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I was thinking how much fun this could be in nightmare mode. What if they randomized the powers and let you only use powers and melee only. Could be interesting and kind of fun. Think if they randomized your A-side and B-side powers on a defense map, so a Frost that came in thinking he was going to be a defense character had his powers flipped to his B-side which are now made to be offensive.

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No No NO! Do not WoWify warframe please. Not every frame should be the same and do every job. There are far better and easier ways to add diversity amongst frames than to "give xcal rhino Roar lol". The only way I could see this suggestion as good is if the B-side powers still fit into the frames roll. Ie, no group buffs on assault frames.

Edited by WARLOCKE
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I've always been on board with more customization, but a decent chunk of the abilities that are already out there are pretty useless and/or broken, so I would appreciate a rework of those first before they get to adding more. I do want more abilities, but again, DE should work on what they know and making it better before introducing more components to the mix. 

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I've always been on board with more customization, but a decent chunk of the abilities that are already out there are pretty useless and/or broken, so I would appreciate a rework of those first before they get to adding more. I do want more abilities, but again, DE should work on what they know and making it better before introducing more components to the mix. 


I think reworking old powers and adding new could easily go hand in hand, why work on one thing at a time and then have to rework them wth a new set. If your tackling the whole project at once they will fit together better in the end.

No No NO! Do not WoWify warframe please. Not every frame should be the same and do every job. There are far better and easier ways to add diversity amongst frames than to "give xcal rhino Roar lol". The only way I could see this suggestion as good is if the B-side powers still fit into the frames roll. Ie, no group buffs on assault frames.

No one said at any point, swap the frames powers with other frames. I don't and I don't think anyone else who has responded wants this. The idea isn't to give Rhino roar to another character or frost snow globe to Mag or whom ever, it is to allow the Frame that is your favorite and the one you would like to play the most, the ability to be more than a one function Frame or a one trick pony. 


Leaving them as they are now, you are asking that these frames be tiered and some to be excluded from missions in the "end game."  I myself think it has a lot to do with skill of the player how well a Frame can do in any given mission, but thousands of other people would disagree with me and have labeled some of these Frames "useless" at higher levels, and have done so only because their abilities are not up to the level of others or can not be as widely useful as some. Do we really only want a handful of Frames being used in certain roles and the rest collecting dust? I don't. 


On that note I was thinking, maybe the B-side would only open after the Frame was level 30, this way people would know and learn the "classic" role of the character before, and see what is the Frames strength and weakness before having the option to swap out the A and B.

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No one said at any point, swap the frames powers with other frames. I don't and I don't think anyone else who has responded wants this. The idea isn't to give Rhino roar to another character or frost snow globe to Mag or whom ever, it is to allow the Frame that is your favorite and the one you would like to play the most, the ability to be more than a one function Frame or a one trick pony. 


I'm just here for more alternative powers for all frames. What nonsense are you going on about WARLOKE? 

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so in the mod cards skill there must be write skill number 1 or something like that because someone will level up this skill to max and another skill to max too and then he realize that he can't put these 2 mods because this is 2 skills that are the first skill.
Or just for more combination the polarize slots for mods. Polarize slots for powers wil have numbers 1,2,3 and 4. 1 is for key number 1 2 for key number 2. blablabla
so we can combine from these all 8 skills. for example with no ultimate skills.

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Love this!! :D


So, with this logic in mind for example, Volt's team AoE speed buff would turn into an AoE slow to enemies near Volt... and then the shield, instead of being static with a slight damage boost, it'd become what was mentioned earlier, a mobile (most likely sticks to the player) shield that knocks back/down, and staggers whatever enemy it bumps into. That would let you use a combo like using A for Speed and B for the shield to give you that football player feel running through enemies! Correct me if I'm wrong here somewhere. :)

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Love this!! :D


So, with this logic in mind for example, Volt's team AoE speed buff would turn into an AoE slow to enemies near Volt... and then the shield, instead of being static with a slight damage boost, it'd become what was mentioned earlier, a mobile (most likely sticks to the player) shield that knocks back/down, and staggers whatever enemy it bumps into. That would let you use a combo like using A for Speed and B for the shield to give you that football player feel running through enemies! Correct me if I'm wrong here somewhere. :)

I like where your head is at. I hate to shoot you down because you could really be onto something here, This thread really isn't about coming up with the other powers or what there may possibly be. The thread was more of an idea of how DE can give us (the player) more ways to really get in and make these Frames our own. I would love to be able to use most of my Frames for more than the small area they claim as their own, Frost on D, Nyx on CC, Excal on newb duty.


This idea could really offer some different ways to play these Frames and allow some of them to see more action out there. If you want to give some B-side ideas, hey go for it. so far you have come up with some good ideas, but keep in mind the thread was just an idea I thought might be worth sharing with the community and hopefully DE might see it and think it might work.

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Admittedly, on each of my frames I have that one power I never really use outside of one specific mission type or other- skills like Antimatter Drop, Freeze, Shield Polarize, etc.
Being able to look at a mission and say "Oh look, a Grineer mission" and swap out my weapon mods for more armor piercing or "Oh look, Infested mission" to swap for more fire damage is one thing, but being able to look at the mission type itself and say "I can use Snow Globe more on a Corpus Defense than I can on a Raid" is quite another. It also means a higher chance I won't kick myself so hard for wasting energy accidentally pushing a worthless button.

Plus the flipped-cards idea means I don't have to search my inventory of unused mods, I can just push a button on the card and auto-swap it.

Prototype for Mag, just off the top of my head:
Pull can be flipped to have the original single-target, ally-pulling version, with a longer stagger or higher damage portion on single-target enemies. Or just some kind of lame ranged attack, meh.
Shield Polarize can be flipped for a radial skill that reduces enemy armor instead of shields, but lacks the allied buff.
Bullet Attractor can be flipped for some kind of defensive buff, I suppose, like a reverse Absorb that automatically reflects bullets aimed at you, or an allied version of Bullet Attractor that pairs well with Nyx, decoys or a tank. (coughtrollskillcough)
(Swap those last two if you want, doesn't really matter)
Crush can be flipped for a longer CC-focused ability, like a skill that magnetizes everyone's feet to the floor they're standing on (and buff the original flavor Crush to deal armor-piercing damage).
That way you can spec out for pure damage or CC/utility at your leisure, or a mix of both to fit your usual playstyle, while keeping the original themes of the class.

Edited by Archwizard
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An expanded power list with the limitation of 4 Abilities at a time would certainly bring magnitudes of customizable gameplay. there have to be limits though in how the powers are made. By this I mean really only 2 of each "power type" would be present.


So taking Nova as an example. Only two skills would be of "Molecular Prime" type power. Though arguable Antimatter Drop already is that powerful. It would be up to Scott.

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In the new nightmare mode there is a mode where energy for powers drain quickly. Think about that and random powers of the A or B side, how much fun...

That drain btw seems to be based on if the whole team has maxed Energy Siphons. It's brutal and best to only go to Wave 5.

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