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Solo Is Now Dull , And Not Rewarding Enough . Get A Squad For A Far More Easy Game.


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I have done solo nightmare missions on Sedna and Pluto before. Yes, they are hard, but it's much more fun than playing other missions where I feel like I'm invincible and I'd literally have to be afk in order to die

I assume you're playing a rhino with, dunno, a Hek or something similar.  My friend that plays this sort of loadout can solo fine anywhere he chooses.  I'm well aware that complaints from the not-god-like will seem like so much whining to you, but its not the same game for some of us.


These threads should have some better context about who's complaining about what and at what level.  Someone who's paid plat, has a virtually unstoppable frame, is sporting mastery level 4+ gear... need not comment.  If you see another end-gamer complaining, feel free to crap all over them. ;)

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Heres the difference you need to look at though, and the answer to your question regarding patato's not in the loot table.


One potato ='s 30 points.

One Forma ='s between (on adverage, at high end..) 5 points. 4 Forma's in and your good. Hell, my Ash has 4 ;3

Edit: + Aura ='s 4-14 points and is a common enough-on-alerts drop. This I completely forgot to mention, and halves the requirement of Forma's, after 2 you should be able to sit your frame with everything. Though all a frame *really* needs is maxed redirection and fast deflection and it's solid for soloing, the weapons are the main factor. 


Your capable of getting your Warframe/Weapon to level "60" ('End Game' as it were.) sheerly from Forma's if you so choose. 


Personally, I've not spent a plat on any item in the game save cosmetics and have a Reactor & 2 formas in > Ash, Frost Prime, Volt, Nyx (0 forma), and Shade (0 forma). Catalyst & 2 formas in Paris, Dread, Kunai, Despair, Hate (1 forma), Glaive, Shade Pistol (0 forma and I know, silly.. did it ten minutes ago cause, I really wanted him 100% despite having 'should' have put it in Dethcube :P) and ... invested around I'd say.. 10 formas into my Dojo : so, while it is alot on timing, and not exactly pouring from every vent: they aren't impossible to get a set of by any means.


Tier II's are capable of being solo'd without a reactor or catalyst, so that's your place for farming for them. It hasn't ever felt 'to hard' - sometimes it has felt grindy but that's my own fault (and DE's) for me having chosen to pick Paris and Kunai as my mains, only to have Dread and Despair come out, only to have Paris Prime release and make me head desk and draw the line rather than re-doing the same thing a third time.


Just let me clarify this please. :)


You're saying that forma is farmable at Tier 2 planets on defense missions (via void keys)?


Or are you saying that it would be a good place to farm potatoes in future?


Also, it doesn't help that defense missions are still a bit too tough to do solo, hence part of the problem with farming forma.

Edited by Destro6677
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Haha, I thought I was doing something wrong.


One of the missions I went solo, as usual. I tried to play stealthly, didn't work out, no big deal, I'll just murder everything.


And murder. And murder. AND MURDER SOME MORE.


I ran out of ammo few times. Had to resort to fighting with melee against Corpus. Got back some ammo, then lost some. Lost primary ammo for good, then I ran out of secondary ammo. I died shortly after losing all energy after trying to slash robots to death.


I look at the "YOU LOST" results. 250 enemies. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY ENEMIES. No, it wasn't challenging. It wasn't hard, it wasn't fun. It was tedious and borderline ridiculous, then just unfair.


Dark Souls is hard and challenging. Dark Souls is also unforgiving, but it's not unfair. It doesn't suddenly decide "Hey, I'll send 50 enemies at you and hope you don't run out of ammo!". It's not a matter of grinding for five hours to pass a "hard" area.


Having to literally kill quarter of a thousand of enemies (who keeps that many soldiers on a ship anyway?!) is not good game design in a game like this. Maybe Diablo, or like someone said Serious Sam.

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 I'm well aware that complaints from the not-god-like will seem like so much whining to you, but its not the same game for some of us.


*Big preface note: All my posts regarding things are fine have been directed toward High Level / End Game content. This is note directed to the quote, just in general. I believe low level could use a little easing people in for the newcomers, I also believe mid-tier can be a bit punishing though not impossible. But 'high tier' levels rests somewhere between a reasonable 'Difficult' to 'Just plain easy' depending on if your fresh to the game : or have been here long enough to get your mods high level.


I've referenced multiple guns you can choose from, and surely there are more I haven't *personally* tried, but Kunai or the new throwing stars : very easy to get ahold of, will last you up to Tier 2 Void missions if not forever. Despite any frame you choose, despite not having *maxed* mods, you can with Redirection, Fast Deflection + Kunai w/ *decent* level mods for what your doing - solo. I'm certain of it, hell, in my video being a level 23 with no mods on the frame itself that helped me (Didn't use my abilities but twice and didn't even need to do that, and all my mods were directed toward my abilities w/ Flow, streamline, ect) went through Tier III solo.


I'll do a duplicate run tomorrow with Redirection/Fast Deflection : and nothing more than Kunai with more basic mods inside it tomorrow just to ensure I'm not incorrect, but logically thinking out the way things work - I don't believe I am.


Just let me clarify this please. :)


You're saying that forma is farmable at Tier 2 planets on defense missions (via void keys)?


Or are you saying that it would be a good place to farm potatoes in future?


Also, it doesn't help that defense missions are still a bit too tough to do solo, hence part of the problem with farming forma.


To clarify I'm saying Tier 2 Void missions can be done easily solo, with mid level gear and mods. 

Defense missions, I've mentioned several times as being far to difficult to solo when at least - it comes to Grineer/Corpus, Defense against infested.. yeah, that's not so bad - a semi-experienced player - one whom is ready for the void anyway - will handle 5-10 waves of Io for Void cards. Hell, had Nyx (level 12) & Volt both have gone 5 waves without powers using nothing but a level 12 Boltor / Akbolto (I don't recommend trying it that low) & upto 10 waves with her mind control / Chaos. She's however, designed for that sort of thing.


So basically once you hit 30, which isn't to difficult as it stands : go 5 waves repeatedly for cards at Io : then Void II's for Forma : use forma : rinse repeat.

Edited by Azraill
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I'm playing Rhino, Nyx and Frost, but I agree. Difficulty level is now too high.

It makes you ragequit instead of thinkink "Huh... I lost, but that's ok. Now I know, that I shold bring this and this with me and use that in those situations". Now it's "God... DAMN! I failed mission AGAIN! What is wrong with this game?"


I understand, that some of the players are pr0-1337-Asian players with fully forma'd frames and gear and maxed all possible mods, but you need to understand, that not every player is a hardcore player. Casuals don't have a chance to make any mission at high-tier planets like Ceres or Pluto.

I consider my self a hardcore player of warframe, i have a fully forma'd warframe but thats only one and thats banshee. Did it because i like banshee. My favourite warframe in the game. But yeah I totally agree with you and this post, the difficulty has because ridiculous. For example Nightmare mode on defense missions doing 15 waves once you reach wave 3 it becomes super tough especially when either your health is getting taken away, that is something that i find HIGHLY annoying the fact that the screen is flashing red... it really ticks me off because its annoying. I dont mind the Timers though its just that health that goes down when you chose nightmare mode depending on its random selection. But even with my banshee I get one shotted worst is corpus... Its a joke.. but even when your not playing defense missions... when you wanna go on higher level planets like pluto,ceres,sedna etc. I do not mind the game being hard if they want to add difficulty to the game then thats fine by me I am up for a challenge do not get me wrong. But if they are going to do something like this then yeah i agree with what the guy said in his post they should do it properly.

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To clarify I'm saying Tier 2 Void missions can be done easily solo, with mid level gear and mods. 

Defense missions, I've mentioned several times as being far to difficult to solo when at least - it comes to Grineer/Corpus, Defense against infested.. yeah, that's not so bad - a semi-experienced player - one whom is ready for the void anyway - will handle 5-10 waves of Io for Void cards. Hell, had Nyx (level 12) & Volt both have gone 5 waves without powers using nothing but a level 12 Boltor / Akbolto (I don't recommend trying it that low) & upto 10 waves with her mind control / Chaos. She's however, designed for that sort of thing.


So basically once you hit 30, which isn't to difficult as it stands : go 5 waves repeatedly for cards at Io : then Void II's for Forma : use forma : rinse repeat.



Your honesty about Grineer/Corpus defense being too difficult to solo is appreciated. I must have missed it in all the action.


I will try Io with my unpotatoed Ember once she's levelled high enough and see what happens. Unfortunately, my Zoren and Hek are already potatoed and I don't have the time right now to craft new ones. Maybe my unpotatoed orthos will be a fair gauge to difficulty but even so, I have a few maxed out melee mods.

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New player here, started on update 9. I'm loving the difficulty of this game and the fact that it doesn't hand out easy progression to you on a silver platter. The first boss kicked my &#! until I learned his patterns and that was a refreshing change from the norm.


Having a lot of enemies on screen might seem tedious to you at first, but once you actually get better at the game and learn how crowd control works, these large hoards suddenly become incredibly fun to manage. I've been playing through the game mostly solo so far with Excalibur (yes, the most balanced frame, apparently) with the occasional multiplayer when I get stuck. Much of the content is managable for me thanks to a combination of Slash Dash and Radial Blind.


At first the game seems incredibly overwhelming to new players, but all it takes is for the player to get a better grasp for the key mechanics - especially modding - and it becomes a lot less difficult. I for one greatly enjoy the enemy density now that I know how to play the game better. Melting through huge groups of grineer or infested is incredibly satisfying. And if I run into a room full of grunts and die from an overexposure to bullets? My fault. I made a mistake and deserved to be punished for it. Most of the time it's because I got cocky and thought I could just run and gun it, when in reflection I realise that I could have easily dashjumped in and did a slam attack to supress a good portion of the damage. which would have allowed me to survive.


Warframe is not about dodging bullets like in Serious Sam. It's about damage migitation and control - similar to Borderlands. You are meant to manage the damage to your shields either by use of cover or by utilising crowd control, quickly whittling down the amount of damage you're taking by incapacitating enemies until you're not taking damage anymore. It's a learning game, kind of like Monster Hunter or Dark souls (perhaps that's why I like it so much) where you are expected to fail again and again until it clicks and you get it right. There's nothing inherently wrong with this - it's just not an instant gratification model of game design and that's something that's sorely lacking in many modern games. I for one greatly appreciate that Warframe rewards players with patience and perseverance. Even the cash shop is designed to reward patient players. The more patient you are, the less real money you have to pay. Playing solo is very much the same. You WILL progress much more slowly than if you were playing co-op, and that's OK because it's an online game. Playing solo is meant to be an alternative challenge.


Rather than nerf the amount of enemies in a level at medium and high levels of play, the early game needs to be normalised a bit. Currently the difficulty curve between M.Prime and Captain Vor is huge. It took me quite some time to get a hang of captain Vor, his 3 stages, and then afterwards the rather frustrating escape. As an early game player I had to deal with my Lato and MK-1 braton's ammo running out just from killing Vor himself, leaving me mostly defenseless against the squad that comes in on the escape. It also made for some really fun and intense gameplay as I very carefully and systematically picked off targets with melee, learning to utilise the slam attack strategically and managing my shields. It felt very rewarding when I completed that stage for the first time.


Really, a -lot- of the OP here sounds like unecessary complaining. It's not so much about casual or hardcore, but rather that it seems like you want to introduce an artificial easiness to a game that would otherwise reward a player's skill and hard work. That's just as bad if not worse than artifical difficulty.


And please, don't touch the mob density at all except for maybe the early systems. As I said before, chewing through large amounts of enemies is empowering. Some of us really enjoy that. Why dumb down the game for everyone when you can learn to play better with a bit more patience?


Ideally though, selecting solo mode should thin out the enemy density on certain missions (defense) or at least give them reduced stats. There are plenty of ways to make these missions more fun for solo players without reducing the enemy density.


edit - I do agree that the Corpus are incredibly frustrating on higher leveled missions and are by far my least favorite faction to fight against. My favorite is easily the Infested. Grineer are somewhere in the middle and have some irritating tactics but nothing that armor pen and ice mods can't deal with. Defense missions on the other hand are an entirely different kettle of fish and are literally impossible to solo for certain frames. I feel like defense missions should be optional for progression through a system and not placed directly in the middle of progression trees.

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The problem with forma for a lot of people, I know, is that they (and I as well) don't have enough duplicates or cores, and am farming T2 to get mods and cash, and affinity for guns and stuff. The fact that Void drops mods is pretty damn efficient, but in a lot of runs I've come out with nothing but another sack of trick mags, true steels and ammo drums.

While cash and affinity are pretty good on their own, a high leveled gun isn' worth much if there are no mods to put into the gun..

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New player here, started on update 9. 

You started 2 weeks ago, you've already paid for plat, and you're enjoying yourself mowing down enemies while talking about late high(er) level Corpus.


Out of curiosity, what did you spend your plat on, what is your current load out, and how much of the star map have you completed?

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As I promised eariler (and got to sooner than I thought.) just did a run of Tier II Raid with Nyx (lvl 17, no mods but Redirection & Fast Deflection -- yes that means no abilities either.) Kunai using only 25 mod slots - and those mods were for fire rate, frost damage, ammo cap, and mag cap + Shade with stealth & shield reset. Had to use one ammo box (cleared every room one by one) and succeeded without even being challenged. It took about 25 minutes, but it wasn't difficult, just time consuming because of enemy health and not having the proper damage output to take them all out quickly.


So yeah, Tier II can be solo'd by a level 17 with maxed Redirection and Fast Deflection regardless of the weapon really, just bring alot of ammo boxes if it's not killing them quickly, you'll be fine.


Unfortunately Fraps decided to record the mission's results and me closing Warframe to write this, but not the mission. ~_~ May do it again just to spite Fraps choice of what it wants to record and what it doesn't, but regardless the above is easily doable. The hardest part you'll have with that particular setup is fighting back the yawn as you wait for the Kunai to kill heavy gunners and the flying Moa turrets >:| - note, slight exageration there as I did have to flee to take cover from them both, but could just sit up against cover and fire away until they died about 12-18 seconds later.

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Rank 30 Kunai with mediocre mods will allow you to solo void 2, I agree.  If you like exploring, you might need some ammo boxes.  If you're just "passing through" you're missing out on the point of being in the void... 


Get ammo boxes and some IMBA kunai and you can solo void.  Get a decent melee weapon and you can solo xini/io.  Void isn't exactly off limits up to a point, even in "weak" frames.  

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You started 2 weeks ago, you've already paid for plat, and you're enjoying yourself mowing down enemies while talking about late high(er) level Corpus.


Out of curiosity, what did you spend your plat on, what is your current load out, and how much of the star map have you completed?


Yes I too are curious. You make it sound like soloing got Easier after Update 9, and that certainly is not my understanding.


Maby I too must start fresh with a new accaunt some day. For now though, i struggle through saturn, Mars and Venus and starting on Jupiter.


And now I find that Saturn and Jupiter are often deserted in Online. That tells me that people are in clans, play Solo, or are in other Planets.

Or, the worst case, they struggle with the difficulty and are giving up. Hope that this is not the case.

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My post had nothing to do with new players, it reinforced new players might should have it easier along with mid-game territory. So don't know why you quoted me, then went on about new players. By the time your running the 30+ missions your able to grind levels, get new gear, ect. As 30+ is for those with reactor's and catalysts marking each gear slot.

The discussion mostly hasn't been about high level solo players (and your post didnt clarify), if the issues were just with eris, ceres, pluto and T3 void (about the last 25% of areas), I (and I'm sure many others) wouldn't have an issue in the slightest, that is the top of the game so I would expect you to need top end mods and kitted out warframes and weapons to solo them.  You can hit missions with 30+ enemies on the 4th-5th planet you will work through, and definatly will before you can upgrade any weaponry (beyond 30 mod points).  You even state 30+ is for those with catalysts which you need control modules to make which first drop on level 35+ enemy missions on Europa (you also need them to make sentinals and warframes too).


While the video was good doing that with fully maxed out mods on primary and secondry stalker only weapons (that are very powerful and very challenging to get), can make the point both ways.  Yes you can solo, but needing the best possible loadouts and weapons to solo what is the end game levels, seems kind of obvious to any game.  I'm sure you wont get many arguing that shouldn't be the case.

You will likely find the same using warframes with maxed out redirection and fast deflection, these are something expeced for end game.


Unfortunatly the discussions isnt just about end game, it's more about the mid-game (to low mid game even) starting from U9.  Ironically you did need a good mod collection (depending on the weapon) to do these solo before U9 as well, sure maybe not the maxed out mods (like now) but good ones.

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While the video was good doing that with fully maxed out mods on primary and secondry stalker only weapons (that are very powerful and very challenging to get), can make the point both ways.  Yes you can solo, but needing the best possible loadouts and weapons to solo what is the end game levels, seems kind of obvious to any game.  I'm sure you wont get many arguing that shouldn't be the case.

You will likely find the same using warframes with maxed out redirection and fast deflection, these are something expeced for end game.


Unfortunatly the discussions isnt just about end game, it's more about the mid-game (to low mid game even) starting from U9.  Ironically you did need a good mod collection (depending on the weapon) to do these solo before U9 as well, sure maybe not the maxed out mods (like now) but good ones.


1.) ! I did another run of tier 2 in my last post, regarding only using Redirection & Fast deflection in a level 17 Nyx on Void 2 and it was a breeze, didn't use anything but Kunai with 25 mod slots - fire rate + frost + ammo cap & mag cap. Shade with stealth & guardian. With that in mind I'm beginning to think it's less about to difficult and more about people being told to avoid those two mods and get Dethcube cuz it shoots stuff. (No really. because this setup worked flawlessly.) Those two mods are rather easy to come by and in pretty good quantity at low-mid tier and once had, any weapon would really suit fine so long as it's been properly leveled.


2.) I began this endgame discussion after a post calling End-game impossible to. ;3 Sorry for the slight derailment but it had to be countered.

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ALL of the missions besides endless defense can be soloed with the right warframe/weapon/mod set up, there are in game answers to everything. I just recently soloed the majority of the games content (excluding the Endless D) to unlock NM mode.


1: use level 30 warframes/weapons only (potatoed if possible)

2: use a better mod set-up.

3: make sure your gun is the right kind for the mission you are doing (armor ignore vs. grineer etc.)  


example build vs grineer:


  Saryn lvl30  --Physique





-steel fiber





  Boltor lvl30


-Piercing hit

-fast hands

-cryo rounds

-split chamber

-fast hands

-speed trigger


This isn't World of Warcraft, you are meant to find your own answers to in game problems, not cry and hope everything is handed to you.

Edited by Damers
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It seems like you actually may not even want to generate discussion here, and instead would rather just complain that the game is difficult and include your little list of counterarguments to filter out any potential need for you to defend a point you'll try to make.


You're the reason I wish DE hadn't ever removed downvoting.

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You started 2 weeks ago, you've already paid for plat, and you're enjoying yourself mowing down enemies while talking about late high(er) level Corpus.


Out of curiosity, what did you spend your plat on, what is your current load out, and how much of the star map have you completed?

Currently, I've only spent plat on colours and weapon slots. Everything else, I've farmed up and built on my own time. The plat came from buying a founder's account and it's probably all I'm ever going to need. Currently building a Rhino legit, no rushing.


I completed up to earth on my own, then a friend helped me branch off into the other planets so that I could get hold of some of the materials necessary to craft what I wanted. I got most of the way with a Cronus, Braton and Lato, then crafted/bought myself a Strun, Hikou, Fragor using only in-game credits and mats. I'm currently not focussing on completing the star map, just making weapons. Right now I'm leveling the Kogake and a Gorgon I got as a login reward.


FYI I bought the founder package AFTER I'd reached Earth, meaning I got that far on my own with only regular Excalibur. I only started playing online after defeating Jackal a few times and figuring that I wanted to farm him efficiently for Rhino parts.


I don't consider myself an extremily skilled gamer, but I am very fond of 'learning' games like Dark Souls and Monster Hunter. I feel like this game is very similar in terms of progression, in that once I slowed down and grinded/figured things out it became a whole lot easier. So perhaps that's part of the reason why I'm having such a good time.


As it is now, I play online a lot more but I still do a lot of soloing because I like to take my time looking for materials without having to keep up with speedy Nova and Loki players who like to rush through the level. I've experienced the later level corpus maps having been taken along by a friend, but I was mostly just talking about Corpus in general, not so much the higher lv corpus. As a faction it just seems like their attacks do way too much shield damage and those walkers take a lot of punishment at early levels - less so at mid levels once you have a shotgun or an ice mod. Things became a lot easier after I'd upgraded my kit and fused some decent mid level mods. I haven't experienced the late late late game solo yet, but I sincerely doubt it's going to be any harder than Ultimate Vault Hunter mode in Borderlands 2. Seriously.


Armor pen and ice mods make a huge difference for soloing, as do getting any kind of throwing side arm.

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Update: Yeah, I soloed in my old stomping grounds without any extreme difficulty.  The damage heavies deal is seriously toned down (except in nightmare mode, but even there the ground smash doesn't auto kill me now)  and elite lancers have had some of their lethality taken away.


I got video of me completing stephano on the first attempt... a far cry from what it was in 9.0


Best of all, the weird auto-fail on xini seems gone for now...

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Solo what? I just soloed a pluto level with little issue. 


Defence (mobile defence too with a lot of levels) are about the only ones that can't really be soloed due to the waves of enemies and inability to manuver around the level. 


Everything else is fairly possible.


Didn't mention bosses because I felt it was obvious a boss likely won't be soloed. 


*FAIRLY* possible

I can still solo bosses , i mean , bosses are more difficulty not because of their health bar or their damage output , but because of the angry mob that always spawns every minute .


Your reply makes no sense , do me a favor people. stop being dumb and read the post.





"It seems like you actually may not even want to generate discussion here, and instead would rather just complain that the game is difficult and include your little list of counterarguments to filter out any potential need for you to defend a point you'll try to make.


You're the reason I wish DE hadn't ever removed downvoting."


If you have a complain about the voting system , you should post it in another topic.


Dammer: (Makes a post saying that you have to use a specific frame FTW , then he stated this.)

"This isn't World of Warcraft, you are meant to find your own answers to in game problems, not cry and hope everything is handed to you."


this people are just asking for it.

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One does not simply experience Dark Souls in 15 minutes, just saying. I'm able to pretty much dismiss that opinion as ignorant, as an avid Dark Souls player myself. Dark souls is anything but overrated, it's a masterpiece in a sea of mediocrity. For shame.


On a more serious not though, Dark Souls is only 'very hard' if you are not a patient player, and that's what's so beautiful about it. It punishes you for doing stupid stuff and and it doesn't hold hands. Later levels and bosses get legitimately difficult, but the overall difficulty curve is managable so long as you're utilising the upgrade system and not trying to sequence break into high level areas without a solid plan (with enough actual game experience you can definately skip huge portions of the game by running carefully tweaked out builds, which is another thing that's really great about Dark Souls) I sort of get a similar feel from Warframe at times. I've never once died in this game and thought "that was bullS#&$". It's always because I went into a room gung ho and got locked down because I was focussing too hard on one particular group of enemies and not the one running for the panic button. Or getting stunlocked by a toxic ancient because I forgot to shoot it with my ice modded gun first to slow it down before dealing with the smaller infested, or even not having enough energy for radial blind because I got lazy and spammed slash dash too much early on in the level.


Also even with the new title, OP still reeks of dismissal towards hardcore players and personal opinion. 'unforgiving' in a game is also a good thing. Skill-based games SHOULD be unforgiving. They are meant to be inacessible to people who aren't willing to put in the time and effort to take their time and understand the rules. That's also how they sell platinum - by selling content to players who are either too impatient or too lazy to grind things out. And I don't mean that in a negative way either.


Again, I don't know what this game was like prior to update 9, but I definately do not feel like the difficulty is impossible to manage, or even unpleasant. The only things I have found completely impossible to solo with my current loadout is defense missions, and even then I'm sure that can be done with certain combinations of weapons/frames.

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One does not simply experience Dark Souls in 15 minutes, just saying. I'm able to pretty much dismiss that opinion as ignorant, as an avid Dark Souls player myself. Dark souls is anything but overrated, it's a masterpiece in a sea of mediocrity. For shame.


Again, I don't know what this game was like prior to update 9, but I definately do not feel like the difficulty is impossible to manage, or even unpleasant. The only things I have found completely impossible to solo with my current loadout is defense missions, and even then I'm sure that can be done with certain combinations of weapons/frames.



i dont know what did you read, but you have several problems.  As i stated,  i love dark souls, i have several save states,  one of them with the game beaten 4 times already . And i know about challenges.


there is a difference between a challenge and fake difficulty. you should look it up.


im talking about boring the player to death with long as S#&$ missions filled with tons of generic enemies without intelligence. And the unforgiving part is about the game rewarding you nothing with your efforts. 

do you know what you get after beating a level ? more levels to beat , and some resources you gathered with a bunch of credits. it was good back then because the time you spent in a level could be short, and you enjoyed every level, but now is just not enough. if i want to waste 40 minutes of my life in a medium level mission clearing waves and waves of enemies with the same overpowered weapons, i would play another game. 

there is a reason of why i like warframe , and its dying with this update


its so dull that makes the killing fest shooters looks fun to me.

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The good news, on certain maps where the terrain support

Cover fire, stairs multiple routes, and in specific situatkpns,

both Corpus and Grineer have surprised me by working as a team.

This is mid content, mercury show no such improvement.

The bad is that enemies keep swarming me, and the more they are

the more they seem rush me.

And seriously, lotus warned of heavy grineer 20and sek into the mission.

I counted 12 napalms, more annoying then hard.

And with heavys and so many mobs, my ammo did run out.

Thank the deitys for cloak.

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Tl;dr Solo just got way harder after they raised NPC spawn rate to serious sam levels(I forgot about that game).

yep i feel that way also, too many enemies for this type of game imo, I dont like mobs i wanna fight more like a ninja. Enemy density and difficulty should have a slider and it would fix everything.

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