difficulity for new players.

My 7 year old is able to solo clear mercury with the minimal assistance in a Mag.  (I have to work the shift key for her once in a while).  She's happily chugging away with almost no issues at all... 


That having been said, I seriously doubt she's going to do well once the elite lancers start spawning... Corpus will be something of a challenge, but new players with full sized adult hands and reflexes should have no problem farming up in the game.  The real crime is how long you are expected to farm, especially solo, to tackle the mid-game difficulty.  Once you max out, everything is easy... mostly... defense isn't solo territory these days.

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I still find it easy, only nightmare mode is a no no to solo, everything else still feels the same.

But yes, getting better rewards (especially in defense missions) must be changed. Getting hellfire on wave 40 sucks lol (Yes yes, I know 40 is not a high wave on Xini, but damn, really, hellfire, almost every time lol )

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An improved enemy AI would make this game sooooo much better, I hate when the game's mentality feels like its MORE equals difficulty.


"Hey rather then making them face off against 10 smart AI, lets make them face off against 50 stupid AI and hope that they slips up and/or the AI catch them off guard, yeah that should make the game challenging"

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Regarding the Elite Lancers, the shear number of them makes no sense; surely "elite" means best of the best and therefore there are much fewer of them. They should be only slightly more common than Commanders.

And as to their ludicrous accuracy, I agree with the OP that it places too much emphasis on cover as opposed to mobility; there has got to be something seriously wrong when even my Volt, with Speed active, seems to take just as many hits while running past them as if he were standing still.

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Regarding the Elite Lancers, the shear number of them makes no sense; surely "elite" means best of the best and therefore there are much fewer of them. They should be only slightly more common than Commanders.

And as to their ludicrous accuracy, I agree with the OP that it places too much emphasis on cover as opposed to mobility; there has got to be something seriously wrong when even my Volt, with Speed active, seems to take just as many hits while running past them as if he were standing still.

Not only that, but the elite lancers are just a tad more accurate than the normal lancers, with a burston, and a personal shield. There's nothing inherently "elite" about them. Nothing that would make them stand out. If they boosted the AI of the elites, and left the normal ones rotting in the dust (while taking away the absurdity of "if it's level 25+, it's elite"), and making the elites a random spawn only a bit more common than the grineer commander (where he's present) that would already make the grineer missions more enjoyable and less tedious/monotonous. Well for me atleast... Edited by Psychotoxin
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Wow, haters are hating. Nubs.


Anyway, I agree that solo is now more difficult but not impossible... It really depends on what frame you use.


Yes, you did say you want to use Trinity but seriously, Trinity is a support frame. As in, to support teammates to make them more effective. When Trinity comes under the spotlight of a Grineer assault squad, her low armour, health and shields really let her down, especially with no real crowd control.


I'm currently playing Ember, nearly lvl 30. Her damage output is insane, I can cast my ult and run around high level defence missions watching the exp numbers drop behind walls and in bottlenecks. If I play solo, in situations I need it I barely get a chance to cast it. Because again, Ember is a support frame, not designed to take large amounts of damage.


I honestly haven't tried Rhino since the fix, might do once Ember is level 30. I suspect it will be a rather different experience. I have used Saryn to solo a Nightmare mission on Neptune or something, I died once or twice but my gear was unlevelled so was unsurprised.


As for your other points, yes yes YES. Enemies are stupid, Corpus snipers for example. When has anyone seen them run to a vantage point and snipe from there? No, they just run up and shoot from mid range. This makes them a laughably simple enemy, as their damage output is insignificant. Likewise, Grineer shield guys just walk around. Ideally they should be covering their allies, leading formations, stuff like that.


On the subject of rewards, I'm fast losing interest in the game. It's still reasonably fun, I mean I still enjoy shooting stuff, but half the missions I do I don't drop any mods at all. When I do drop them, 2/3 are useless ability mods, even on higher level missions. When I am guaranteed a mod drop, ie from a Spy or Artifact mission, I'm guaranteed a Fast Deflection or something along those lines, only an average reward.


IMO, fixed rewards should be more staple mods such as Serration, Hornet Strike, Vitality, etc. The mods that nobody can do without, and that have loads of levels. This ensures they are easily obtainable and I know if I do that mission I'm going to get something worthwhile, even if I've already got the mod. Especially if I've already got the mod, since it's more efficient fusing duplicates.


Additionally, all missions should give a reward such as this. It will take the burden off grinding defence and you can passively gain a reasonable amount of mods at later levels, plus newbies then have a guaranteed advance in the game.


Speaking of newbies, I totally agree it's much harder than it was. I remember when I first started, before the rarity revamp, I had like five split chamber mods in the first week. Obviously that was far too much. Now, having almost completely solo-levelled my Ember, what have I got to show for grinding low to mid level missions? A pile of ability mods, a pile of Vitalities, and a scattering of semi-useful mods like Rush and Fast Deflection. I can't even remember the last time I dropped Serration. How do we expect people to progress on these measly offerings?




1. Although I agree, support frames are not designed to solo, regardless of what you want. Don't jump in a plane and demand it hover unless you can fund the vertical jets.

2. Enemy AI needs to be improved.

3. Rewards need to be more staple, ie Serration and other 10-level mods, perhaps also fusion cores.

4. Frame ability mods need to be removed from mod drop pool. If at all, should only drop abilities for the frame you are using, and only occasionally. I don't need 20 Mind Controls under any circumstance.

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TS well first of all. With new arua system you have a lot of mod points free, which actually boost your ability to complete any mission this game have.


and another thing. you are saying that you wanna level a Trinity for your clan well:

- as soon as Trinity gets to level 3, she can't die to a mob. This is simply as it is. Trinity is the only warframe in this game that will always win any encounter with a mob or a group of mobs at any level.

- you are crying about weapons. I am using Braton. yeah yeah that very Braton that you can buy for 25000 credits.


So basically what i see here is a wall of crying from a guy who have no idea where is left and where is right, maybe the problem is not in the game but in you. Well maybe is a wrong word. I am sure that problem is in you.


Game is easy. And with new aura system it's even more easier. So get your S#&$ together, use your brain and straighten your hands already.

Edited by Althix
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STOP USING CAPS and this is a team game,you cant expect to run around soloing missions.

Its a solo game, you can't expect to have a decent level of challenge if you run 4 players at once on a mission.


I can do this all day if you like.


Again, WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE ZERO SUM?!?  Is there a law against having the game scale difficulty based on the number of players running any particular mission set?


And for the last time, SOLO players were fine in update 8... why is it with update 9, when we complain that something is horribly wrong with solo play past a certain point, the co-op players feel threatened by this?  NO ONE WANTS TO TAKE YOUR FUN AWAY!  Why do you object to ours?

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I still find it easy, only nightmare mode is a no no to solo, everything else still feels the same.

But yes, getting better rewards (especially in defense missions) must be changed. Getting hellfire on wave 40 sucks lol (Yes yes, I know 40 is not a high wave on Xini, but damn, really, hellfire, almost every time lol )


You should try Loki and stealthing for solo nightmare missions, as long as they aren't defence/assassination/mobile defence/exterminate. Probably the fastest and easiest way to get the nightmare mods as it only takes about 5 minutes to complete the objective and get to extraction.  

Edited by NoShoes
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And for the last time, SOLO players were fine in update 8... why is it with update 9, when we complain that something is horribly wrong with solo play past a certain point, the co-op players feel threatened by this?  NO ONE WANTS TO TAKE YOUR FUN AWAY!  Why do you object to ours?

As a 99.9% solo player, I love the new update. Death is actually a possibility now.

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As a 99.9% solo player, I love the new update. Death is actually a possibility now.

Death being a possibility is great. Bad gameplay should be punished.


However,solo gameplay style (take cover behind a box) runs counter to the fast pace of co-op play (run towards the enemies because your teammates have got your back) thanks to the stats buff of the enemies and the work that each player does.


As Loswaith has said a few times, a solo player must carry 100% of the burden in terms of enemy spawns. With a 4-man team, each player only has to carry 50% of total spawn rates. Why not 400% in total by the same logic for a 4-man team? If solo play is going to be this hard, I don't see why co-op shouldn't as well.


After all, playing in a team is currently not a challenge for anything until end game (or at least level 60 grineer defense).

Edited by Destro6677
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Death being a possibility is great. Bad gameplay should be punished.


However,solo gameplay style (take cover behind a box) runs counter to the fast pace of co-op play (run towards the enemies because your teammates have got your back) thanks to the stats buff of the enemies and the work that each player does.


As Loswaith has said a few times, a solo player must carry 100% of the burden in terms of enemy spawns. With a 4-man team, each player only has to carry 50% of total spawn rates. Why not 400% in total by the same logic for a 4-man team? If solo play is going to be this hard, I don't see why co-op shouldn't as well.


After all, playing in a team is currently not a challenge for anything until end game (or at least level 60 grineer defense).


The problems I run into solo, is that enemies always spawn behind you, and they never miss.  So tactical retreats aren't always possible.  Sometimes the more I run, the more garbage I run into.  Even when backtracking.  Then you start throwing in these damn things that switch places with you....and death is almost guaranteed.

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My 7 year old is able to solo clear mercury with the minimal assistance in a Mag.  (I have to work the shift key for her once in a while).  She's happily chugging away with almost no issues at all... 


That having been said, I seriously doubt she's going to do well once the elite lancers start spawning... Corpus will be something of a challenge, but new players with full sized adult hands and reflexes should have no problem farming up in the game.  The real crime is how long you are expected to farm, especially solo, to tackle the mid-game difficulty.  Once you max out, everything is easy... mostly... defense isn't solo territory these days.

Great to hear your daughter is enjoying the game (I hope she doesnt find Venus and Earth too difficuilt), it definaly shows a diverse age range that warframe appeals to.  It actually even goes a long way to show how diverse the player base is.


Warframe can be available to all kinds of players, it does have the potential for it.  Why does it need to be just soloers or groups, hardcore or casual, when it can be great for all.

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Finding the current difficulty to be too hard for you is not a crime, why do people keep saying like it is.  It is not wrong to find it easy as well since people are different.  It is more impotant though to try to understand why is it too hard for them or why is it too easy?  As for me I find the game to be quite easy as it is for soloing.  What I would like to see are more explaination why is it hard for you? Just saying because more enemies = hard is not quite helping.  As some people already pointed out about the spawn in the back which is i agreed that it is quite cheap, but that's why I use Enemy Radar most of the time when soloing.  Maybe a video demonstration of how you play would help ? So that you can point things out clearer than just texts.

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You can increase the difficulty by making some enemies have weak spots where they only take damage. Reduce the number of swarms you have to face, maybe reduce health, and  just add increasingly difficult ways to kill them, like only shooting their backs or a certain spot on their face and such...

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its a known fact, the more you dink around, the more the S#&$storm piles up. there is a significant decrease in spawn rates when running solo, and if you keep moving they wont spawn in massive groups. i mean seriously, half an hour to get through a mission? did you go sit in a corner and leave for the bathroom? thats an insane ammount of time for most missions, even in solo.


I often spend 30-45 miniutes in certain missions.


Just doesn't feel right unless I massacre 300-500 Grineer every time I go for a walk.

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Great to hear your daughter is enjoying the game (I hope she doesnt find Venus and Earth too difficuilt), it definaly shows a diverse age range that warframe appeals to.  It actually even goes a long way to show how diverse the player base is.


Warframe can be available to all kinds of players, it does have the potential for it.  Why does it need to be just soloers or groups, hardcore or casual, when it can be great for all.

Sorry if this is slightly off topic, but there is another successful game franchise that is fun for everyone (being subjective with the term fun).


Diablo. I remember my friends and I playing diablo 2 as kids and some continued all the way into their teens. Diablo was and still is a great commercial success.


Regardless of how any of us might feel about Diablo's gameplay, or if we would actually play it, Diablo is almost a household name among gamers.


If Warframe can capture as much market share as that, all the better for DE.

Edited by Destro6677
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theres a solo OPTION. if you cant handle the solo option go get a forkin team..... wtf.... i played this game solo untill i maxed my starter frame and all my starter gear and farmed my second frame solo. it wasnt hard. i still play everything but high level deffence and t3 void solo. you can aquire the gear to do this in roughly the same time it takes to finish a call of duty game on campaign mode (realy, relay,realy quick).


op quote:

"At a given point i got killed because i ran out of ammo. and the enemy that kills you its not a mini boss , or a badass unit. nope , its just the same generic dude that happens to be there when you have no health , low shields and no ammo at all.
I dont mind using melee , but what happens to the people that love to blast their way with guns ? i dont like to being pushed to do something that i dont like in a videogame."


id like to inform you, that if you found yourself with no ammo, no shield AND no health at the same time, it probably dosnt mean the game is to hard, it simply means you tryed to solo a mission wich you are not geared to cope with in  solo mode..... if you were within your own skill/level range then finding yourself with no shields is a sign of poor play. finding yourself with no ammo is a sign of extreamly poor play. and losing health is a sign that you have grossly missjudged what your frame/weapon build can handle....

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Wow, a few weeks ago the game "was too easy", now "it's too darn hard!!". I can solo pluto, but only with my ash right now, because he's setup to survive....like......always. Honestly, I'm not going to say "HURR SOLOING IS STILL EASY!!" because it's not anymore, rather you have to work hard and build on your character a LOT more than you used to to survive high levels. So I welcome the new difficulty, and I'm going to keep tuning my ash until I can solo nightmare mode on pluto. Seriously guys.....just give it time, get better, and grab some of the new dual mods and use the aura system, both give you a huge advantage where there previously was none.


P.S.: To those complaining about lack of ammo, ammo boxes exist for a good reason, they're incredibly cheap, and completely refill your ammo.

Edited by Codekid
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Wow, a few weeks ago the game "was too easy", now "it's too darn hard!!". I can solo pluto, but only with my ash right now, because he's setup to survive....like......always. Honestly, I'm not going to say "HURR SOLOING IS STILL EASY!!" because it's not anymore, rather you have to work hard and build on your character a LOT more than you used to to survive high levels. So I welcome the new difficulty, and I'm going to keep tuning my ash until I can solo nightmare mode on pluto. Seriously guys.....just give it time, get better, and grab some of the new dual mods and use the aura system, both give you a huge advantage where there previously was none.

Part of the problem is that new or mid level players now have a resource wall to face.


I didn't read the posts in detail but it runs something like this. Planet X has resources necessary to craft more powerful weapons. However, players who need the resources from Planet X aren't powerful enough to get there without doing reruns of the same beginner planets for a ridiculous amount of time.

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