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Take A Break From Making New Frames


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Anyone else think that DE should take a break from making a new frame for now to balance out the ones we have now? Frames like Loki, Mag, Ash, and Volt are falling behind. The newer frames like Vauban and Nova seemed to have pushed the bar upwards of what a frame should be, and DE should just take a small hiatus (like right before update 10) before they start talking about new frames again. Even Excalibur needs a few touches up here and there (but if you change any skills I will personally hunt you down) and he is regarded as one of the more balanced of the frames. 

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-Take a break making new frame  Yaaay!  :D


-For balance    Noooooo please god no! !, no more balance

Why no balance? So you want all frames to have a clear cut advantage over all the others, rendering them obsolete? Because DE said they didn't.

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First off: If you have PM'd me, I am sorry I have sucked so badly at answering. I am digging out of the avalache right now...




Thanks so much for the kudos, flames and passionate feedback we've received on Update 9. As usual, we tried cramming as much as possible into 9 and made a few messes we need to clean up. Here is an apologetically toned response to my forum readings so far:


Warframes - General answer to "What? No fix for ___'s Power?" I know Ember is under the microscope as we speak... we're always trying to improve your favorite and make it God Tier!



Pretty sure that they're not making new 'frames.


And even if they ARE making new 'frames, I'm sure they're not TOTALLY ignoring the reworks.

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Pretty sure that they're not making new 'frames.


And even if they ARE making new 'frames, I'm sure they're not TOTALLY ignoring the reworks.

I know DE loves us, I'm just saying they can't concentrate on something as important as this if they are continuously pumping out new frames to unbalance things even further. And why wouldn't they make another frame? Not now since Nova just got here, but they usually drop hints like a month apart and then release a week or 2 afterwards.

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While I don't agree with balance (it's not something that ever gets obtained anyways), I do feel like most of the frames need at least a little work, and some (Mag in particular) need a great deal. To me this is less about equivalency however, and more about implementation. I don't think frames need, or even necessarily ought, to be equally effective, however each ability, and each kit should be capable of fulfilling its purpose. At present this simply isn't true, even the well balanced frames have abilities which simply aren't efficient.


So yeah, while I love seeing new frames and weapons, I'd love to see a comprehensive work over on the abilities which aren't up to scratch more.

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Great argument. You deserve a Nobel Prize for your arguments, even tying it up with the apartheid of South Africa and how they are equally wrong. BRILLIANT! gtfo

Worked for Nelson!


But seriously, if you had been paying attention to the livestreams and the like, they are already working on improvements of existing frames. In fact they've done so on both of the previous livestreams, which was followed by quite a few updates of existing frames. It's best to never use the word 'balance' with regards to this PvE oriented game, because it doesn't float well. And if you're not inherently familiar with how game development works, it's not one dude doing all the work, it's separate people working on separate things, whether it's art for new things, or coding for existing things.

Any other brilliant rebuttals to a pointless proposition?

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Great argument. You deserve a Nobel Prize for your arguments, even tying it up with the apartheid of South Africa and how they are equally wrong. BRILLIANT! gtfo


im sorry, einstein, you asked if anyone else think that DE should take a break from making new frames?


simple question, simple answer, smarty.



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They just need to balance within the game, not necissarily against each other in every situation. I think they're close, but some do need work.

I know the Devs (particularly Steve) are already on it, so I'm good.

DE never really let me down before (except for Volt's rework) so I have faith. This is just a certain worry I have. I trust the Dev team as they never fail to listen to what we have to say here instead of ignoring us.

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Worked for Nelson!


But seriously, if you had been paying attention to the livestreams and the like, they are already working on improvements of existing frames. In fact they've done so on both of the previous livestreams, which was followed by quite a few updates of existing frames. It's best to never use the word 'balance' with regards to this PvE oriented game, because it doesn't float well. And if you're not inherently familiar with how game development works, it's not one dude doing all the work, it's separate people working on separate things, whether it's art for new things, or coding for existing things.

Any other brilliant rebuttals to a pointless proposition?

I am not stupid. I know how this S#&$ works because i infact do watch the livestreams. I already know they are fixing some frames. But look what happened, Nova came along and people just jump on that Molecular Prime biz. And when someone finds something more effective then what they are already doing, it takes alot to change their opinion that their previous frame doesn't suck eggs. I know what art is and what coding is and that their are different people working on them. I'm not some ignorant little 12 year old whining about nothing, I have a general concern for the game's balance (I know it can't be perfect but at least try). I;m also not saying no to new content. I just said to simply hold off a bit on NEW FRAMES. Not new content. Whats the point of pumping out frames when they get increasingly &#!-ier the more they go by?

Edited by Solaurus
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Anyone else think that DE should take a break from making a new frame for now to balance out the ones we have now? Frames like Loki, Mag, Ash, and Volt are falling behind. The newer frames like Vauban and Nova seemed to have pushed the bar upwards of what a frame should be, and DE should just take a small hiatus (like right before update 10) before they start talking about new frames again. Even Excalibur needs a few touches up here and there (but if you change any skills I will personally hunt you down) and he is regarded as one of the more balanced of the frames. 

DE already said that they're looking into "bettering all frames to make them god tier" 


You should read what they post and watch the live streams. 

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No new frames.
Balance and repair all frames now.

Balance Frost. Snow glob is OP but other skills are useless

Volt: Ultimate 4th skill problem (low damage because of not enough electronic around)

Nova: Ultimate 4th is too powerful, explosion have too mutch metres radius and too mutch damage now it make 800 damage it should do about 300-400 damage. her 1st skill is little too powerful (armor ignore, triple damage to infested) even Ash shurikens 1st skill doesn't ignore armor and deal triple damage only for light-infested)

Ash: teleport is s*it. after teleport he should kick enemy or could be abble to attack immediately.

Banshee: too weak ultimate skill 4th

Ember: Fire blast have bug, doesn't make damage to all targets.

Excalibur: 1st skill can kill too many enemies (he should be abble to kill max 5 targets) or making too many damage. Radial blind 12 seconds of blinding and 14 metres radius???!!! o_O what the hell?, super jump it should add damage and bigger AoE of melee jump attack, Radial javelin add a block, that only 1 javelin can hit one target (bacuse being too close to targets multiple javelin can hit making too much damage)

Frost: snow glove up it's too small and cost 50 energy? it should cost 75energy and be bigger because enemies inside can still shot you. Freeze should freeze 1 target for 5 seconds no matter if it's take damage or not. Ice wave the pieces of ice should stay on the map for 10 seconds and when shoted making 40 armor piercing damage and stagger targets from the ice sharps. Avalanche should slow all targets for 15 seconds 20 metres radius.

Loki: Radial disarm: seomthing must be add or changed.

Mag: Crush 20 metres radius needed and more damage.

Nyx: Psychic bolts should confuse enemies for 6-7 seconds. something with first skill chain reaction maybe 3 targets

Rhino: Roar Longer time 20-25.

Saryn: Venom spores on enemies should be bigger and shoting them cause posion explosion making stagger and damage on targets around. Molt when it's destroyed should cause poison on around targets. Contagion should make bigger damage on the last level 100% because when adding Focus Energy and Rending Strike to melee weapons it boost too low damage.

Vauban: Tesla one use = 3 teslas 150 damage for less time 20 seconds , Bounce useless skill, maybe bigger range 5x and 2 seocnds beetwen uses. Vortex bigger damage. (I don't know where is a problem. On the PVP it make 200 damage to shield, but on the targets on PVE it make low damage, maybe armor piercing).Bastile should have limit to 10 targets and to others to slow them down just like in PVP

Trinity: using Link should automaticly turn off all other woriking skills on enemies and shold don't be able to cast them.

Edited by IfritKajiTora
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