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Is Nova Op?


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Nova Ult - (Maxed Power) = 1000-4000 damage. (I need a few answers to her ult though to do alot more)

Max Saryn Ult = 1300 damage

Saryn Ult Max power + Max Continuity = 1690 damage

Saryn Ult Max Power + Max Continuity + Max Constitution = 2054 damage


That's not how Saryns ultimate works, continuity and constitution are bugged (for miasma) and don't always affect it and it never does 2054 damage. You just calculated what it should do, which is not what it does.


I might make a wrong assumption here but as I understand it when one of the molecular prime targets blows up it does 1040 (max focus) damage to everything around it right? So if you have two targets one blows up and it will deal 1040 damage to the other one, but does molecular prime 2x damage debuff even affect molecular prime itself turning it into 2080 damage? I'll check it later when I have time. 


But if it works like I think it works, you have 10 enemies 1st target blows up the other 9 takes 1040 damage, 2nd target blows up the others take another 1040 damage, 3rd target another 1040 etc Last target will take 9360 combined damage if it has that much health. (and you manage to get all the others to explode) Or 18720 if molecular prime doubles damage from itself.


I do have Nova but haven't played her since I got her to 30, busy leveling loki atm. Only need to get Ash and Excalibur to 30 as well then I got em all.


Oh and saryns miserable 10m range on Miasma needs a buff if the new range for all AoEs seem to be 20m+. Molecular Prime has more like 25m (range of molecular prime) +15m (range of explosion) making it 40m range of death and destruction where everything dies.

Edited by Mikki79
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I said it before, and I will say it again. Nova is "OP" only in a team. Her shields and HP are terrible. So that's a pretty good balance.


I do extremley well in groups, but can't solo anything.

Well, duh! Noone cares if a frame is OP in solo, since it doesn't ruin anyone's game. As that's the main issue here, M.Prime's huge radius ruins the game for many people. That's why people complain that she's OP. 

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In a Kappa mission while I was leveling my Torid, a Nova kept her AM Drop in my cloud of smog for testing. It hit crap for over 150k. Was kinda cool.  Makes me wonder if I had the mods maxed out at the time if the damage would have amplified more.

Edited by Reokudo
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Well, duh! Noone cares if a frame is OP in solo, since it doesn't ruin anyone's game. As that's the main issue here, M.Prime's huge radius ruins the game for many people. That's why people complain that she's OP.

I just took her to Void Tier 3 defense and she Couldn't kill anything beyond wave 10. The enemies where to far spread out. most of my allies weapons killed the enemies before i could cast. and when i did pull it off it was far from killing anything.


I seriously think you guys should try her out in the harder content before you start screaming OP and crying for nerfs. (it appears the only ones saying she is OP only play easy to beat content. Go figure.)



Edited by S3ven0F13
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Funny thing no one try to +1 which says "M-Prime's range is needs to be nerfed" or something but "PLZNERFTHIS" or some sort of it (no disrespect, though).


...I'm really starting to think they're just QQing about that they can't use nova and kill a !@#$ton of enemies with it in kappa or somewhere which is weak and easy to beat cuz they're really lazy to farm raptor and get parts from that......



Edit: O nvm about "M-Prime's -snip-", but why there's +1 on "PLZNERFTHIS" or some sort of it.

Edited by WhiteNekophus
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I dunno why people care that much that M prime cant kill as well past wave what, 50? It then is a huge aoe slow and 100% dmg buff. 100%! Too much packed into one skill, I'd have the slow removed probably or do something like shift the dmg and slow to another ability.


I'll agree that Mol Prime makes the game really not fun for anyone else. Same with all aoes that just wipe the room. 

Edited by Zephyraya
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That's not how Saryns ultimate works, continuity and constitution are bugged (for miasma) and don't always affect it and it never does 2054 damage. You just calculated what it should do, which is not what it does.


I might make a wrong assumption here but as I understand it when one of the molecular prime targets blows up it does 1040 (max focus) damage to everything around it right? So if you have two targets one blows up and it will deal 1040 damage to the other one, but does molecular prime 2x damage debuff even affect molecular prime itself turning it into 2080 damage? I'll check it later when I have time. 


But if it works like I think it works, you have 10 enemies 1st target blows up the other 9 takes 1040 damage, 2nd target blows up the others take another 1040 damage, 3rd target another 1040 etc Last target will take 9360 combined damage if it has that much health. (and you manage to get all the others to explode) Or 18720 if molecular prime doubles damage from itself.


I do have Nova but haven't played her since I got her to 30, busy leveling loki atm. Only need to get Ash and Excalibur to 30 as well then I got em all.


Oh and saryns miserable 10m range on Miasma needs a buff if the new range for all AoEs seem to be 20m+. Molecular Prime has more like 25m (range of molecular prime) +15m (range of explosion) making it 40m range of death and destruction where everything dies.


The ultimate explosion bit is you have to have them perfectly setup, and near each other to cause a chain reaction.

I agree the range on Nova ult is a bit silly, and honestly I could see that being the only thing that needs a nerf about her. I believe she's right on par where she should be overall, and if anything other frames need to come up a bit in their departments so many of them are lacking so much. Also the "last target" will only take 9000 damage if they all explode ontop of it from what I've seen. Also do we know if MPrime doubles it's own damage?


The note about Saryns ult not taking into account the two mods is a bug, and should be adressed. I only did the math on another AOE frame that does heavy damage, it's pretty sad that it doesn't work that way. But at the same time, I'll stick behind my math and hope DE fixes the bug so it does what it should and they won't bring down other Frames because their stuff is bugged out.


But what I posted a little ago is below more about nova play from what I've seen.


I've done more playing/testing of nova and she's not OP at all. If anything she's a utility heavy frame, and makes everyone else look even better since her ult doubles ALL incoming damage. So something like a 2000 Saryn ult would do 4000 damage to all targets.


Her ult has to have enemies clumped together to be effective, otherwise it's just double damage for all players. Yes it has the potiental to do massive amounts of damage, but the risk/reward for being out there in a super squishy frame makes it need to do heavy damage. Also the ultimate does 0 damage, until you kill a target so you still have to pump insane damage into the first target to even think about doing anything useful.


Nova is a very team heavy frame, she's super weak without backup honestly. You can tell good players and bad players apart pretty easy when they're on nova. The bad ones will run right into the middle of the enemies and die while spamming her ult. Her ultimate doesn't give you reliable damage, you have to setup a chain reaction and hope there's enemies near each other, while someone like Saryn hits ultimate and the whole room melts no matter what.


The only thing I could see needing a "nerf" is her Ult range with max stretch it is a bit silly I'll admit to that, but other then that I don't feel or see anything wrong with Nova. It seems like most of the "nerf nova" crys are coming from people who don't own her.

Edited by Relynia
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As a Rhino, I'm miffed by this:



50% team DPS increase

Short/Medium range

75 energy

15s duration

M. Prime:


100% team DPS increase, uneffected by range to the enemy

50% enemy slow

Extra chain explosion effect on enemy kill

100 energy

60s duration


Yeah, M. Prime is an ult, but is 25 energy worth outdoing another skill by 4x the duration, 2x the effect, disregarding the range for team DPS buff, adding a 50% slow and a chain reacting explosion on enemy death?


After the revamp, Rhino is one of the more balanced frames and has a very capable skillset. Comparing these two skills really highlights some of the problems to me. To those stating that nova "can only defense", if we accept the premise that roar is potentially rhino's most capable bossing skill due to its team support effects, how is M. Prime's versatility and capability both for team damage increase AND trash mob clearance not overpowered?

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I just took her to Void Tier 3 defense and she Couldn't kill anything beyond wave 10. The enemies where to far spread out. most of my allies weapons killed the enemies before i could cast. and when i did pull it off it was far from killing anything.


I seriously think you guys should try her out in the harder content before you start screaming OP and crying for nerfs. (it appears the only ones saying she is OP only play easy to beat content. Go figure.)



If that was aimed at me, then thank you for your concerns but I do have Nova actually. With 4 formas in her. And I played her in T3 defense too. And I still think her M.Prime should be tweaked. Shocking, I know.


P.S. a tip: in T3 defense you can catch the enemy wave while they are going through the door, at which point they are not spread out. Quickly pop warp gate above them, cast M.Prime in the air while your falling down and then quickly warp back. That way you prime the whole wave. It's risky, but if you are careful/quick, it shouldn't be a problem. 

Edited by Balerion84
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If that was aimed at me, then thank you for your concerns but I do have Nova actually. With 4 formas in her. And I played her in T3 defense too. And I still think her M.Prime should be tweaked. Shocking, I know.


P.S. a tip: in T3 defense you can catch the enemy wave while they are going through the door, at which point they are not spread out. Quickly pop warp gate above them, cast M.Prime in the air while your falling down and then quickly warp back. That way you prime the whole wave. It's risky, but if you are careful/quick, it shouldn't be a problem. 


I formaed my Nova only 3 Times yet, I'm fine with M.Prime. Its overrated. Your Warp - m.Prime - Warp Suggestion costs 200 Energy.. How often can you do that? ;)

If you nerf M.Prime and/or A.Drop, I want Nova's Shields buffed to same amount like Volt.


And I think comparing Rhino to Nova Damage-Wise is really wrong. We also don't compare defensive abilities of Nova and Rhino, do we?

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I formaed my Nova only 3 Times yet, I'm fine with M.Prime. Its overrated. Your Warp - m.Prime - Warp Suggestion costs 200 Energy.. How often can you do that? ;)

If you nerf M.Prime and/or A.Drop, I want Nova's Shields buffed to same amount like Volt.


And I think comparing Rhino to Nova Damage-Wise is really wrong. We also don't compare defensive abilities of Nova and Rhino, do we?

200 energy? Someone here is doing his math wrong or is forgetting about streamline+flow and 4 maxed siphons ;)

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At low levels M. Prime is a good kill-all, while at high levels it's a good slow/debuff. I'd prefer it to stay how it is, but the extra damage could go away or be reduced to only +50% damage and only 25% movespeed reduction, with the tradeoff of dealing more damage during the explosion.


Fun story time: Running Xini (Eris) for keys so I could do a T3 and get the video of Nova pwning it, but I ended up with a Frost. You know the kind, slow globe on the pod vs infested. I tell the guy to stop putting globe on the pod and he tells me to "stop qq, more pew pew". So I do. Normally I sit up on my perch and play passively and just use M. Prime -> Null Star and let it work its magic up to wave 10, but I put myself in a more aggressive position and stopped browsing the forums while I played. 70% damage dealt, 351 kills. Frost lets the pod die. It was only wave 13 or so :/ Frosty only gets 47 kills, using a bow no less (2% total team damage). At least once his snow globe blocked an M. Prime, against a pack of ancients too.


Point is, Nova being OP is mostly because some people get how to use her. She's got a very clear, singular role that other frames wish they could fill. Some frames, like Ember, Saryn, or Mag, are also in the AOE damage-dealing class, but they're only halfway there. Ember is also an emergency tank, Mag is also CC, and Saryn has distract/evade capabilities. Nova is 100% within this class, with complementing skills like Null Star and Worm Hole for being able to move in and stagger enemies to make her a little survivable. Just like how Frosty up above wasn't filling his role (using a stealth weapon on a defensive warframe against the wrong faction; Vauban is a better choice vs infested), Nova can either suck if she's used wrong or pwn if she's used right. I use her almost exclusively because her powers are so useful and I consistently deal the most damage or get the most kills, even if rushing. It's what Nova does.


Edit: Another story. I played a good T2 defense just now. I played in an aggressive position (2nd floor) for the first 13 or so rounds, before moving to the first floor to play slightly more defensively. We won (no Frost required; Ash, Volt, and Rhino) and I only dealt 20% of the total damage, despite playing aggressively and using M. Prime at least 25 times. I got the most goon kills by at least 125 kills, but my team handled the big targets that made it past me. At higher levels she's transitions out of the damage-dealing class and into a debuffing class. The real problem is that at low levels, she does kill just about everything. I'd balance her by making M. Prime deal damage relative to the level of the enemy. Low level enemies take less damage, whereas higher level enemies take more. I'd also reduce the damage buff for M. Prime to only 50% and reduce the slow to 25% (both however then affected by Focus).


TL;DR: Nova is the only purely damage-dealing class warframe, and as such will be a heavy hitter. Her being OP is only because no other warframe is purely within that class.

Edited by PublikDomain
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As a Rhino, I'm miffed by this:




50% team DPS increase

Short/Medium range

75 energy

15s duration

M. Prime:


100% team DPS increase, uneffected by range to the enemy

50% enemy slow

Extra chain explosion effect on enemy kill

100 energy

60s duration


Yeah, M. Prime is an ult, but is 25 energy worth outdoing another skill by 4x the duration, 2x the effect, disregarding the range for team DPS buff, adding a 50% slow and a chain reacting explosion on enemy death?


After the revamp, Rhino is one of the more balanced frames and has a very capable skillset. Comparing these two skills really highlights some of the problems to me. To those stating that nova "can only defense", if we accept the premise that roar is potentially rhino's most capable bossing skill due to its team support effects, how is M. Prime's versatility and capability both for team damage increase AND trash mob clearance not overpowered?


thats a very good comparison u make via rhino and puts it into perspective instead of just comparing say miasma 

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I formaed my Nova only 3 Times yet, I'm fine with M.Prime. Its overrated. Your Warp - m.Prime - Warp Suggestion costs 200 Energy.. How often can you do that? ;)

If you nerf M.Prime and/or A.Drop, I want Nova's Shields buffed to same amount like Volt.


And I think comparing Rhino to Nova Damage-Wise is really wrong. We also don't compare defensive abilities of Nova and Rhino, do we?


I made a simple comparison out of context between skills. You're right, Rhino has better defensive abilities than Nova. I'm not really sure what that's supposed to mean, though. You seem to be implying that she should have the damage because she's damage focused, but that wasn't the point of my comparison. For a mere 33% increase in cost, you do double the effect for the team over an infinite area (once it's already cast) for 4x the duration with an added 50% slow and chain explosion on enemy kill when considering roar vs. M. Prime. 


Please simply compare those two skills objectively; it really speaks for itself.



thats a very good comparison u make via rhino and puts it into perspective instead of just comparing say miasma 

Thank you; I'd hoped to help really put some numbers behind the argument and saw something noone else has commented on.

Edited by Seox
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As a Rhino, I'm miffed by this:




50% team DPS increase

Short/Medium range

75 energy

15s duration

M. Prime:


100% team DPS increase, uneffected by range to the enemy

50% enemy slow

Extra chain explosion effect on enemy kill

100 energy

60s duration


Yeah, M. Prime is an ult, but is 25 energy worth outdoing another skill by 4x the duration, 2x the effect, disregarding the range for team DPS buff, adding a 50% slow and a chain reacting explosion on enemy death?


After the revamp, Rhino is one of the more balanced frames and has a very capable skillset. Comparing these two skills really highlights some of the problems to me. To those stating that nova "can only defense", if we accept the premise that roar is potentially rhino's most capable bossing skill due to its team support effects, how is M. Prime's versatility and capability both for team damage increase AND trash mob clearance not overpowered?

Err... You do realize that Rhino has basically double the shields and triple the armor right? I know you're comparing a number "3" ability vs. an ultimate power (and you acknowledge in your post too), but you should see there are other facets, rather than a single ability you don't like.

I'm running all frames and each one has a place in this game. Rhino's stomp is probably a better comparison, and it does have better range than m-prime. I mean rather than slowing enemies down, 2x damage, chain explosion killing. It makes everything float in the air in slow motion, sorta like a short term bastille, and enemies mostly stay ragdolled as if they were hit by a kestrel or something if they weren't killed by it.

Again, I have all frames, so there's no point in me putting one down and protecting another here. But yeah, plenty of my in game friends are able to score just as many if not more kills/damage using a Rhino as with a Nova.

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Err... You do realize that Rhino has basically double the shields and triple the armor right? I know you're comparing a number "3" ability vs. an ultimate power (and you acknowledge in your post too), but you should see there are other facets, rather than a single ability you don't like.

I'm running all frames and each one has a place in this game. Rhino's stomp is probably a better comparison, and it does have better range than m-prime. I mean rather than slowing enemies down, 2x damage, chain explosion killing. It makes everything float in the air in slow motion, sorta like a short term bastille, and enemies mostly stay ragdolled as if they were hit by a kestrel or something if they weren't killed by it.

Again, I have all frames, so there's no point in me putting one down and protecting another here. But yeah, plenty of my in game friends are able to score just as many if not more kills/damage using a Rhino as with a Nova.


It doesn't matter how much shields or health Rhino has; we're talking about a skill that costs only 25 energy more that more than three times outdoes the other skill. No amount of armor, shields or health justifies making a skill obsolete like this. A skill that costs 100 points should be 33% stronger than a skill that costs 75 points, not twice the effectiveness and four times the duration before even mentioning the slow and primary effect.


The fact of that matter is that a skill that costs only a small amount more is several orders of magnitude more potent, and this should never be the case.

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It doesn't matter how much shields or health Rhino has; we're talking about a skill that costs only 25 energy more that more than three times outdoes the other skill. No amount of armor, shields or health justifies making a skill obsolete like this. A skill that costs 100 points should be 33% stronger than a skill that costs 75 points, not twice the effectiveness and four times the duration before even mentioning the slow and primary effect.


The fact of that matter is that a skill that costs only a small amount more is several orders of magnitude more potent, and this should never be the case.

Err... Yah but Nova's #3 let's her teleport from one place to another and isn't a damage skill at all. Whereas Rhino's buffs himself and teammates offense. Rhino also has an ultimate, which you haven't mentioned at all and you ARE making a point about Nova's ultimate aren't you?

I get what you're doing with numbers here, but trying to make a case with Rhino's roar vs M-Prime. I'm just not buying it. I am allowed to express that, just as you are able to express your opinions.

I mean.. If we're going to do this, then hey, let's start comparing Loki's radial disarm or talk about Trinity's abilities... Again... Every frame in this game plays a different role.

Comparing apples to oranges, isn't going to buy your argument much merit. No I don't have any trouble reading or understanding what you've written. But it's the validity of your comparison that I have issue with.

If we're talking balancing here, I'm just saying there are many other facets to consider. Yeah Nova has a strong ultimate that's useful in crowd control, but once against higher level enemies, she'll need that to survive because she has less shields and armor. Rhino also has Iron Skin which basically grants him ability to take even more damage.

To be honest the time that I press #4 while using Nova is really the same time I'd press #4 when using a Rhino.

It's a simple concept really. Squishier frames have stronger abilities to compensate most of the time. (poor Loki though.) If they made Vauban a tank with all of his current abilities, well let's just say he'd be God frame and there'd be little reason to play anything else.

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It doesn't matter how much shields or health Rhino has; we're talking about a skill that costs only 25 energy more that more than three times outdoes the other skill. No amount of armor, shields or health justifies making a skill obsolete like this. A skill that costs 100 points should be 33% stronger than a skill that costs 75 points, not twice the effectiveness and four times the duration before even mentioning the slow and primary effect.


The fact of that matter is that a skill that costs only a small amount more is several orders of magnitude more potent, and this should never be the case.

you're wrong when you say that it doesn't matter how much shields or armour rhino has. because there is something called risk.

a skill requiring you to take risks to use needs to be more efficient than a skill which doesn't. the higher the risk, the higher the potency.

this is why comparing 2 skills from different frames purely by their effects/direct costs is a bad idea.

externalities need to be taken into account.




does roar need changes? yeah, probably.

should those changes make it only 25% (the difference in cost) less efficient than M.Prime? no, certainly not. because nova takes way more risks using M.Prime than rhino using roar.

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I tried Nova using my friend's account few days ago .

Before then ,I thought Nova would be OP.


It didn't take long to find out some major weakness of Nova .

The Null star is useful ,it blows charger like garbage.

But it can not protect myself against ranged enemies,shield lancers and runners(these two can still hit me in the face before the stars hit them).

Nova has really weak shield ,went to M prime at rank 13 ,the shield was easily blown up.


Mol prime is really powerful ,got many damage over  30000 when doing void runs and defenses .

But it takes risk,huge risk ,to make it go stronger (though i can still control it after i am down) 

and when using sniping weapons ,it doesn't worth the ammo to do this.


I think Nova has good balance .

(Since i decided to stick with my Saryn and Frost :3)

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So it's starting to seem like the arguments people are making on both sides of the spectrum are mostly rehashing the same points that were made on the first couple of pages on this thread.  I'm probably not contributing anything new, but I wanted to share this stance.


The only qualm that I really have is that defense has basically become completely hands off for me as a non-Nova player.  I run Xini to wave 10 or so a lot to farm experience and void keys, and since a day or two after Update 9 almost all of my runs have included a Nova on the team.  Usually, I run as a Nyx for the great crowd control.  But for the first time that I've experienced, I can consistently idle to victory.  Whenever the main room gets moderately crowded with enemies such that using my Chaos ability is called for, a Molecular Prime gets popped and the entire room suddenly goes from full to empty.


As Nyx, I contribute nothing to the defense because Novas kill everything before I can step in.  I can't participate.  This was never a problem for me before.  People are likening Nova's power to Vauban, but at least when a Vauban pops his Bastille I have things to attack.  Embers come close, but the 3 target at a time limit on World on Fire doesn't compete with Molecular Prime taking everything out with one instant explosion.


I also experience this in other mission types, but Novas are rarer and there are less situations where Molecular Prime kills a million things at once. 


tl;dr At my level of play, Novas remove the need for me to participate in missions.  Not exactly fun.


It seems like this could be resolved by raising the energy cost of Molecular Prime to 125 so it's a little less frequently used, but I'm not a game design expert or anything.  

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does roar need changes? yeah, probably.

should those changes make it only 25% (the difference in cost) less efficient than M.Prime? no, certainly not. because nova takes way more risks using M.Prime than rhino using roar.


Nova taking a risk using molecular prime, really? with it's 25 yard range as long as you're not being at total noob you don't need to take any risk. On a defense mission you can sit back near cryopod and still have better range than a Saryn 15m in front of you.

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So it's starting to seem like the arguments people are making on both sides of the spectrum are mostly rehashing the same points that were made on the first couple of pages on this thread.  I'm probably not contributing anything new, but I wanted to share this stance.


The only qualm that I really have is that defense has basically become completely hands off for me as a non-Nova player.  I run Xini to wave 10 or so a lot to farm experience and void keys, and since a day or two after Update 9 almost all of my runs have included a Nova on the team.  Usually, I run as a Nyx for the great crowd control.  But for the first time that I've experienced, I can consistently idle to victory.  Whenever the main room gets moderately crowded with enemies such that using my Chaos ability is called for, a Molecular Prime gets popped and the entire room suddenly goes from full to empty.


As Nyx, I contribute nothing to the defense because Novas kill everything before I can step in.  I can't participate.  This was never a problem for me before.  People are likening Nova's power to Vauban, but at least when a Vauban pops his Bastille I have things to attack.  Embers come close, but the 3 target at a time limit on World on Fire doesn't compete with Molecular Prime taking everything out with one instant explosion.


I also experience this in other mission types, but Novas are rarer and there are less situations where Molecular Prime kills a million things at once. 


tl;dr At my level of play, Novas remove the need for me to participate in missions.  Not exactly fun.


It seems like this could be resolved by raising the energy cost of Molecular Prime to 125 so it's a little less frequently used, but I'm not a game design expert or anything.  



I don't even pick my Nyx on defense missions anymore. I just feel useless.


"This looks like a good time to use Chaos!"


*Nova cast's Molecular Pime*


"Nope, guess I was wrong."


Sure Nyx is probably more valuable at Wave 50+, but who cares? There is no reason to go pass Wave 15. If you have a properly modded Nova on your team, you might as well sit back and enjoy the fireworks. Sometimes I'm okay with that, but there are times when I want to contribute to the team as well.


Edit: Just joined a defense mission. There are TWO Novas on my team. lol 

Edited by Yinkuji
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tl;dr At my level of play, Novas remove the need for me to participate in missions.  Not exactly fun.


It seems like this could be resolved by raising the energy cost of Molecular Prime to 125 so it's a little less frequently used, but I'm not a game design expert or anything.  


Unlike other peoples' opinion here, i feel nyx + nova make a terrific combination. Though i can understand Nyx feeling like her toes are being stepped on (which is true to an extent). However, being able to pop chaos on everything then mol. prime them to death is a great combination. Not only are all the weenies wiped out, but the stronger/hardier ones that survive are busy fighting one another. Keep in mind Nyx's ultimate is great from a defensive standpoint, but in the end without a nova everyone's still gonna have to kill all the confused mobs in order to get xp (which is still easy to do for Saryn or Ember). Nova just speeds this process along a bit more reliably.


In the end, with and/or without a nova, Nyx's power simply shifts from a defensive necessity to a support ability, both instances are within the role of the nyx frame.

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