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Game Seems Low In Performance Lately...


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ive noticed it too, I think its the new infested ancients and when they ragdoll all over the screen it causes skipping and slowdown, happens a lot at the earth mobile defence when killing ancients with a flux rifle

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When this occurs when you host -> check ur harddisk (age, chkdsk, defrag..) and abort all unneeded processes and windows gimmicks (google this). 


When this occurs when you're the client -> host sux



Also check to make sure your system and drivers are up to date. DE did a few things to better the game for players with lower level rigs. I have noticed the game using what seems to be a few more resources, probably to help players running older GPUs and systems.


Try testing out your game on different in-game settings and PC settings, also use software to monitor your CPU, GPU, FPS and Temp, might be a legitimate problem you could show to DE.

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And Vortex causes the game to go back to stone age fps, quite annoying.

Well thats more on your system. Drops in FPS from certain features being used is more cause of stress on resources from your CPU and GPU. As the game gets more polished, more players will find its getting harder to play.

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Eh, game seems fine on:






8GB of 1600MHz


Game only lags when someone Molecular Primes. Otherwise, it runs 120FPS.


They definitely can optimize in both directions, though.


Oh, and add CPU PhysX!

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Eh, game seems fine on:






8GB of 1600MHz


Game only lags when someone Molecular Primes. Otherwise, it runs 120FPS.


They definitely can optimize in both directions, though.


Oh, and add CPU PhysX!

Seeing as the PS4 is all AMD based hardware and it will also have PhysX, i see no reason why we can't get CPU PhysX for the master race.

Also, i've noticed some framerate drop in high level defense where there wasn't any before, used to run at 80-90 fps above wave 15 and now dropping below 60.

And alot of my Void runs with Clannies have been a bit more laggy than usual when we have 4 in a lobby but when we only have 3 it seems to be fine. not sure whats going on but i expect it will be fixed with the next patch.


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There's already this thread guys (also this should be in the performance bugs section):




Currently the most annoying performance issue I get is when I host a mobile defense void mission. For some reason, almost all of my squadmates in the lobby will get kicked and usually only one or none gets past the black "waiting for players" loading screen. I try to send invites again from in-game but they get "failed to join" errors.


While in the mission, my squadmate(s) lag horribly, doors take 10 seconds to open, takes forever to switch weapons, and this also happens to me and I'm the host! This is even with no enemies encountered yet. Even bringing up the menu to abort the mission lags noticeably, and when the abort is initiated we are stuck in a black screen limbo taking a loooooong time to go back to the main menu (we can still use squad chat though).


This has been reported as well by a lot of my clanmates, and only started after U9 with the void expansion, we've dubbed this bug "hostception". :D


Note that this does not happen when I host other void mission types: capture, defense, raid, exterminate so that throws out the "I have a craptastic ISP" theory (I have 1-1.5 mbps upload). After my last hostception earlier I immediately created a T3 defense lobby, and we all made it to the mission, squadmates reported no lag and smooth gameplay.

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The main thing I have noticed as each update goes by is the speed is being decreased to the point the fun is going away and carpel tunnel is setting in because I have to press sprint so freaking much.  My Shift key stops working a lot too, thought it was my keyboard but tested outside the game and it was not.

So I wonder if this is an intentional way of slowing people down even further, I hope not... but yeah, sloooow as puke, makes the game seem boring when it's not as twitchy as it once was.

Luckily with Orthos you can still sort of make it spin into slightly faster pace by swinging and making your body move forward a little faster, but again, fingers get tired after a while.

Please, speed up the game again, people that want a stroll in the park seriously need to find another game, or play noob mode.  I know it sounds harsh but I am afraid if more of the fun is sucked out by slowing things down, you will lose a lot of your player base.



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I have an AMD p2 955 @ 3.7ghz

Paired with a gtx560-ti in sli


The problem with the game is that it offloads some gpu functions to the cpu.


Having physx on itself is a crime. Even if you have a 2nd gpu to offload it to.


I switched off reflections,dynamic lighting, all voids are 60-90fps with moderate enemies. With swarms it drops to 40fps.

Earlier with both enabled, it dropped to 13~23fps making it a slideshow during heavy swarms. Sometimes when the new ancients are shot with a projectile weapon the fps drops are insane.


Yes ofc intel master race will have no problems and half the amd population cant even notice the drops.

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I think its the new infested ancients and when they ragdoll all over the screen it causes skipping and slowdown, happens a lot at the earth mobile defence when killing ancients with a flux rifle

I've noticed that too. At first I thought it's Nova's Molecular Prime but the weird behaviour of ancient corpses seems to be more plausible since it doesn't always happen upon explosion.


Maybe it's a combination of the two because Molecular Prime causes a lot of damage/force from dozens of sources, which might overload whatever does the physics processing (compared to other AE damage powers that only have a single source of damage).

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I hosted several T3 void mobile defenses yesterday and performance was dreadful. I know, void has performance issues. 4770k @ 4.4 with GTX 680 SLI i shouldn't have any problems but i was going down to single digits. Even my rig gets down to it's knees.

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I hosted several T3 void mobile defenses yesterday and performance was dreadful. I know, void has performance issues. 4770k @ 4.4 with GTX 680 SLI i shouldn't have any problems but i was going down to single digits. Even my rig gets down to it's knees.


Ah this confirms my suspicions regarding poor void mobile defense optimization then - even high-end rigs like yours suffer. It's definitely something on DE's end I think.

Edited by Tulzscha
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Oh, and add CPU PhysX!

If you're referring to the PhysX Effects option in the video configuration that's for PhysX enhanced particle effects ie: smoke, explosions, water, etc. Otherwise the PhysX engine will auto select either cpu/gpu for player/environment interaction.

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