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Win10 CU update, worth it?



Hi guys,
windows 10 is asking from a month now to update it with the creators update.
but i have a low end laptop, so i want to ask you if you updated your pc to it and how it modified the performances of you pc (event if you have an high tier laptop), because i want to avoid to update my pc and then find my self downgrading because it slows down my pc

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to be honest,  I had problems with all my games with CU. I had to reformat my pc a week after the update because my games would be so laggy it was like always playing in slow motion. but now I have the CU installed because it randomly forced an install on me lol and now no problems.

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I have had no Issues with it what so ever. In fact I like it due to it having the Night Light Mode (Does get turned off in Full screen games tho) and If you like pain(t) then you will like it more 'cos now there is pain(t) 3D *sarcasm* (It looks worse to me and still has no pressure sensitivity for Art/Graphic Tablets)

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On 07/08/2017 at 6:41 PM, Fiftycentis said:

mmmh, i heard of that problem and i use them quite often, in warframe and in other games

It works most of the times for me, though my mouse is never unplugged so its always the same mouse in the system. So it happens rarely on my desktop compared to my laptop. 

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The CU for the most part is well worth the upgrade. However, there are three things in particular that you need to be aware of because Microsoft has this rather S#&$ty policy of forcing us to opt out of stuff instead of telling us how to opt in. The three directly tied to gaming are the Xbox DVR (Game DVR), something called "Fullscreen optimization" and "Game mode". 

Each of these three are technically meant to be for our benefit, but I have pretty much nothing but bad experience with it (mileage may wary). The fullscreen optimization bit has among other things caused games to lock at 60 fps (where I normally would have around 200 in the same game (and it's not vsync either as I'm using a 144hz panel)). Game DVR is Window's own answer to nvidia shadowplay and AMD's ReLive (or AMD VCE as it was named before), but it is a terrible resource hog and should just be flat out turned right the frikk off. 

As for the Game Mode this is just as much snake oil as anything. All I know is that the early tries people had with it, there were practically no noticeable difference with it on or off, but I have heard of instances where it just flat out killed performance. I don't have any sources for this, just what I read just around the time W10 CU was a pre-release thing. Anecdotally I don't notice any difference at all with it on or off.

Other than that, it's a solid update. Which now even comes with handy things like Dolby Atmos (if you pay for it) for both headphones and speakers. The surround sound in Dolby Atmos for Headphone is excellent, if that's something that interests you.

To turn these things off, you either go to an executable Properties by right clicking it like this (for disabling "fullscreen optimizations"):


To disable the Game DVR and Game Mode, go to Windows 10 settings and click "Gaming":




Other than those you shouldn't have any issues, and it shouldn't hurt your current performance, it'll most likely improve it.

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