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Buff Charged Chamber Or Give Us Primed!


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I request to double the % on the Charged Chamber to close the gap between charged (40%) and primed (100%) chamber.


Since you won't give us the Primed Chamber as a rare drop to be farmed and rather let us hang with statements like "I imagine it will appear again in future events" which either means we have to wait weeks or months for the next Event where Primed Chamber will be another reward for the Top X player in a Leaderboard where exploiters will still win over the legit crowd or that the mod may never return at all atleast give us something comparable and not a joke like 40% charge chamber.


Buff it to 20% base (+per level) so it caps at 80% for 9 Energy. That's only fair and comparable to Primed chamber which caps at 100% for 7 Energy. The 100 that "earned" their mod still have something special and better and the rest of the community won't make new threads about this on a weekly basis.


If you leave charged chamber as useless as it is right now you may aswell delete it because noone will waste a mod slot for it..and when you know there is actually 100 good versions of that mod out there it just makes you sad.. and believe me... it's not only 100 people that are sad about it.


Buff charged Chamber or give us Primed!

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Read the recent topic about this same issue, Rebecca herself has stated this.


Ah, we did not say the Primed Chamber mod is Exclusive to the Drone weekend event, it was just the first time it was introduced. Sorry for the confusion there! I imagine it will appear again in future events.

event exclusive.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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guys i get that 100 people got a better version of the public mod but i really dont think both mods should be the exact same, i honestly think theirs should be better, maybe our version is a bit crappier then it should be but yes i think prime chamber should be better then charged, that way the next event you have reason to not "stop at 20 and let the rest of the community deal with it"

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I dont think they said that it was exclusive. Either that or they said it a few days after the event ended.

Ah, we did not say the Primed Chamber mod is Exclusive to the Drone weekend event, it was just the first time it was introduced. Sorry for the confusion there! I imagine it will appear again in future events.

event exclusive.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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I think that Primed Chamber should be an exclusive to the top 100 of the event. Let's face it guys, they tried really hard for it and they deserve something unique. I've done around 100 kills on the event so why would I have a chance to get it? At least, it's too soon to make it public imo since if I was in those top 100 I'd be really mad that everyone could get it now.

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I think that Primed Chamber should be an exclusive to the top 100 of the event. Let's face it guys, they tried really hard for it and they deserve something unique. I've done around 100 kills on the event so why would I have a chance to get it? At least, it's too soon to make it public imo since if I was in those top 100 I'd be really mad that everyone could get it now.

Cosmetic rewards would have been better, and the mod should be in the pool, (They nolifed/nosleep'd/bug exploited their way to victory, the average player can't compete with that if it remains event exclusive.)


You're an average player who can't spend hours on end killing the same thing to be rewarded something unfairly, and therefore wants to be able to compete with everyone fairly even though you have a social life.

FTFY (like hayden said /shamelessly stolen)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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We have made this thread over a hundred times and we are becoming more efficient at it.


I agree with OP, only cosmetic items should be given out as a reward if the chances of getting it are too steep, anything that effects gameplay is a poor choice that infuriates the community.

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You want Primed Chamber? When the next event comes up where it's a reward, you do what the top100 did and earn it.

When an event with rewards comes around in WoW/Rift/Aion/Etc, do you see them handing those rewards at any other time besides the intended event? No.

Do you get new years sales on days other than new year? No.

Does whining like a brat change anything? Certainly not.

TL;DR DealWithIt.GIF

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I find primed chamber to be easily replacable with other mods, like Wildfire or something. You dont get the 100% damage on the first shot, but don't stand there reloading all day as well as you can make a decent use of you full magazine.

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No, quit whining. You don't have to use Charged Chamber.
It IS fair that the top scorers in the event get a better mod. They did better, they spent more time on it. It's not your fault or theirs that they had/have more free time, though it was on a weekend, so many people can't say they were working.
Regardless, DE has said it'll be event exclusive. I doubt it'll be available in the same TYPE of event. Next time they have an event, it might be distributed to a larger number of people, or under different circumstances. Be patient and don't be greedy.

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I would be more okay with this if they just buffed charged.


It's a giant kick in the crotch that they give us a 40% for 9 slots after the 100 people that had every second of the weekend to play gets 100% for 7 slots. Charged should be at least 70% for 7 slots. As it is right now, It's freaking useless. Charged was a bad attempt to make it okay to hand out an exclusive mod ... excuse me.. its not exclusive.. its "EVENT Exclusive"..


I will admit, that those 100 players deserves something good for going through what they did, but as it is right now, it feels more like the DE are mocking the rest of us by throwing such a useless mod in our face to silence us, and stop us from complaining about exclusive mods.


Edit: And yes, I am fustrated about this. I'm highly against exclusive items overall.

Edited by Zareek
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I don't know how many people in this thread are either blind or ignorant but i'm pretty sure there is a big part about "Buffing Charged Chamber to a usable level where it is no longer a total waste of a mod slot compared to Primed" somewhere.


Even if DE will continue to hand out Primed Chambers in future Events to the "Top 100 Exploiters" does not change the fact that Charged Chamber is total crap. If they buff it to 80% like i requested.. noone will give a damn about Primed anymore and the 100 still have their cheaper, better and omfglolsopretty mod to brag.

Edited by Namacyst
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