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Selling warframes gives back orokin reactor


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when i get a new weapon, and decide i like it better than what i had, i strip all the mods off of it for future use...so why shouldn't i be able to strip the orokin catalyst off of it, too for future use?

because it is not profitable for someone.

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The argument that it isn't profitable doesn't really make a lot of sense though. When you remove the catalyst or reactor, you still only have one reactor/catalyst. It's not like you magically get two back. Which means you probably still have a plethora of weapons and frames that need charging. Which means that every single one of those non-charged weapons is a chance for profit.

Not to mention that if someone pays plat for a frame and then finds out they don't like it, they're now faced with the scenario where they spent about 10-25$ on a Frame, and they can't even get 5$ of that back through getting the reactor back? Doesn't make for a very good model at all with the current difficulty in getting reactors and catalysts without paying.

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Actually, I would argue it doesn't make sense to remove a catalyst/reactor. Once applied, it has supercharged the weapon. For all we know you're squeezing the catalyst/reactor like an orange to get all that orokin magic out onto the object in question. Maybe you're burning it out in exchange for a beastlier machine. Who knows? Just like how you can't break a gun back down into alloys and neurodes....

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when i get a new weapon, and decide i like it better than what i had, i strip all the mods off of it for future use...so why shouldn't i be able to strip the orokin catalyst off of it, too for future use?

Because a "catalyst" is something that gives start to some sort of action. A match-stick is a fire catalyst. You don't get the match back if you put out the fire.

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If you could get it back you just whould need one at all, and you whould probalbly swicth it back to the neccessary weapon each time you need it.

Ofcourse they want money it´s an company they need it for food employees and else. If it that eas to play the game to the fullest without any cent no one whould by anything. yes there are people with no money but seriusly from all f2p games this one gives you plenty of oppertunity to nor spend a sigle dime.

Just think twich befor you super charge a weapon and then you should be happy with it

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Because a "catalyst" is something that gives start to some sort of action. A match-stick is a fire catalyst. You don't get the match back if you put out the fire.

A catalyst is something that accelerates a reaction without being consumed itself. It's misnamed.

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If you could unattach Orokin parts, you'd only need 1 reactor and 3 catalysts. How this is detrimental to the current system is obvious to all, I am sure.

It doesn't change the fact that the Orokin system is inherently flawed. But within the vacuum of its existence, it needs to be as it is.

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If you could unattach Orokin parts, you'd only need 1 reactor and 3 catalysts. How this is detrimental to the current system is obvious to all, I am sure.

It doesn't change the fact that the Orokin system is inherently flawed. But within the vacuum of its existence, it needs to be as it is.

that first part isn't fully true.

yes you do need 1 reactor and 3 cataylst for 1 warframe set up but you can have more than 1 warframe.

but this will also allow you to find the right mid-end game setup you like.

though i already made a thread about detaching these and coming at a high credit cost to detach them. hell respecing your warframe is 60,000 credits,

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Honestly, I used a Reactor on Rhino and I regret it dearly. I sold him, and didn't even get the Reactor back.. That stings, it really does. Even more so with the fact that getting reactors without platinum is essentially impossible(inb4 "they drop on alerts stop complaining", the drop rate is horrendous and basically amounts to players sitting around waiting for a ? alert to pop up and trying it. I'd hope the game would have more motivational content then that.)

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If you could unattach Orokin parts, you'd only need 1 reactor and 3 catalysts. How this is detrimental to the current system is obvious to all, I am sure.

It doesn't change the fact that the Orokin system is inherently flawed. But within the vacuum of its existence, it needs to be as it is.

This is true, but I would argue only to a certain extent. To the extreme F2P'er, this is definitely true. They would only need 1 reactor and 3 catalysts because those are players who, while they enjoy the game, either don't want to or can't give money to the developer (or can't give as much as they'd like due to a plethora of reasons). To anyone else, this is only partially true. For example, I personally could probably reason in my head that yes, I only need 1 reactor and 3 catalysts, and that's as far as I'll go. But a shiny new Warframe will catch my eye and then I'll be tempted with the funds in my wallet. Not only that, but I have the ability to support DE and I want to, so inevitably I'll go for the additional reactors and catalysts, thus providing cash flow.

And you're right, with the system as it is now, having detachable superchargers would definitely be a detriment. But this is what this forum is for: providing feedback so we can move beyond the system we have now, which is as you also pointed out, flawed. So perhaps consider the following:

-Superchargers can be detachable, but weapons that they're detached from are either destroyed or deleveled back to 15. Moving the supercharger back onto said weapon unlocks the branches again, but you'd have to level the weapon back up. In addition, require a fee in credits to detach the supercharger in regards to the deleveling option (because if you're destroying the weapon, well, that's the fee). This way, you would still have to think carefully about whether or not you really want to detach that supercharger. This also eliminates the ability to just freely throw a supercharger around a set of lvl 30 weapons.

-For Warframes, I suggest that the Warframe is destroyed when the Reactor is detached. You get the reactor back, but you lose the Warframe. It's that simple. Thus again, a balance that requires some thought into whether or not you really want that reactor back. A small loss for those who thought they'd like a Warframe but end up not, but a nice safeguard against just simply swapping the reactor around.

-Or alternatively, just fix the way you can obtain superchargers in the game. There are already lots of threads about that though, so I won't go into any details there.

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You foilks need to remember that the whole "Orokin Reactor/Catalyst" thing is fairly new, and a much better alternative than the previous method to supercharge equipment...

Remember this is closed beta. DE is listening, so keep the discussion civil and do, please, think on what you are about to say before saying it. A good argument falls on deaf ears if its poorly worded, and a counterproductive feature can get implemented if whoever suggests it has a shark mouth/fingers

(do sharks have fingers? I don't know.. but i'm pretty sure they can type on keyboards. Sharks own)

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