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Despair, Kunai Or Hikou?


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Despair hands down.

As quoted from a wikia contributer on the Despair page:

Kunai do physics impact damage. This ignores armor for all mobs but grineer commanders, seekers, and rollers. Despair do armor piercing damage which also ignores armor but for all mobs. Armor Piercing damage is also subject to different multipliers for the various factions. They are:

Grinner - 1.5 (or +50%) to all.

Infested - .5 (or -50%) to non-Ancients.

Corpus - an additional x2 for headshots for a total of 4 (or 400%) to all crewmen.

And, of course, Despair has a higher base damage which is much more important than people think when making layman assessments of the weapons on the wiki here for the reason you point out - everything you put on a gun is a % of that base damage and this factors into every calculation in the damage chain. In other words, that base damage stacks in the damage calculation a lot.

The ONLY chance for Kunai to do more damage than despair is when both have relative few or no mods in them and you are fighting light infested. Once the guns are leveled and leveled mods are in place, the Despair quickly outpaces the Kunai even with the .5 modifier. Potatoed and at max mod levels, these weapons aren't even in the same class.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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Despair is better than kunai. I've run with both and despair blow kunai out of the water. The new throwing stars are basically just kunai with faster fire rate, less damage, and larger magazine. All three causing you to run out of ammo quicker.

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Damage wise i think the Pyramid looks like this:

Despair - highest dmg
Hikou - very fast attack speed which brings it quite close to despair but still not as strong - very good vs infested
Kunai - good allrounder with armor ignore



Edited by HollowExistence
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Well, to be honest I hoped something like "OMG are u kidding the new Hikou is sh**ty good, best weapon ever made forget the Despair"!


I like the animation of the Hikou and I really wanted to have something new to use for high level missions instead of being almost forced to go for the Despair, but seems like I have to wait for another update....

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The Hikou are basically Kunai with half the damage and double the fire rate, or in other words: Kunai with half the ammo efficiency.

I want to like the Hikou, but they're honestly a straight downgrade from the Kunai.

Edited by Haif
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Despair: Damage and decent Ammo use, also ignores partial armor.

Hikou: Hope you brought Pistol Ammo Boxes, your gonna need them.

Kunai: Less damage but have stagger. Also ignore armor as another said.


Take your pick. I use Despair but use Hikou to  supercharge Antimatter Drop, though been thinking that Snipestrong Vandal or Dread does that well enough.

Edited by Estred
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Despair: Damage and decent Ammo use, also ignores partial armor.

Hikou: Hope you brought Pistol Ammo Boxes, your gonna need them.

Kunai: Less damage but have stagger. Also ignore armor as another said.


Take your pick. I use Despair but use Hikou to  supercharge Antimatter Drop, though been thinking that Snipestrong Vandal or Dread does that well enough.

Yeah probably one shot of my Paris Prime would do better than what Hikou can do.




Well, thanks anyone for your opinions!

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Despair. It's the first secondary I gave a Forma to, and will probably give it another.


I'm a Grineer genocide kind of guy (more than half of my total killcount is a mountain of Grineer corpses), so Despair all the way. It's also the biggest projectile out of all the hand-thrown weapons, it's just more satisfying for me to bury a huge throwing knife into a Grineer skull.

Edited by Tulzscha
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The Hikou are basically Kunai with half the damage and double the fire rate, or in other words: Kunai with half the ammo efficiency.

I want to like the Hikou, but they're honestly a straight downgrade from the Kunai.

I'll put it to you this way. Hikou is Akbolto, but cheaper to make, faster to make, comes with better polarities and fires at full auto so it's not subject to framerate issues.


I miss my dual flintlock pistols... very much );

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Keep in mind that the Hikou do Serrated Blade damage. That means 3x damage to infested.


I personally just can't decide. The Despair is much better against armored targets, while the Hikou is the best against light infested. Although the Kunai is the worst weapon of the three on paper, I'm leaning towards it because it's a compromise between the two.

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Keep in mind that the Hikou do Serrated Blade damage. That means 3x damage to infested.


I personally just can't decide. The Despair is much better against armored targets, while the Hikou is the best against light infested. Although the Kunai is the worst weapon of the three on paper, I'm leaning towards it because it's a compromise between the two.


That there is a valid point to counter all the 'straight downgrade from kunai' comments. Thank you for reminding us all.

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As I mentioned before, I'm between Hikou and Kunai for my all-around secondary weapon (despair is the king of armored targets, but just can't do light infested). One big advantage of the Kunai is that it's damage type is "Physics Impact", which alows it to send targets flying back to do damage to targets behind.


I agree with tommyrt, neither weapon is better than the other.


I just can't decide.

Edited by thePhysicist8
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I like hikou best, the high fire rate means emptying en entire 'clip' into someone's face goes that much faster. It's NOT ammo efficient, and it's NOT going to last through say, T3 Defense missions, BUT, you are going the MURDER THE EVER LOVING HELL out of whatever it is you're facing at the moment. Which I appreciate. Also they look sweet as hell, and that's always a plus.


signed that, and I don't have a Catalyst to spare for my Despair sadly D:

Zylo the Wolfbane

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Keep in mind that the Hikou do Serrated Blade damage. That means 3x damage to infested.


I personally just can't decide. The Despair is much better against armored targets, while the Hikou is the best against light infested. Although the Kunai is the worst weapon of the three on paper, I'm leaning towards it because it's a compromise between the two.

Indeed though Hikou chews up ammo so fast. It is beastly vs light infested. I have Despair and Hikou I sold my Kunai.

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