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New/improved enemy


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Dear Warframe,

I'm new so sorry for any mix ups or confusions. I was thinking of a new/improved enemy to make the game seem interesting or at least keep the pro players entertained. Basically I was thinking of improving the stalker by adding something to him. As we know the War sword was broken and with all the new weapons coming to the game it makes the War seem obsolete or weak or simply not worth keeping. Well I was wondering what if y'all made the stalker and the infested work together similar to Alad V? Not only does the stalker get stronger and more complex but so does the War where the infested merge with the broken war and turn it into a Mutalist War. Making it stronger than before. And Infested Stalker gains infested like abilities such like if he stabbed the ground with the Mutalist War which causes infested streams to spread in multiple directions similar to Nidus stomp but near the ends long tencacles like hydroid's last ability start to spread out and attack nearby Tenno but look more infested like. I don't know where I should post these kind of things at so I hope I get a response to at least tell me where I should post them. This is more than about getting a new weapon but also a new enemy that only advanced players who have completed a certain mission or quest can fight. Afterwards the Infested stalker would hunt them down also and maybe even have different a entry than the original. Maybe it's a quest to hunt down the stalker but the lotus warns that only advanced Tenno can do the quest which would require you to be of a certain but fair level. Maybe by completing the entire solar system or just simply leveling up to a certain high level. That way players would have to actually play the game and so newbies don't speed through it. I really hope y'all are interested cause I know there are players who have told me that this idea would be awesome for both the game and the War by bringing it back into the spotlight. 

Rank 24 player


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You're not a pro player you're a veteran (sorry i don't know why but veteran players saying they are "pro" agitates me cause it assumes you make a some sort of profit off of playing Warframe which who the F*** does sorry rant over). but i would agree with you having a strong, evolving enemy that players can work towards as they progress through the game would be really cool. I do think they would have to separate them from normal missions (unlike how stalker invades you on random missions if your marked) just so you're not in a mission with low level newbies and all of a sudden a 1 hitting, learning, death machine comes in and wrecks the whole crew. So maybe like you said above even after the initial quest you can hunt down the enemy over multiple missions for a nice challenge and good rewards. 

I do hope that with POE the eidolens will satisfy this  to some extent but if it involves the operator it will probably be more gimmicky than challenging. 

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  • 2 months later...

Well I wasn’t really considering myself a pro player but what I meant was that players who basically have everything and pretty much knows everything about Warframe. They deserve an opponent worthy of their experience. Of their rank. 

Stalker was just the start since he hunts the Tenno and with the advanced weapons we now have plus warframes he is no longer that much of a threat. The infested stalker would only appear like in very specific missions like maybe infested invasion missions. Kind of like how the gustrag three only appear in grineer tile sets and the zanuka hunter only appears in corpus tile set and they both only mark you for death if you assist their opponents in the invasion. 

I just want something new. Very new. And improved. Like improved security where you have to dodge lasers, turrets, blades, traps, etc.. So we aren’t just running in circles shooting at tough enemies. The kind of improvements that won’t just test your ability to use warframes in a strategic sort of way but to also test your reflexes and skills no matter which warframe you use. Basically to prove that you can use any warframe and win. Like a combination of the drift mod tests, beginner MR test, and even the dojo obstacle course. But an actual mission.

I was even thinking of a type of test or contest where players can meet up like in the relay or somewhere and actually go through of those crazy different tests and obstacles and the winner is the one who finishes first. Maybe bets can be made or rewards could be given to the top 3. Just something that can get players to challenge each other without having to visit somebody’s dojo. 

Either way I’m just trying to figure out some things that can at least be thought about when the next updates for improving warframe comes out. 

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