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There should be more, more interesting challanges for Sorties


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Here are some ideas:

Idea 1; (Weapon Type) only, will use mods from (Different Weapon Slot)

ex. Shotgun Only, will use mods from Secondary Weapon Slot.

It would be interesting and fun to see what effects melee mods could have on a primary. maybe Range could make the spread on a shotgun tighter and the falloff less evident, just effect general accuracy


Idea 2; Void Surges.

A "void surge" or something would occur in the mission, causing something below to happen;

Multiplayer: Loadouts will be completely shuffled between players

(Mods are attached to equipment, so they move with the item.)

(Sentinals and their weapons are connected and will move together)

So let's say 3 people play this sortie in an invite only team.

Player 1: Ivara; Dread; Zakti; Rakta Dark Dagger; Helios Prime

Player 2: Nova Prime; Tigris Prime; Akbronco Prime; Atterax; Smeeta Kavat

Player 3: Rhino Prime; Boltor Prime; Brakk; War; Carrier Prime

They begin the sortie, to find that their loadouts have been changed to:

Player 1: Nova Prime; Boltor Prime; Zakti; War; Smeeta Kavat

Player 2: Rhino Prime; Dread; Brakk; Rakta Dark Dagger; Helios Prime

Player 3: Ivara; Tigris Prime; Akbronco Prime; Atterax; Carrier Prime

(Keep in mind, FashionFrame would switch over too, you would literally be controlling their warframe)

Alternatively; ausing everyone to swap with the player on their right (On the squad screen in the esc menu) You would swap into their loadout, literally their warframe, you would also be swapped to their position in the world, because that makes sense and adds to the challenge.

Singleplayer: Loadout will be randomized every so often in-mission.

(Same as hitting randomize in the arsenal)

Post below with your own idea!

I'll be updating the OP with ideas as i get them

Edited by TennoHack
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I like the idea of having more unique sortie modifiers as I feel the current modifiers are a bit too "basic". Most of them come down to either "You must use this weapon" or "The enemies do more damage/take less damage". However, I disagree with modifiers such as switching loadouts between players. I feel that could create a problem with leavers and/or toxicity/trolling

As a basic example, someone bringing in completely unmodded/unlevelled equipment to mess with their squadmates.
Or perhaps a player absolutely despises playing with a certain weapon type (For whatever reason. Not important now), they may just land up leaving the mission all together. Depending on when they leave, they could strand the squad in a difficult situation.

Weapons using mods from different weapon types could be cool as long as some details are sorted out (Maybe ensuring mods actually have an effect on the weapon). It'll likely just lead to people recreating their build on whatever weapon is being used as the modding material but at least it'll be something unique to think about.

Another condition that may be somewhat of an okay idea to add in to sorties is minibosses. Such as the G3 or Zanuka. It should be a requirement to kill them to finish the mission to avoid just running away. Besides, it'd make sense that the people in charge of these super important facilities that we're busy sortie...ing(?) may call in specialised support in order to deal with us.

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I kinda have to agree with all of that, but life isn't perfect, and people are jerks, if you wanna avoid trolls, play with friends, decent players, its not DE's fault if someone joins your squad with unranked mk-1 gear, its yours and his. It would insentivise making organized teams, that arn't the stand here do this kind.

I also had another idea for after warrior tenno are out. Void Disruption, it would disable your warframe under a certain condition depending on the mission, (I can picture an animation of your warframe being electrified and thrown back and your tenno being launched from the warframe backward further than the warframe, as if your warframe was punched in the chest and your tenno was ripped from their chair through transference and into the level), and you can't reenter your warframe until the lotus solves the void disruption, maybe its some kind of void phenomenon that's being caused directly by your warframe; In a survival it could happen every few minutes for 30 seconds, or at the 5 minute mark for a full minute; In a Spy it could be caused by the data in each datanode and its causing the spyroom to be surrounded in a field that disables your warframe, ect. But as previously stated this would have to happen AFTER the Tenno form becomes PLAYABLE.

Being able to pick and choose your tenno's power set would be nice, i could use a void energy shield on right click at the expense of the cloak.

But the worst part of the tenno form is the lack of energy; but i digress, and i'm going to continue for one more line

I'm playing operator only on a venus spy right now and its so much fun, mainly because its such a realistic departure from the normal gameplay.

Edited by TennoHack
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10 hours ago, TennoHack said:

Singleplayer: Loadout will be randomized every so often in-mission.

(Same as hitting randomize in the arsenal)

This would be terrible. I would effectively be punished for having a huge selection of weapons and warframes. This would also do literally nothing to the hypothetical players who have only one of each thing. The next best thing might be having the player be forced to choose something entirely different for each of the three missions, but now it's no longer a modifier. 

As for the multiplayer aspect, this would just introduce toxicity in pubs. You get the trolls, people who hate on others loadout choice, and then you get the builds that only work with a specific mindset or knowledge. Sure, the latter might encourage communication, but would likely just make people bring "meta" and simple things like tigris+slowva or wukong. 

10 hours ago, TennoHack said:

Idea 1; (Weapon Type) only, will use mods from (Different Weapon Slot)

ex. Shotgun Only, will use mods from Secondary Weapon Slot.

This wouldn't introduce any "challenge" to the sorties. It would be trivial to mod your secondary properly, and would result in the player having even more powerful weaponry than before, considering that secondary mods have higher numbers than shotgun and primary (220 vs 165). 

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