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What Things Should I Know Before Entering The Void?



Hello there,


I have a couple of void keys, mainly tier 2 keys, and I would like to get into the void and play that part of the game. I would like to get the Frost Prime warframe as well as any other prime weapons.


I have a potatoed ember, however not fully modded, and I have a lvl 30 boltor and potatoed kunais as well as an orthos and dual ether. 


My question is, what should I know before entering the void? Should I have specific warframes, should I be in teams and all that stuff. I mostly play with random people, although I am part of a clan and I could ask some members there.


Thanks in advance,



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Hello there,


I have a couple of void keys, mainly tier 2 keys, and I would like to get into the void and play that part of the game. I would like to get the Frost Prime warframe as well as any other prime weapons.


I have a potatoed ember, however not fully modded, and I have a lvl 30 boltor and potatoed kunais as well as an orthos and dual ether. 


My question is, what should I know before entering the void? Should I have specific warframes, should I be in teams and all that stuff. I mostly play with random people, although I am part of a clan and I could ask some members there.


Thanks in advance,



No, it is just standart missons. On tier 2 you will meet level 30-50 enemis. There are traps, but you don't need to be Loki with maxed out Rush to avoid them. There are standart enemis with new models(Grineer Lancer, Corpus Crewman, Ancient Healer, Grineer Heavy Gunner, Fusion Moa and Shield Osprey). There are also some secret rooms with lockers that can contain mods. These rooms are often time attacks that will start when you press floor button. These buttons can also activate traps. Laser and shockwave traps can be destroyed with your weapon. Nobody can join the Void without your invite. Edited by Redthirst
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Firstly it depends on the mission type, mobile/defense could prove tough on your own but for the others (raid, capture, exterminate) you can do it at your own pace and wait for shields to regen etc.


Your gear sounds fine for T2. It's not particularly difficult in terms of requiring over powered gear or players. You would be fine with either your clan or random players. I've done plenty of runs and can't think of a bad one.


As for the details of what to take then you should know that the void is made up of all factions so you can't really spec solely for one. The biggest threat are still fusion moas, heavy grineer and ancients. i'd personally take a more defensive frame (i take frost, for snow globe) but again, you should be fine for T2 especially with friends. The boltor is fine, has AI and not too inefficient on ammo. Although some of the rooms are big in the void and projectile travel speed could be a downside. Kunais are fine and so is Orthos (i use mine in T3). 2H that knock down ancients on jump attacks can be really useful.


I would really give it a go and see how you fare, there's nothing to worry about. 


I would also look on the forums for information on the vault rooms; secret rooms that you can trigger which have containers with nice mods etc.


Hope that helps. 

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Watch out for floor plates. They usually appear right after you open a door and look like big square panels on the ground. They can activate traps and/or unlock secret panels with containers in some cases. The traps aren't a huge deal but sometimes it's best to avoid them.


Containers sometimes contain mods so it's even more important to open them, but always do so at a distance as some are rigged to explode and do a fair bit of damage.


Eventually you will run into a long stretch where there are two black parallel platforms with two orbs in between them. If the gate leading to this section is blocked, the back wall on the opposite side will be a vault. As soon as you touch the pressure plate in front of the gate, the wall will open and you will have a short time to get to it before it closes but the two paths will slow you down considerably and the orbs will start firing lasers. Good luck.


There are more vaults out there so be on the look out.

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  • Frames, helps to use those with oh f skills, but any will do.

  • Weapons, use those that you have modded well and which have large ammo capacity, even then you will be using ammo packs on T2 exterm
  • Don't rush, that can easily get you killed especially solo.  You can run into 3-4 ancients/Gunner heavies who also have shield ospreys keeping them shielded
  • look for pressure plates which trigger traps/secret rooms, to avoid them or use
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1. Explore every room. And take Thief's Wit with you. It's your best friend in Void.


2. Press every plate. They can activate traps, but they can also unlock secret rooms.


3. When Dethorbs are active, at first destroy top plate, so it'll stop spinning.


4. Destroy every Corrupted Shield Osprey. They are stronger, than Corpus ones and can make your life harder.

5. Take Pistol Scavenger with you. You'll use mostly Kunai, especially on T3.


6. Beware of cryo-floor. It's not lethal, but can, and will, slow you down. So do your fire rate.


7. Be careful. Very careful. Sometimes you can encounter room covered with lasers, sometimes you can jump into the water stream and get to the secret room, sometimes you can jump into the vast pit and discover entrance on the side.


8. Watch YouTube videos about secret rooms in void. Or take someone more experienced with you, so he can tell you which room is full of treasures.


9. Some mods in Void are tricky - these with red glow. They'll disappear after time, so be sure to take them asap.


10. If you see barrels "inside" the wall, there's probably pressure plate somewhere, that can open them.


11. Watch your ammo. In T3 you can really low on it very fast.


12. Use abilities. Void is full of blue orbs.


13. Kill Corrupted MOAs as fast as you can to prevent them from launching the Drone.


14. Kill Corrupted Healers in the first place - they will heal your enemies.


15. Don't get too close to Corrupted Heavys - their shockwave can throw you into the pit.


16. Use meele for killing weaker enemies - ammo is very valuable.


17. Take some heals and ammo packs with you. You'll use them. A lot.


18. Take the best possible weapons with you. And be sure, they will match eachother. Fast primary for slow, but strong secondary, or slow, but strong primary with fast secondary. Use fast one to kill mob, and strong one to kill heavy units.


19. If you can't fight - run to the previous rooms. You'll probably find energy and ammo there.


20. Use covers. They are useful, especially when fighting Corrupted Heavy.

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Thanks for the quick responses.


What level thief should I get? I also have a volt frame at level 30 non potatoed. I do have higher shields than on the ember. Should I take that instead?

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If by shields you mean Redirectiom nod, just put it on your Ember.
Also, Volt can be useful with his Speed ablity, But if he's not potato'd...Your choice.


Thief's Wit lvl 3 should be enough, I think. But even lvl 0 will do.

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Atham personally no, it has too little ammo.  I use a form'd Sobek with both ammo and magazine mods at maximum and the Despair again with maximum ammo.


One thing I forgot to mention, don't loot Containers until you really need them for ammunition.  When but not if ammo gets tight, that will help.

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Pick one powerful weapon and a ammo-efficient one.


I have no issues running t2 void with a vandaltron and a potatoed kunai. I sometimes run out of sniper ammo and have to fall back on kunais.

Barely use any abilities (though I should use more due to the massive amount of blue orbs lying around).


I've ran it countless times with an ember, and I can say that a maxed overheat with focus will save your &#! so many times it's not even fun. That's about the only useful skill, though, seeing how WoF is bugged (only damages one target).


Be sure to equip a flow mod, and redirection. Vitality is also useful, but not needed.


Be VERY wary of laser traps. They are easy to avoid, but should you get hit by one, they will deal a LOT of damage. Most of my revives come from poor positioning which lead to being damaged by lasers.


If you have a sentinel, a high-rank guardian mod is a must.


as far as Volt goes, I haven't used him a lot, but I know agility is needed for ALL vault rooms. Slower frames sometimes can do the trick, but a few have "tiered" rewards, and only the fastest frames can reach the maximum reward.


Speaking of those. SEARCH THOSE. They're the best part of the void. One t2 run can give you so many mods it's not even fun. Imagine leaving a level with 6+ rares, and countless uncommon and common mods. Yup.



Also, what loadout would you recommend for a level 27 non potatoed orthos?


I also have a braton lvl 30 non potatoed that I forgot to mention

Charge mods (killing blow and the other one), armor piercing mods, freeze damage mods. I think it should fit.


Edited by TheGambler_BR
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I am limited to the 30 levels. I am also sort of a novice to the whole stacking damage on top of another. I didn't get too much into the mathematics of the game. What would you recommend (anybody who is using a boltor).


BTW, I am having so much fun with the paris

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I am limited to the 30 levels. I am also sort of a novice to the whole stacking damage on top of another. I didn't get too much into the mathematics of the game. What would you recommend (anybody who is using a boltor).


BTW, I am having so much fun with the paris


Serration and Multishot are the most important mods you can have. Then, armor piercing and freezing mods come second (freezing doubles damages against shields and slows enemies). After that, you can mix and match to suit your needs (if you have the capacity left, that is)

On a "budget", get this order of mods:




Armor Piercing



Rate of Fire

*Crit chance

*Crit damage

**Faction Bane

Anything else


*only if the weapon is suited for a crit build - weapons with high crit chance like the bows and grataka are optimal for such

**only if facing a specific high-level faction.


This build works for most, if not all weapons. A few weapons have different builds - flux uses puncture, for example. But even then, if you go this way you can't go wrong.


One thing to note is that Serration and bane mods add damage multiplicatively, whereas elemental damages (freeze, pierce, fire and eletric) do so additively.

This means that, for a weapon with base damage 10, a level max serration (+165% damage) and a level max bane (+30%) damage will up your weapon to 10*2,65*1,3 = 34,45 base damage. Elemental damage is based on THIS value, so a +60% freeze damage will add 20,67 damage per shot.


If you're missing any of those mods, do not worry. Add everything you have (with damage mods coming first). Hopefully you'll get some useful mods while running the void. :)

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I do have serration with mod capacity 6 (that is level 2 I think) and level 1. 


I have armour piercing level 8 as well.

I have cryo rounds level 4 and also 3 level 1.


Here is what I currently have:

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I'm not sure if it's best for yu to rank up split chamber or serration, but one of those could use a boost.


If possible, rank them multiple times and lose fast hands.


Also, you don't use freeze for its damage, but for its effect, so there'd be no need to rank it - a rank 0 freeze mod would do the trick just fine.


Piercing hit, however, could use a boost in rank. :)

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So I could put in the level 8 armour piercing.


Okay, so the build so far:


Cryo rounds level 0,  2 mod slot V

Piercing hit level 4, 8 mod slot 

Serration level 2, 6 mod slot

Split chamber level 0,  10 mod slot.


I have another split chamber mod. Should I fuse it?

Edited by Atham
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So I could put in the level 8 armour piercing.


Okay, so the build so far:


Cryo rounds level 0,  2 mod slot V

Piercing hit level 4, 8 mod slot 

Serration level 2, 6 mod slot

Split chamber level 0,  10 mod slot.


I have another split chamber mod. Should I fuse it?


Don't fuse the other Split Chamber, save it for your Dethcube/Wyrm later on incase you don't get it again for awhile.


Will edit more, wanted to get that in there. 

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