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if ivara got reworked


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2 hours ago, yles9056 said:

When it comes to weapon, Navigator is only useful when using a few weapons. To be more specific, Zenistar is likely the only reason why people use Navigator. This is not ok IMO.

If you're not annoying your teammates by flying Quanta cubes around their heads then I really don't know what you even built Ivara for. :v

(Serious mention goes to the control and amplification of explosives, though. Shame you have to tank Duration to make the multiplier scale up at a reasonable rate.)

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On 30.9.2017 at 7:15 AM, Shadowyone said:

let me start of by saying she is my most favorite frame and i play her in missions where the general player base would not want you to play with her mainly cause if you are not careful you can get 1 shot by npc's. that being said their are alot of things with playing ivara as much as i do that i would change 1 straight away is her navigator ability is never used unless i have a weapon with punch through so i can snipe a enemy or camera that a newbie in sorties is going to accidentally run into and ruin the whole spy mission or to see whats around the corner. if that ability got changed in a way that would make it more used that would be great. also her ult(Artemis bow) is not that great you literally have to build an ivara to purely make her ult even viable in sortie missions only really use it when i have a sucky weapon and it require me to use said sucky weapon. and i have built an artemis bow build and she is literally a glass cannon and not a good glass cannon either cause in late sortie you fall down like alot. would much rather have it be like her first ability to where you can choose how you want it to work. basically i would set up her ult to either be a bow or crossbow the bow if you want to shoot arrows in a line and the crossbow if you want to shoot the arrows very rapidly in 1 spot. i still don't like her ultimate being reliable on her weapon but i guess that is warframe for you some people are going to hate certain game mechanics but hopefully my suggestion helps me want to use her ult more but to be honest i would use it more if it wasn't reliable on weapon mods sure its a cool mechanic but i don't use her like that.

also her passive is ok and the navigator ability is ok. why not just make her navigator ability part of her passive but in like a new mechanic to where your arrows sort of have auto aim to nearby enemies you shoot at whilst still having the sense enemies ability and give her a different ability besides the navigator ability.

i really hate navigator is my most least used ability if if i would i would make all her ability's except prowl like her 1st ability cause honestly 2 and 4 suck so bad. personally i would make her a huntress and make her 2nd ability to where she drops a turret that would be way more useful. i would also make the 4th ability to where you can pick a bow that can do automatic 1st ability fire in alt fire or crossbow that when you click alt fire shoots a explosive round. would totally not make her ult not rely on ability strength even tho that's like her only attack ability but to be honest no other ability uses ability strength except prowl  and navigator and prowl i don't care about headshots if the ability only lasts 8-12 seconds due to high strength mods to make ivaras Artemis bow viable.

sure i may get some hate from other ivara players saying i either don't play her right or whatever but honestly when you are being surrounded by energy leeches or bubbles or what ever saps all your energy she is not even a cannon anymore shes just a freaking piece of glass. her 2nd and 4th abilitys need a change/update i know people already love those ability's but in my eyes are never used cause they suck. disagree with me all you want i'v been using ivara non-stop since she came out. i can't wait for ivara prime hopefully she has more shields and energy cause if they give her armor or health it was a huge waste.

also once they take away zenuiriks passive prob never playing ivara again cause my whole build revolves and rely's on that being part of my toolkit. only thing that would make me play ivara again is if they change the 2nd and 4th abilities.

As you mentioned in your fourth paragraph, you do actually not really understand how Ivara may be played. And this is not out of hate. I do not care enough for to even hate on this. However you throw around false accusations about things so blatantly.

"You have to build Ivara to make her ult even viable": Not only do you go on and say that you're using a sucky weapon, which basicly means you're making her ult less powerful (weapon mods scale into her ult!), but you also claim you HAVE to build around it for sortie. Ivaras Ult can easily go through sortie with a properly modded weapon on 100% power strength. And don't try to tell me now that you have to build the weapon for the ult. In general, the weapon will also benefit from building for the ult.

Navigator is not a powerful ability, but there are certain combinations that make this ability interesting. For instance take the Zenistars charged attack. You create a UFO of doom. Also, this may become vastly more powerful in the upcoming PoE for long range "sniping".

"Make her 2nd ability a turret": This does in no way suit her them.

"Make the 4th ability a bow with 1st ability fire in alt fire": The Artemis bow ALREADY DOES THIS. Hit MMB to fire your selected first ability.

"Make Ult not rely on ability strength": Play more warframes. Damage generally relies on ability strength and usualy means you sacrifice other stats. Yet exalted weapons usually perform well without high power strength values, if you create proper weapon modding for them.

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12 hours ago, yles9056 said:

When it comes to weapon, Navigator is only useful when using a few weapons. To be more specific, Zenistar is likely the only reason why people use Navigator. This is not ok IMO.

True. There are only a few weapons the can be used with Navigator. Seems like people are ignoring the fact that it synergizes well with Quiver too though.

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On 9/30/2017 at 1:15 AM, Shadowyone said:

let me start of by saying she is my most favorite frame and i play her in missions where the general player base would not want you to play with her mainly cause if you are not careful you can get 1 shot by npc's. that being said their are alot of things with playing ivara as much as i do that i would change 1 straight away is her navigator ability is never used unless i have a weapon with punch through so i can snipe a enemy or camera that a newbie in sorties is going to accidentally run into and ruin the whole spy mission or to see whats around the corner. if that ability got changed in a way that would make it more used that would be great. also her ult(Artemis bow) is not that great you literally have to build an ivara to purely make her ult even viable in sortie missions only really use it when i have a sucky weapon and it require me to use said sucky weapon. and i have built an artemis bow build and she is literally a glass cannon and not a good glass cannon either cause in late sortie you fall down like alot. would much rather have it be like her first ability to where you can choose how you want it to work. basically i would set up her ult to either be a bow or crossbow the bow if you want to shoot arrows in a line and the crossbow if you want to shoot the arrows very rapidly in 1 spot. i still don't like her ultimate being reliable on her weapon but i guess that is warframe for you some people are going to hate certain game mechanics but hopefully my suggestion helps me want to use her ult more but to be honest i would use it more if it wasn't reliable on weapon mods sure its a cool mechanic but i don't use her like that.

also her passive is ok and the navigator ability is ok. why not just make her navigator ability part of her passive but in like a new mechanic to where your arrows sort of have auto aim to nearby enemies you shoot at whilst still having the sense enemies ability and give her a different ability besides the navigator ability.

i really hate navigator is my most least used ability if if i would i would make all her ability's except prowl like her 1st ability cause honestly 2 and 4 suck so bad. personally i would make her a huntress and make her 2nd ability to where she drops a turret that would be way more useful. i would also make the 4th ability to where you can pick a bow that can do automatic 1st ability fire in alt fire or crossbow that when you click alt fire shoots a explosive round. would totally not make her ult not rely on ability strength even tho that's like her only attack ability but to be honest no other ability uses ability strength except prowl  and navigator and prowl i don't care about headshots if the ability only lasts 8-12 seconds due to high strength mods to make ivaras Artemis bow viable.

sure i may get some hate from other ivara players saying i either don't play her right or whatever but honestly when you are being surrounded by energy leeches or bubbles or what ever saps all your energy she is not even a cannon anymore shes just a freaking piece of glass. her 2nd and 4th abilitys need a change/update i know people already love those ability's but in my eyes are never used cause they suck. disagree with me all you want i'v been using ivara non-stop since she came out. i can't wait for ivara prime hopefully she has more shields and energy cause if they give her armor or health it was a huge waste.

also once they take away zenuiriks passive prob never playing ivara again cause my whole build revolves and rely's on that being part of my toolkit. only thing that would make me play ivara again is if they change the 2nd and 4th abilities.

First off, i use navigator constantly. Weapons with innate punch through are best if you're looking for that kind of thing. I use it mostly on allies that are downed in spots I cannot easily aim to in order to cloak them and I use it in LOR on allies that are on pads so they don't get targeted. I've also used it a few times with my cerata. Trust me there are plenty of uses for it.

Second, Artimus bow is incredible, I use it in sorties all the time with just a simple intensify equipped with no additional power mods. I have a sortie boss killer build with no more than a transient fortitude and I easily deal most damage in both situation. If you're not then it's not the Artimus bow, it's your weapon.

Remember, the bow synergizes with rifles and rifle mods. If you're using anything but then your Artimus bow is going to deal very little for damage. Alternatively, if you are and you're still not dealing good damage, it's still not the bow. It's you and how you are modding your weapon. I am always getting compliments on my Artimus bow. Talk to an Ivara main, they can probably teach you a thing or two about the frame, how to build her, and how to use her.

Edited by (PS4)Knuckles2184
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Navigator is amazing when used conjuntion with a Glaive weapon power throw. I even have a build for using the augment for it. You can deal some massive damage doing this, and because of innate punchthrough of a glaive p powerthrow, you can keep it up endlessly without it bouncing around everywhere. You become a lawnmower of destruction :D .


A small QoL change I would like though is that the map follows navigator the projectile instead of sitting on Ivara herself.  

Edited by -Bv-Qrow
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