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What Frame Is Boring To You?


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Ash and Banshee.

There is very little with Ash that I couldn't do with Loki better.
Namely, Loki is more efficient/faster at solo play with better team synergy for grouping.

Banshee on the other hand, I think is a great frame just not my style.

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Mag for me. Apart from her Crush, I don't use anything else (rarely her shield restore). Since I have 1 ability to use, I have to rely on melee and gunplay. Her subpar defense doesn't make up for the boring skills (apart from crush that is)

Edited by Glazy
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Excalibur. Just... nothing really exciting. His most funny skill to use is Super Jump. The rest of his abilities can be used while brain-afk. Excalibur is in my opinion too common, too average, too 'basic'. (But Excalibur is also a beginner frame, so this is maybe intended.)

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boring =/= useless


nyx is god-tier on defenses.

spamming 3 is rather boring.

(although you could make use of the other skills, you'd better save the energy for more chaos especially for energy ball droughts. mind control is fine though, slap one on a heavy grineer and he will securely guard that spawn single-handedly, better than some tennos :p ).

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Loki, he almost made me stop playing this game back when i first started because he was boring to me. I saw other frames having cool abilities and all I could do was switch teleport lol.


I ended up deleting him just because I wanted to permanently get rid of him.

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Vauban! (Sarcasm)


Don't kill me!
























































































I guess Excalibur.

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I own Loki and Rhino, my son plays Excalibur and Volt. All these 4 frames are completely different, no wonder everyone has preference for a different frame. It only shows that the game is fairly balanced, the frames and abilities are nicely made.


Loki is my favourite, as I am not bothered if I am at the bottom of the damage chart, but I can do anything I want with him. He evades, he resses the dead, he flashes through missions with ease. DIversion is the name, and its implemented beautifully. I never use his ultimate ability though.


Rhino is much more powerful, you can feel it, even at low levels of the frame. His revamped stomp is like kaboom, youre all dead, fun to watch as well. Iron skin is also very useful, and the best thing about it is that you can pre-cast it, effectively enlarging your spell power pool. With Rhino I always go leaderboard with damage, even against must better setups. He is less tactical than Loki, but if you just want brute force, he is your man.


My son was starting with Excalibur, he was breezing through content with that frame, very well placed for new players. He only used the slash dash ability, didnt see him using anything else.


Now he has bought Volt, it came potatoed from the shop, so he feels it is better, and plays it exclusively. In practice its much weaker than Excalibur, and he is also not using any skills of it but the speed.


I dont think any frame is boring "in general", but I do think that as they are all made so different, certain people bind with certain frames, and again this is a feat of a well made game.



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I say Volt. Oh my god he is boring. I'm currently leveling him, he is at 22 atm, and I'm only doing so for mastery points. I have just made Frost at rank 0 and can't wait to pick him up after Volt. Volt's speed is fun but his ultimate seems extremely lack luster and I keep getting killed while using it. I haven't once used it and lived, so I've completely stopped using it entirely. His main attack is all I really use but everything is completely ineffective against Infested.


My favorite warframes are easily Rhino and Ash. I haven't died on Rhino, ever. He is my unstoppable juggernaut. Then I just have loads of fun with Ash. I think what makes them the most fun is that all of their abilities are useful so I end up mixing the powers and feel like they have more skills than other people. Saryn, she feels like she just has one ability.

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Trinity: I usually enjoy playing the healer, but Warframe really doesn't support healing/damage prevention as an active role, so that side of her skill set ends up being pretty lackluster. The other side, which makes her basically godlike, is way to passive for my tastes. Link is just so easy, and EV is only worth casting on bosses and very high level ancients.

Nyx: Chaos is so ridiculously powerful, but it's one of the most boring abilities to use because the follow up requires no interaction at all. I want to love Absorb, as I really dig the concept, but it's just so bad compared to almost every other ultimate in the game. Psychic Bolts is just terrible because it hits walls more often than enemies, and Mind Control is useless in co-op because your teammates are just going to kill your pet 99% of the time.

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