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Why are all the PvP rooms dead



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People that get slaughtered in PvP aren't underpowered. They just aren't very good at it. Hitting a fast moving target is VERY different from stupid, tanky mobs that spawn in hordes. It is hard. But what did you expect? Warframes are practically demigod ninjas that litteraly bounce off the walls. That wouldn't be easy to hit in any game with any weapon.

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10 minutes ago, AperoBeltaTwo said:

So it has regional servers now? I didn't know that.

The Conclave has dedicated servers.

You are randomly thrown into a server, presumably that offers you the best ping. People then join on this server and the match starts.

The conclave is not peer to peer.

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Le 17/09/2017 à 11:22, VicRockefeller a dit :

And why is there only 4 of them?


I thought this game was supposed to be popular.

I know man. But the veterans of WF are busy ( space haha) farming,In this rooms you have to invite your friends, clan, stuff like that.

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On 11/20/2017 at 1:49 PM, polarity said:

Any PvP where seasoned veterans are matched with complete newcomers is bound to fail, because the first group may as well be playing PvE for all the challenge the majority of the opposition presents, while the second is never really given a chance to learn and improve, because they spend the huge majority of their time running from a spawn into combat, only to instantly die.

No-one is getting a good PvP experience, so you gradually lose any experienced players you had, while new players give up soon after starting, and then the experience of everyone just keeps getting worse.

It's a huge catch-22, where on the one hand, matchmaking by skill requires you to divide players into smaller groups, but on the other, you don't have enough players to divide them up without having too few to start matches.

Game designers frequently fail to consider that their games need to work with the number of players that they have, not just the number they want, so they have to put in systems to ensure that the game is playable when the game (or a system in it) is new, or outside of peak hours.

PvP game designers absolutely need to take this problem into account, and come up with some way to put both skilled and unskilled players into the same matches, without either group having their experience of the game diminished.

A couple of solutions used elsewhere are:

  • Handicaps.  eg. reduce the damage and health of players as their K/D ratio increases, while boosting it for low K/D ratio players.  UT had another great way of doing this with one of its mods, where the heads of the better players got bigger, making them an easier target for headshots.  It could also have encouraged players, when faced with 2 opponents, to pick the one who had the bigger head and was the bigger threat, by giving higher points rewards for killing more skilled players.
  • Skill-advantage minimizing mechanics.  Again in UT there was a mod, which added a set of relic pick-ups, that would spawn into the map at random locations and give various bonuses.  One for movement and firing speed, one for reduced damage taken, one for regenerating health and a higher max health, double damage, one that teleported you to a safe location and reset your health on taking fatal damage, and the most effective one at limiting skill, the vengeance relic, which shortly after the death of the player carrying it, would kill everyone else in line of sight.  That would reset the progress of the better players, who would most likely have lived long enough to collect all the best weapons and powerups.  You couldn't know who had what relic, so any time you killed someone you might get the player with the vengeance, and the players with the high K/Ds would have the highest chance of finding out who (they'd also have the best chance to get out of LoS in the few seconds before it exploded).  The only way to keep from getting killed by it would be to hang onto it yourself, which of course would leave all of the other relics available to the lower skilled players.  All-in-all it was an amazing system for leveling the playing field, while also introducing mechanics that made the game more fun.

And then you have a game type without these systems, which is where all of your players end up once they've both reached a reasonable level of skill, and have got bored of farming newbs, and want a real challenge.

Best comments so far!

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My beliefs on why :conclave: Conclave lobbies are empty in a nutshell: Always matched with lobbies as if lobbies were players. Wait about 15 mins. Leave because nobody joined or anyone who did left.



I think the real reason Conclave lobbies are often deserted (or populated by veterans or experts in the field) is the fact that the Tenno-hosted servers themselves are perceived by the 'matchmaking' system that we have now as actual Tenno, meaning it believes that the lobby already has a player, and so you get thrown into that empty lobby.

And spend half an hour, an hour, maybe even days, just waiting for a match to start. This waiting period often puts off people -even me- and has me trying to refresh the lobby somehow or resort to doing something else. Sometimes, when another does show up, they just quit. Not even willing to try.

Not to mention that if someone is matched with a veteran and hasn't got unique loadouts, they'll get torn to shreds (unless they're like me, with 10 loadouts with variety between them; some work, but not all are effective on everybody - that's from experience).



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I think I figured out the problem.

I wanted to check out a few things from the beginning of the game again so I made a new account and started checking stuff out (this is surprisingly fun by the way). Fairly quickly, while I was still MR0 someone who was at MR1 challenged me in the conclave, it was a blast. We chased each other all over the place and we both killed each other and laughed when we made mistakes. Then two other people showed up and we were spawn raped to death over and over till the guy who challenged me logged off completely. What bothered me the most about this is that they were unlikely to ever come back. I didnt after the first few experiences when I was new, why would they? What is someone with nothing but an unranked Bo going to do against someone with an assault rifle and all the other stuff they normally run around with? When you are new this isn't going to be at all interesting, or fun.

I managed to give them a bit of a chase, at least knowing how to run, jump and wall latch I was a pain in the neck to shoot, I lasted a little longer which pissed them off. While I was doing that, I was being openly mocked as a "fck'n noob" in chat. That last bit cemented my opinion of conclave and the people in it. 

The problem is that new people cant progress, and the people they cant progress against are frankly nasty and not someone you want to be around while you are trying to have fun.

So much for Conclave. Its users created its own demise. Im thinking of going back just to take screenshots, something needs fixing and it needs to be swift and violent.

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the main problem with PVP is that,

1. PVP ranking. They dont have that, they just dump every single one as long there are matchmaking.

I remember the 1st time i played i trash some one so bad and the 2nd time i got trashed real bad.


2. It doesnt give much rewards. So why would i want to spend time on this ? When the mods not all of them are that usefull.


3. You need to do weekly challenge to get alot of conclave point xd



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On 1/30/2018 at 7:15 AM, rudman88 said:

the main problem with PVP is that,

1. PVP ranking. They dont have that, they just dump every single one as long there are matchmaking.

I remember the 1st time i played i trash some one so bad and the 2nd time i got trashed real bad.

2. It doesnt give much rewards. So why would i want to spend time on this ? When the mods not all of them are that usefull.

3. You need to do weekly challenge to get alot of conclave point xd

That's all fascinating stuff, and because its not any fun I didnt even know there ARE rewards of any kind, and that's another problem:

You arrive, Tashan tells you stuff that doesn't mean much to new users, and then you die till you quit. You have to quit, there is no graceful exit, and that makes the foolishness that just happened to you sort of embarrassing.

I sort of knew there was points, but I didn't know there were weekly challenges... I guess spawn rape isn't challenging enough.

Thank you for this, Im going to login as brand new me and see if I can learn some more.It's one thing to know what the problems are (and I dont fully as of yet) but its another thing, and FAR more useful to be able to say: "Change this, and here's how" and actually make a concrete suggestion. So, thats what im going to try to do, Figure this out and find a way to make it more fun.

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